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Questions about male sexuality

This is a section for asking questions about being male, male sexuality and having sex with men. (Updated: 13-Dec-2004)

View answers in the following categories:

  1. Intimacy: sex, erotic bodywork, fellatio, anal
  2. Masturbation: lubrication, techniques, frequency
  3. Semen: orgasm, sperm, ejaculate
  4. Wellness: psychology, being normal, diseases
  5. Your penis: testicles, foreskin, perineum, anus
  6. Full index: a list of all questions and answers

Or select your question from the following list.

Intimacy: sex, erotic bodywork, fellatio, anal

  1. Can I hurt myself in any way by using soap?
  2. How can a woman detect if a men is sleeping around?
  3. How do I stop worrying about not getting an erection?
  4. How possible is pregnancy without having an orgasm in the vagina?
  5. I can't get off when I have sex. What can I do?
  6. I like to touch my friend's penis. Am I gay?
  7. I read somewhere that you get more protein from an M&M; then you do from your semen. Is this true?
  8. I suffer from performance anxiety when I have intercourse. What can I do?
  9. If a penis ring holds the blood pressure in to keep an erection wouldn't this also hinder the free flow of semen?
  10. Is anal sex natural?
  11. Is it wrong to think about another man jerking off with me while I am jerking off?
  12. Is there a chance of pregnancy when I insert my penis into a girl while I am having a wet dream?
  13. My penis does not get as strong as it used to, and my semen is more watery than thick. Is it possible that I damaged my penis in any way, could have I exhausted it too much?
  14. Should a man ejaculate frequently to prevent sperm build up?
  15. Should I use a lubricant?
  16. What effects does semen have in the anus?
  17. What is the most thrilling way for a teenager to masturbate?
  18. What is the time length for satisfying women?
  19. What's a good way to lubricate a penis?
  20. Where is the male g-spot?
  21. Why is it I have a problem reaching orgasm during oral sex?
  22. Will ejaculation cause testosterone levels to go down?

Masturbation: lubrication, techniques, frequency

  1. Can a doctor tell if I've been masturbating?
  2. Can I masturbate too much?
  3. Does masturbation effect energy levels?
  4. How does a man masturbate?
  5. How many men masturbate?
  6. How often should I masturbate?
  7. If it's supposed to be healthy and normal, why do I feel guilty afterwards?
  8. Is masturbation linked to weight gain?
  9. Is masturbation safe for teens?
  10. Looking for a jacking club?
  11. Masturbation is only for people who can't get laid, right?
  12. My penis goes off at an angle! Is this from masturbating?
  13. Recently my ejaculate has decreased. Have I become infertile?
  14. What is mutual masturbation?
  15. Why would a married man masturbate most of the time instead of having sex with his wife who is quite willing?
  16. Will I burn in hell for masturbating?
  17. Will I catch a disease from masturbation?
  18. Will I lose my ability to perform with a partner if I masturbate?
  19. Will my penis get larger/smaller by masturbating it?

Semen: orgasm, sperm, ejaculate

  1. Can I reduce my excessive precum problem?
  2. Can I strengthen my penis to have better climaxes?
  3. Can I taste my semen?
  4. Does semen coming out of a penis before ejaculation have sperm cells in it?
  5. How can I increase the volume of my ejaculate?
  6. How can I lengthen the period of time it takes me to achieve orgasm?
  7. How can I make my ejaculate taste better?
  8. How can you change the taste of semen?
  9. How long can semen survive outside the body?
  10. How long can sperm survive outside the body?
  11. I am 23 yet my semen is clear. Please help me to stop worrying.
  12. I am on a low carbohydrate diet, and need to know if I should cut back on my swallowing.
  13. I eat my own semen to get protein. Is this a good thing to do?
  14. I get aroused and even without an erection, I get excessive precum? How can I stop this problem?
  15. I have a problem with wank and eating my own sperm.
  16. I often ejaculate during sleeping. Help me stop!
  17. I'm 13 years old and I can't ejaculate. What should I do?
  18. Is eating ejaculate harmful?
  19. Is it common among straight men to taste and swallow their own semen?
  20. Is semen bad for people with Type 2 diabetes?
  21. Is semen fattening?
  22. Is sperm limited?
  23. Is there any way to increase the volume of ejaculate?
  24. My semen is thicker and creamier than it used to be. Is there anything I can do to get it back to a more fluid state?
  25. Up to 30 minutes after ejaculating, a clear fluid is released from my penis.
  26. What does semen look like?
  27. What is the age of first ejaculation?
  28. What is the earliest known age for a male to ejaculate?
  29. What is the normal quantity of ejaculate?
  30. When aroused my penis is not erect but discharges a light clear fluid in droplets.
  31. When erect I release a mucous fluid on my shorts. Is this normal?
  32. Why is my semen clear?
  33. Will I make myself sick if I eat my own cum?

Wellness: psychology, being normal, diseases

  1. Are my genitals getting tired?
  2. Can herbal pills help increase the amount I ejaculate?
  3. Can I get diseases during an erotic massage from another man?
  4. Do men commonly get erections during therapeutic massages?
  5. How can I stop having erections all the time?
  6. I have been masturbating for two years but I want to stop because it is embarrassing. How can I?
  7. Is impotence a symptom of old age?
  8. Is it easy to catch anything from a guy who is giving me a blow job?
  9. Is it normal to have brownish colour to semen?
  10. Is there something I can use to get rid of the musky smell between my legs?
  11. Is there something you could recommend for cleaning my penis.
  12. My boyfriend has white stuff in his underwear. What is it?
  13. My glans becomes bright red when I am erect and emits a watery discharge from the penis when erect. What is causing this?
  14. My penis is shrinking as I get fatter. Why is this happening?
  15. My pubic hair has grown only on my genitals and has not grown on my chest or abdomen like other men. Am I normal?
  16. Some of my semen came in contact with a cut on my lip.
  17. What does male pubic hair look like?

Your penis: testicles, foreskin, perineum, anus

  1. Can I get my penis enlarged?
  2. Can I reduce the size of my testicles?
  3. Do you become impotent by doing the penis enlargement exercises on the Internet?
  4. Do you have an abnormally large male genital?
  5. Does an uncut penis always smell bad?
  6. Does having only one testicle affect fertility?
  7. How can I grow my penis?
  8. How can I make my penis larger? My wife said she can't really feel it to get an orgasm.
  9. How can you enlarge your testicles and penis without surgery?
  10. How do I perform a testicular self examination?
  11. How long does the penis have to be to have good sex and have children?
  12. I am a 27 year old with an uncircumcised penis, how big should it be when flaccid and when erect?
  13. I have a male friend who shaves his penis area and says that he prefers it to be that way.
  14. I have a tight foreskin and it hurts a bit when I pull it back when my penis is erect.
  15. I have a tight foreskin which won't pull back when my penis is erect.
  16. I would like to get circumcised but I heard it hurts a lot.
  17. I'm uncut and if I masturbate the next day my penis smells too. Should I use talcum powder to take away the smell?
  18. If I shave my armpits every day, will the hair grow back thicker and bushier?
  19. Is it normal to have a downward sloping penis?
  20. Is it OK to remove pubic hair?
  21. Is it possible to enlarge my penis just a bit without any pills or something like that?
  22. Is my penis big enough?
  23. Is my penis too small? My friend has a much bigger penis.
  24. Is there anything I can do to straighten my bent penis?
  25. My balls are very close to my body. Does this affect orgasm?
  26. My penis curves at the tip slightly when erect.
  27. My testicles don't hang properly. How can I fix that?
  28. What are the tiny white flesh-coloured bumps on my penis?
  29. What colour is my penis meant to be?
  30. What exercises can one do to get a bigger penis?
  31. What is the normal size of a penis?
  32. What kind of food should you eat, if you want to enlarge your penis?
  33. What pills can I take to grow my penis?
  34. What size does your penis has to be to have sex?
  35. What's the best way to get rid of body hair?
  36. When I get aroused, my penis has a slight bend to it: it curves to the left a little.
  37. When I shave my pubic hair I get red bumps on my penis. How can I shave and no get the bumps?

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