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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)? What is it? No idea what it's about? Heard about it, but don't understand what it means? Great, because now you can learn about it easily with our step by step presentation.

Simply step through our detailed search engine optimisation and marketing presentation.  This will explain some of the more complex requirements in very simple, and easy to understand terms. We start at the beginning and lead you through the basics, then onto the more advanced requirements to SEO and a quality online marketing campaign.

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Published Articles

Anthony Parsons SEO writing has been successfully published across a vast frontier of marketing websites throughout the Internet. These include:

Web Pro News
Thomas Brunt's Out-Front
The Whir's Article Central
Promotion World
Yahoo groups
Google News
 and more.

» Articles Home is fast becoming known as an industry front runner and authority on organic search engine optimisation. Anthony Parsons is the proprietor of SEO Testing, an online archive consisting of testing techniques associated with ranking across the major search engines.

Our Ability Demonstrated

Not only do we rank our clients highly for their relevant keyword phrases, we obtain the same quality of rankings for our own websites. After all, if we can't do it for ourselves, how can you expect us to do it for you? Aside from our own successful sites, our successful client data is presented within our portfolio page.

We Service Internationally

Anthony Parsons search engine optimisation service is based within Australia, servicing all of the major cities, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Darwin and Perth, as well as rural Australia.  Additional to our Australian focus we also provide SEO services to America (USA), England (UK) and most other English speaking communities. Our portfolio reflects our International interests.

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Website Optimisation

Stop Now
Can You Afford Professional Services?

Let me save you some valuable time now from reading much further. If you think you are going to get a top ranking, lots of relevant traffic and improved conversions for little cost, then you deserve to learn that lesson about online marketing for yourself. If you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys, that's a sure thing. The average search engine optimisation cost for our services is approximately US$3,500. We can spend US$4,000+ solely upon one-way directory links for your site. That's what it takes to get long term high rankings, improved conversions and ensure a return on your investment. All quality SEO's will start at the code and work their way through to the final analysis stage. So if your not serious about paying this type of money to get long term rankings and ROI, then you may as well not bother contacting us. You can find a peanuts and monkey service elsewhere, as plenty exist.

Search Engine Compliance
We Comply! Read What Google Has To Say?

Contrary to popular belief, good marketing and scams, there is only the one compliance with search engine optimisation. The search engines editorial policies! Anthony Parsons SEO complies to the three main editorial policies of: Google, Yahoo & MSN. (MSN are currently provided results by Yahoo, Overture services). Most other search engines comply with one of those. Our company is a search engine friendly company, which means your website and domain are safe from penalties and safe from becoming banned by the search engines for the use of illegal, unethical or unprofessional techniques.

Want to know who feeds who in the search engine industry? Check out our hot search engine relationship chart courtesy of

Search Engine Optimisation
Assurance Of Relevant Traffic & Return On Investment

Ethical Search Engine Optimisation » We provide a money back assurance, less third party costs, to get your website ranking highly within the search engines for your relevant keywords and improve your conversion rate. Do not risk your domain with unprofessional, unethical website  techniques. We provide 100% organic search engine optimisation. No tricks, no cheats or unprofessional methods to obtain rankings. With our proven expertise and time, your website can achieve stable high rankings, whilst complying with search engine editorial policy.

Search Engine Optimisation Reports
Do It Yourself Reports & Achieve a Top Ranking

Search Engine Ranking Reports » Do you have web design skills? Want to optimise your own website and save yourself big dollars? We'll send you a positioning report, detailing changes required, to rank amongst the current Top 10 websites for a given key phrase, within any major search engine across 19 countries. We supply basic, small business and complete website marketing reports.

Optimisation Through SEO Copywriting
The Most Effective Method For Stable Rankings

Search Engine Copywriting » Search engine copywriting, is one of the most important aspects of any website optimisation campaign to rank highly within the search engines. For non-competitive keyword phrases, quality copywriting techniques will generally suffice to achieve high rankings without utilising other search engine optimisation techniques. Regardless of this factor, quality copywriting will improve your chances of making the conversion from a visit to a sale, once the visitor has landed upon your site. High rankings is one thing, converting those rankings is another.

Optimisation, Then Submissions
Directories Are Your Window To The Search Engines

Professional Directory & Search Engine Submissions » Do you honestly believe that your $19.95 payment to 10,000 search engines, directories and link pages actually works? Did you know that monthly submissions to engines is "spamming"? Stop throwing your money away and receive value for money instead. Contrary to popular belief, large amounts of money are not required to get listed on the Internet. Smart money, invested in the right place once, will boost your websites' relevance and rankings.

Miscellaneous Optimisation Methods

Website Optimisation At Its Best » There are numerous ways to achieve top rankings. Some pages can rely solely upon copywriting, others require code analysis and optimisation, all require a quality link campaign to an extent, and then there are articles, news pages and much more. If you want to obtain one or two keyword phrases, sometimes what you think is the best method, may not actually be the most appropriate. A well written, optimised article, submitted through the correct public relations companies, is an economically sound and cost effective method of achieving this result. A news page or blog is also a very affordable method to achieving relevant traffic and gaining links.