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U.S. Department of State
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Under Secretary for Management
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Fighting Terrorism
 - Antiterrorism Assistance Program
 - Counterintelligence Investigations
 - Intelligence and Threat Analysis
 - Mobile Tactical Support Teams
 - Overseas Security Advisory Council
 - Protective Intelligence Investigations
 - Regional Security Officers
 - Rewards for Justice Program
 - Safety and Security for Children Overseas
 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Program

Fighting Terrorism

American flag on fire.Terrorism is the biggest concern of Foreign Service employees and their families assigned to posts overseas. Fighting terrorism abroad requires major effort and great coordination between DS program managers and regional security officers at U.S. embassies.

DS also works with other federal agencies, the intelligence community, international law enforcement agencies, and the private sector to prevent terrorism against Americans overseas and at home.

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