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SEO Consultancy
An Affordable Specific Solution

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Consultation is an affordable personal solution compared to a complete SEO solution. Whilst consultancy is less expensive due to the provision of advice while you do the work, it is still personalised and specific to your website and marketing needs.

Its the way of the world, with wireless technology, Internet and online chat and messenger facilities, to provide ease of communication between people. Consultancy has never been easier, more efficient nor more compatible to meet specific user needs. It's as simple as opening your nearest instant messenger chat room and chatting live one on one whilst reviewing specific website and marketing  requirements.

Next to that is the simple use of the phone. Whilst more expensive on a worldwide scale, expression can be achieved over a voice call, that can not be achieved over an online chat. Personal expression can say a lot, and resolve many issues that could take longer online. It is really an individual assessment, but a fundamental choice for personal use and gain.

Consultation has its ups and downs, don't get me wrong. Consultancy is not always the best means to communicate an idea or issue that requires resolution or demonstration. Sometimes a picture is just worth a thousand words, and with the beauty of live online chat, demonstration can step beyond the chat, to practical and live situations and examples. I know this myself, as sometimes people can tell me and explain a method all day long, but taking 5 minutes out to lay the idea out in a practical application simply speaks for itself. Consultation is broad and has minimal limitations. The only true limitation is physical contact. Even body gestures can be verbalised online with the use of streaming live video chat.

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Consultation

Available Consultancy

Ask me, and I'll tell you, consultancy is great in my opinion. I get to chat, analyse and think quick whilst directing the correct advice to clients on their specific needs. I love that type of work. If I had it my way, I would do nothing but consultancy. Whilst you may appear a little unsure, consultancy is a very affordable solution compared to full SEO. If you have some commonsense, you know how to design a webpage or maybe you just want a second opinion before employing another SEO, then consultancy is what you need.

Consultation Specifics
What Do We Offer Our Customers?

  • Global Consultation
  • Online Chat
  • Phone


  • You must speak fluent English
  • We only ever consult specifics after payment, never before
  • You must call us, wherever in the world, you pay the phone costs
  • Only US$50 per hour (standard flat rate)
  • Billed in hourly blocks only
  • Non-Used time can be used at a later time / date

You don't get much easier than that. We always maintain affordable rates. Now I will be straight to the point, in that I do not talk specifics before payment. It has been tried before.  My knowledge and SEO expertise is what you are seeking through consultancy, nothing comes for free. Use form below, fill in your details and send. We can then manage a suitable time, taking into account any time differences, between us to chat. It is entirely up to you how long you want to chat for (minimum 1 hour spent). I finish when the time runs out.

If you are chatting online with me, then the speed is generally only limited by analysis and your own typing skills. I touch type, and at high speed and accuracy, so for general interest sakes, typing of correspondence will be quick on my behalf. Before consultation begins, it is always a good idea to have your questions pre-written to save time thinking about things once under billing. You get value for money that way.

Website To Be Analyzed:
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