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Official death toll from tsunamis reaches nearly 5,200
  BANGKOK, Jan 4 (TNA) - The official death toll from last week's tsunamis has reached nearly 5,200, with over 8,000 injured and nearly 4,000 still missing. According to the latest figures from the government's tsunami relief centre yesterday evening, 5,187 people died in the tragedy, while 8,457 were...

Rescue operations ceased in some tsunami-affected areas

BANGKOK, Jan 3 (TNA) - The government's relief and rescue centre for tsunami victims today ceased its rescue operations in most of affected areas in Thailand's southern Andaman coastlines.

Interior Minister Bhokin Bhalakula told journalists here this aft...


TU's relief centre to be closed after Tuesday's midnight

BANGKOK, Jan 3 (TNA) - Thammasat University's Rangsit Campus, which has turned itself to become a 24-hour relief centre for foreign tourists surviving from last week's tsunami attack on Thailand's southern Andaman coastlines since 27 December, announced yesterd...


DNA Identification Centers/ศูนย์ตรวจสอบ DNA

The Royal Thai Police has set up DNA Identification Centers to facilitate the identification of deceased or missing persons from the earthquake/tsunami disaster. In this connection, any persons wishing to leave their DNA samples at the said centers in order...


One Stop Service Center/จัดตั้งศูนย์ประสานงาน One Stop Service Center

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up One Stop Service Centers in 3 provinces to provide services for information on deceased victims and release of bodies as well as issuance of Death Certicates and legalization. Phuket center's telephone is 09-897 7358, Phang-nga Center - 07 128 4097 and Krabi...


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