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Department Seal Proceedings of the Washington Conference
On Holocaust-Era Assets

Released by the Office of the Coordinator for the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets, Washington, DC, April 1999
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The proceedings of the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets are available on this
site as a series of Adobe Acrobat PDF files. The proceedings are also available from the
U.S. Government Printing Office. The ISBN number is 0-16-049949-6, and the stock number is 044-000-02517-5, and the cost is $61.00. You can phone (202-512-1800) or fax (202-512-2250)
your order using Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.

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Proceedings of the Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets

Note: To view the following PDF files, you must first download Acrobat(R) Reader from Adobe(R). (Installation
and web browser instructions are included.) Or, to convert the PDF document to HTML, note the file's
URL (listed beneath each file), then go to: and
type (or copy and paste from this page) the file name into the form which appears on that page and select
the conversion option you prefer.

Letter from the Editor

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Opening Statements

Chapter 2: Concluding Statements

Chapter 3: Delegation Statements

Chapter 4: Nazi-Confiscated Art Issues

Chapter 5: Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims

Chapter 6: Communal Property

Chapter 7: Archives, Books, and the Role of Historical Commissions

Chapter 8: Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research


[end of table of contents]

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