How do I search for more than one word?
Daypop automatically finds pages that include all the words in your query. Searches are not case-sensitive. Search results are ranked. The ranking takes into account the nearness of search terms. Pages where the search terms occur close to each other are more likely to be ranked higher.
How do I limit my search to weblog pages? Or news sites?
The pull-down menu next to the Search button has options for searching News sites, Weblogs or News & Weblogs. There's also the option to search RSS Headlines from feeds that are monitored by NewsIsFree.
How do I force Daypop to search for words that it normally ignores, like "the"?
Certain words, like "the", slow down the search and generally do not improve the quality of the search results. However, you can force Daypop to find documents with these words by prefixing them with a plus-sign. For example, +the.
How do I force Daypop to ignore pages that contain a certain word?
By prefixing the word with a minus-sign
you can find pages that don't have that word. Example,
How do I search for a specific phrase?
You can enclose the phrase in quotes: "the unbearable lightness of being"
Also, certain characters are phrase-connectors, meaning words joined by these characters are automatically considered part of the same phrase. For example, searching for the-unbearable-lightness-of-being is equivalent to searching for the phrase in quotes above.
Phrase connectors are the characters: period, dash, slash, underscore, backslash, and ampersand.
Phrase connectors make it easy to search for dates (for example, month, day and year separated by slashes) and decimal numbers, among other things.
You can specify multiple phrases in a query.
How do I search for pages that link to a certain URL?
Daypop calls a link to a page a Citation. Here's an example of the query used to search for pages that link to Daypop: "link:www.daypop.com". Webloggers can use this feature to find out who's linking to their blog.
How do I limit my search to a specific language or country?
The Advanced Search page has checkboxes for selecting which languages to limit your search to, as well as checkboxes to limit your search to specific countries.
Daypop: Searching the Living Web...
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