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Internet Marketing Services:

We've had incredible success not just with our own site, but with many clients' sites. See our Internet Marketing track record and testimonials. To achieve these high rankings for competitive phrases we use a combination of what is known as On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization.

On-Page Optimization
Internet Marketing (SEO Services)

Off-Page Optimization
Internet Advertising Online
(We get our clients links by the hundreds)

Both of these assist in what is known as "Natural" search engine marketing - or search engine placement (Most of all, though, they help to drive relevant traffic to your website!

More Internet Marketing Services

Internet Marketing Consulting

Pay Per Click (PPC) Consulting
and Marketing Services

Search Engine and Directory
Submission Services

Merchant Feed Creation
and Shopping Feed Submissions

Links - Serious Links by the Hundreds

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Ph: 518-270-0854

Fax: 866-303-8266

How to Submit your Site.
Add your URL to Web Directories.

Let's start with the basic difference between a Directory and a Search Engine.

Search engines find sites by having "Bots" (computers) follow links on the internet, as they find new links, they add those pages to their database. Unlike in years past, submitting to search engines is near worthless, as the search engines find you. If you submit they may list your site, but if no one is linking to your site you have to "credit" to your name.

Get a few sites to link to you and the engines will find you on their own, and give you "credit" from those people who linked to your site.

A few examples of search engines are : Google, Yahoo, MSN. Since these engines are constantly indexing the web via following links, the large ones have Billions of web pages indexed.

A directory is run by Humans, and the sites listed have passed a Human Review. Usually directories only list your homepage, and a brief description of your site contents.

Directories tend to have thousands, or millions of sites listed....much less than the search engines.

To get into a Directory you have to Submit your site, and pass a human review.

Some examples of Directories are: DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, Best of the Web, SEEKON, Intrepid Web Directory, InfoWebWorld Web Directory, Business Seek Business Directory and many more.

Why get into directories?
Search engines tend to give sites listed in directories a bit of a "boost" because in order to be listed in a directory, a real live human editor must review your site. The theory of the engines is that if a site has a directory listing than it must have some "redeeming" values, because it's "passed" an editors review.

2004 was known as the "Year of Directories". Thousands popped up, several each day. In fact, there's a handful of new ones just started today. The problem is, is that most are useless. As any one can create a directory, knowing which ones are really Hubs and Authorities (Fancy words meaning "They're good") is the real trick.

One can spend a year submitting to directories all day long (and spend tens of thousands of dollars), but only a few are going to have any redeeming value.

Out of the thousands of directories we've identified, we've come up with 77 that are the diamonds in the rough. Each month we identify a couple more, but we weed through thousands to find the "Good Ones".

Most directories charge a one time fee for inclusion, and a few charge yearly...a couple are even free today!

Our Service:
We can submit your site to 80 directories for $4000. Yearly cost is about $540 for inclusion. That's 80 Directories, on 80 IP Addresses, putting your site in the "perfect" linking neighborhood (That's fancy wording for "These links Rock").

We know directories

We know the system, because several of us are category editors ourselves. Our team consists of editors for places such as Zeal (LookSmart non-commercial), About, DMOZ (The Open Directory Project), JoeAnt, and others.

Our Solution:
See our contract for specifics, then contact us.

Obtaining lots of directory listing is certainly helpful for helping your site rank higher in the search enignes, but adding some Search Engine Optimization Services and Internet Advertising Services to your mix can help as well.

Find our more about the Yahoo Directory, DMOZ (The Open Directory Project),
and other directories here.

Directory Submission Resources

"Directories are search engines powered by human beings. Human editors compile all the listings that directories have. Getting listed with the web's key directories is very important, because their listings are seen by many people. In addition, if you are listed with them, then crawler-based search engines are more likely to find your site and add it to their listings for free."

- Danny Sullivan

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