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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hilo Missionary Church Pastor Tim Carigon, left, and Associate Pastor Mark Rife are raising money to buy inexpensive housing for tsunami victims in southern Thailand. Recycled materials, foreground, will generate some funds, and a garage sale of donated items, rear, will add to the collections. WILLIAM ING/Tribune-Herald
Mission is relief

Close ties with the Christian community in southern Thailand has a Hilo church mobilizing to provide aid to the tsunami-stricken region.

Pastor Tim Carigon of Hilo Missionary Church said teams of construction crews from the church will be going to Phangnya, just north of Phuket, to build homes for survivors.

Thailand is one of several countries with coastlines along the Indian Ocean where a powerful underwater earthquake triggered a tsunami causing widespread devastation and killing an estimated 150,000 people.

Carigon said the Hilo congregation has had ties to the area since 1999, when he visited Thailand three times and decided it was the place to expand the church ministry. "We were looking for a place to serve," he said.    Full Story »
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