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Internet Marketing News

The following was posted within the past 24 hours and taken from top Internet Marketing experts. - Less Noise - More Signal

Countering Microsoft FUD - Linux Kernel to be Re-Written (Saturday, January 15, 01:43 AM EST)

Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it Billy boy!

IBM, Intel, the Open Source Development Labs, and other industry lights are planning to announce that a consortium has been created that will rewrite the components in the Linux kernel that have been alleged tread on other people's IP - or at least the 27 Microsoft patents that Linux is supposed to infringe. The aim? To rob Microsoft of the ability to scare customers off of Linux by saying that the operating system is a patent infringer, informed sources say. "Operation Open Gates" as they are calling it is reportedly going to be unveiled on January 25.

SEO Counter Offensives - Walmart on the Rampage (Saturday, January 15, 12:17 AM EST)

Threadwatch member stuntdubl has an interesting take on this clickz article about how Wal-Mart are going after their own bad publicity using Search to counter critics. From the clickz piece:

Wal-Mart is answering critics of its labor policies with an extensive print ad campaign that points people to newly launched Web site The effort is accompanied by a paid search campaign on Yahoo!'s Overture.

"For too long, others have had free rein to say things about our company that just aren't true," said Wal-Mart President and CEO Lee Scott in a statement. "Our associates are tired of it and we've decided it's time to draw our own line in the sand."

Stuntdubl said:

It's kind of scary when the corporate folks get a hold of an internet marketing consultant and actually listen to them. Someone must have showed the CEO the horrible publicity that Wal-mart bashing websites are providing them with. So apparantely they are goin' after some of the negative serps with a search engine optimization counter offensive. This makes me want to coin a new phrase - Information arms race. Sounds cool, huh?

Well, yeah it is dude :)

We recently had that knob Ken Lay ex of Enron buying up adwords to whine his story to the world also.

Looks like Search, paid or not, is becoming a PR battleground...

The Great Internet Mystery - Winer Talking to......? (Friday, January 14, 10:30 PM EST)

Dave Winer is in contact with either Bill Gates or Steve Jobs according to Todd
- he won't say who but the surmise is an understandable one right?

Read this:

Last night I got an email from someone I've been wanting to hear from for a long time. There's a problem on the Internet, a big one, that only one entity can solve. The email outlined the solution and asked what I thought of it, and asked me not to say what it is publicly. I can live with that. I just want to mark this moment. A milestone. Real cooperation. I immediately implemented the feature on one of my sites. The same message was sent to a bunch of other people by the same person. I hope they did the same. When this is announced users everywhere will smile

So, WTF is all that about then?

eBay Hikes Fees 60% - Users go Beserk (Friday, January 14, 10:13 PM EST)

Apparently eBay store sellers are going nuts over some increases in fees due to kick in on the Feb 18th

Among other things, the cost of a monthly subscription for a basic eBay Store will go up 60 percent to $15.95. The cost of 10-day listings will double to 40 cents, and final value fees that are assessed when a sale closes also will rise.

Sellers complained that the fee increases will take a bigger chunk of their sales take. Some said it may force them to raise their own prices amid a weak economy, and others asked for feedback on other companies, such as, that may be alternatives to eBay.

How can Newspapers Survive Online? (Saturday, January 15, 12:34 AM EST)

There are about 35 Newspapers in the US that currently charge for their content - among them the Wall Street Journal. This strikes me, and from what i read around the web, many many others as a fundamentally wrong approach. The WSJ is a no go zone for me, i wont link to it becuase not everyone here will have a paid subscription and i can find good stuff elsewhere. Follow the title link above for the full post.

Froogle Security Hole Gives out Gmail Account Details (Friday, January 14, 04:54 PM EST)

By embedding JavaScript in a URL pointing to Froogle, a hacker can gain access to the user’s Gmail account. The JavaScript redirects the browser to a malicious web site, where the hacker can read the user’s cookie, which contains personal information, such as purchase history, user name and password for Google services.

Maybe a wave of Google exploits to come out of the wood work.

Filangy - Another New Engine that Sounds like a Venereal Disease (Friday, January 14, 04:47 PM EST)

Remember kids, always use a condom, if you don't, you might catch Clusty or Filangy!

What goes through these peoples minds?

from the Battelle's site threadlinked above:

a Nutch-based personal search engine that watches where you go and creates your own web index of sites you've seen (and incorporates general web search as well). It's still in early beta, you have to sign up to use it.

Is there a "search engine industry"? (Friday, January 14, 04:40 PM EST)

Via Peter's SearchEngineBlog: Does Seth Godin think because he's found a new SEO blog that Search is now a legitimate industry? Maybe he should be reading

MSN Running before it can Walk with a Feb 1st Launch? (Friday, January 14, 02:36 PM EST)

Well, i caught the rumour that MSN would be taking its beta search to the public side on Feb 1st at the SEW forums and now Danny Suillivan has added some substance to it by cobbling together a few of the clues in his blog post threadlinked above.

Running before they can Walk?

This seems way to early to me. I haven't played around with it much personally but i hear an awful lot that suggests it's nowhere near ready for public consumption. Still, this would fit with the way M$ release their software right? Knock it out early, patch it when the complaints start to come in...

What do you think?

Should Search Engines return to Hand Checking Results? (Friday, January 14, 03:04 PM EST)

SE's have to Return to Directories and Hand Checking

So it is now obvious everyone will soon be autogenerating content and auto link building. What do the search engines do to keep their indexs clean and with good quality? Hand checking!

If I go to google and search on "viagra" let us be honest what I should be seeing are:

  • the manufacturer
  • the largest sellers (not affiliates)
  • some quality research papers from established sources

How do google make this happen? Hand checks.

I propose that soon, if it is not already been done, the se's will have teams of people who's jobs it is is to investigate an industry and make sure that the major players all show up for the main searches in an arena. For 5 term searches let the rest fight it out.

DougS - Peter Davanzo's New Directory - Needed? (Friday, January 14, 10:37 AM EST)

I've been sitting on this for a while, but with all the recent hoohah about directories and the enormous proliferation of the directory as a half baked scheme to attract links or throw out an ill conceived biz model the timing just hasn't seemed right.

The timing will probably never be right though - remember, links are BAD!


Peter of SearchEngineBlog reads here so im hoping he'll spot this and come answer a few rough but well intentioned questions from yours truly and any of the good boys and girls at Threadwatch who want to chime in.

Here goes:

  • Why another directory?
  • What's different about this one?
  • What have you done to avoid indexing pitfalls suffered by other directories recently?
  • The term rubber stamped, in the US can mean "to pass without inspection" and has connotations of footprints and tracks - is this not a poor choice for a directory name?
  • When and how will this be actively promoted?

There, that should give you sweaty palms for a bit Peter :) it's friday afterall so instead of lounging around and posting to the RubberStamped blog you can tell us a bit more about the new project...

I'll end though, in case it didnt come across, that if i had to support, or wish well any directory project, an offering from the likes of Peter would be it. Good luck with it mate..

Tag Bound Technorati (Friday, January 14, 09:53 AM EST)

Today i find out that Technorati have started using tags in the same style as Flickr and

For those not in the know, tags are HOT right now, in fact, im thinking my way through a tag based project right now :) The idea is that rather than defining categories for users to post to, as we have here (see left menu), you allow users to input the categories they feel an entry should be filed under themselves. The common way of using that data is to allow popular tags (say 'marketing') that attract a lot of post (ie, alot of people all tag their posts with the same word) to float to the top or otherwise stand out and unpopular tags to sink to the bottom.

If you think about it, it's kind of cool. It means that when searching a system that uses tags for a particular topic, as most people would say 'marketing' rather than 'mktg' for example, the former is easier to find - but as people may well post entries under the shortened name, that can still be found also - but contains fewer entries.

Tagging Posts for Technorati

If you blog, or are otherwise included in the Technorati engine then all you have to do in order to tag an item is add a little link to your post as explained here However, if you use software that supports categories such like Movable Type, WordPress, TypePad then you dont need to do a thing - the system will use your categories as the tags.

Technorati's system is backfilled by the social bookmarking data and photos are provided by flickr - if you've not heard of this taxonomy method before, it's time to start having a little think about it. It's HOT and there are some very interesting possibilities for search marketers.

Search Engine Roundtable

Seth Godin Awakens From Long Slumber...Discovers Something Called Search Marketing (Saturday, January 15, 12:01 AM EST)
Appears there are more and more people catching on to how effective search marketing is as an effective advertising medium. Some later than others. Seth Godin just discovered this today. My guess is that Seth woke up today and took...

Does Having Validated XHTML/HTML Help With Higher Rankings? (Friday, January 14, 11:37 PM EST)
This has been discussed in length on a number of forums lately and results in some interesting arguments whether or not validated HTML goes to help boost your rankings in Google. HTML Validation is conducted to check for errors using...

Google Mini: Google Search Appliance (Friday, January 14, 04:49 PM EST)
Most of you know about the Google Mini Search Appliance by now. I have been waiting for threads to start on the topic. Basically, the same day Apple introduced the Apple Mini (which is really cool by the way), Google...

Ben (Phoenix) and I were messing around with a slogan for this site. Ben came up with ::: THE PULSE OF THE SEARCH MARKETING COMMUNITY ::: I think it really represents this site well. "community" = the forums "pulse" =...

Duplicate Content Penalty Not a 30 60 90 Day Time Span (Friday, January 14, 01:36 PM EST)
A day or so ago, Ben wrote an entry summarizing a thread at SEW Forums named Duplicate Content Penalty Timespan, where a member told others that he believes that there is a set time span dependent on the number of...

Google AdWords Allows the Sale of "Low Priced Women" (Friday, January 14, 01:29 PM EST)
It seems as if Google AdWords is allowing (unknowingly) for companies such as eBay to purchase ads (unknowingly) for the "sale of women". Do a search in Google on Women for Sale and look towards the ads on the right....


On the Search Financial Front... (Friday, January 14, 05:43 PM EST)
Ask Jeeves stock upgraded. LookSmart has a brutal quarter. Online ad spending to increase 30% in 2005. Google should buy Technorati. WPP to open 47 search offices. I have been offered at least 5 SEO related jobs in the last 6 months.

Seth Godin on the Search Industry (Friday, January 14, 05:20 PM EST)
Seth Godin makes another post about the search industry, the search industry remains disappointed in Seth...

Search Engine Guide Daily News

Dealing With Google's New Affiliate-Linking Policy (Friday, January 14, 11:26 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: ClickZ - How does Google's new affiliate link policy affect you?...

Google hacking expected to boom in 2005 (Friday, January 14, 11:03 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: ZDNet - CyberTrust is warning that all Internet-connected devices, even Web cams, must be treated as a potential security threat....

Will Technorati die? (Friday, January 14, 10:29 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: Geeking with Greg - Technorati has huge amounts of oh-so-tasty data. They're swimming in an ocean of information. If they can surface the right data to the right people, bubble up the news people need, then they'd have something...

Shaping a Standout Shopping Aid (Friday, January 14, 10:11 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: BusinessWeek -'s CEO discusses the advantages of his price-comparison site for smaller vendors and its edge in competing for buyers. (Found via Organized Shopping Blog)...

Caveat beta, Google fans (Friday, January 14, 09:45 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: ZDNet - Part of the deal with public betas is that the users accept some problems in return for helping create the finished product, but if that product is never finished then why bother? It also lets Google off...

More Seth Godin Cluelessness On Search Marketing (Friday, January 14, 08:55 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: Search Engine Watch - Search is so obviously huge media outlet. Geez, search engines have been among the top web sites people have used since, well, back when Godin used to work for Yahoo! It's like saying millions of...

We are seeing a rollout of MSN new search (Friday, January 14, 08:38 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: Webmaster World - "If bugs are fixed, we will see it full time this weekend. Only the announcement and press blitz will come on the first."...

Search Engine Spread, Google vs MSN vs Yahoo (Friday, January 14, 08:34 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: High Rankings Forum - "I've always felt that we did not get enough traffic from MSN, and it seems no matter what I do, it never improves. ...This really bothers me when I think about every computer being sold...

Hundreds of retailers spend $50K-plus a month on paid search, SEM firm says (Friday, January 14, 04:38 PM EST)
(Direct Link) Source: - Paid search just keeps getting more popular with online marketers. Approximately 350 to 500 U.S. retailers are now each spending $50,000 or more per month on pay-per-click, paid-search programs, in keyword campaigns that represent anywhere from 3,000...

real SEO .com (SEO News)

Google off the hook with the SEC (Friday, January 14, 03:28 PM EST)
Google was successful in settling with the SEC and federal and state regulators over allegations the company may have violated securities laws in the management of its employee stock options....

Are Google apps in permanent beta? (Friday, January 14, 05:45 AM EST)
From December's security concerns over Google's Desktop Search feature, there now appears to be a new flaw surfacing in Gmail, Google's new email system....

MarketingVOX - The Voice of Online Marketing

Chatter: MSN to Launch Search Beta Feb 1 (Friday, January 14, 02:34 PM EST)
Online chatter among search geeks indicates Microsoft may be ready to go live with its MSN search beta at the beginning of February. One search marketer said he was told by a high level Microsoft...


Hundreds of Retailers Spending $50,000 or More a Month in Search (Friday, January 14, 01:28 PM EST)
search engine marketing firm Efficient Frontier estimates that between 350 and 500 American retailers are now spending more than $50,000 per month on search campaigns, according to Internet Retailer....


TripAdvisor to 'the Nunnery' (Friday, January 14, 01:00 PM EST)
TripAdvisor, falling in line with industry wags who predicted it would choose the same agency used by fellow IAC siblings Lending Tree and, selected Mullen to run its $5-$10 million...


Wal-Mart Addresses PR Storm with Site, Search Campaign (Friday, January 14, 01:00 PM EST)
Wal-Mart launched an anti-anti-Wal-Mart site at to counter the growing internet chatter about its labor practices, according to ClickZ. Faced with many class action suits and a...


Newspapers See Big Online Ad Gains, Still Not Enough to Make Difference (Friday, January 14, 01:00 PM EST)
Merrill Lynch said newspaper ad growth will likely have slowed in Q4 2004, according to MediaPost, despite spectacular double-digit ad growth across digital newspaper divisions. The revenues, said...


NetIQ to Jumbo Shrimp (Friday, January 14, 01:00 PM EST)
BtoB Online reports that NetIQ hired JumboShrimp Advertising to run a rebranding campaign, along with ongoing demand marketing and marketing support. The agency is currently developing a...


LookSmart Paints Grim Picture, Rejiggers Sales Group (Friday, January 14, 12:42 PM EST)
In a move not uncommon for firms with new CEO's, LookSmart issued lower financial guidance for this past quarter and announced it would shake up management, according to ClickZ. LookSmart hired CEO...


Tech Rags to Ride Again, Advertisers Wanted (Friday, January 14, 12:41 PM EST)
Mercury News ran an analysis of the bevy of new tech titles coming out in recent weeks, many of them rehashed versions of bubble-borne titles, like Red Herring. This time around, most seem to be...


Havas Media Hires OMD Digital Exec (Friday, January 14, 12:01 PM EST)
Havas Media named Jill Griffin to be senior VP and group account director for both its New York and San Francisco offices, according to AdWeek [link unavailable]. She will oversee the online...


AMA Launches Net Radio Show (Friday, January 14, 10:56 AM EST)
The American Marketing Association launched an internet radio show, according to Dana VanDen Heuvel's blog. The program will launch January 19 and archives will be available on the site. [summary]


Microsoft Security Settings Disable AdSense (Friday, January 14, 10:00 AM EST)
A Webmaster World thread pointed out by SearchEngineWatch indicates that setting Microsoft's security settings to "high" disables Google AdSense placements on any pages served from that computer....


Chatter: MSN to Launch Search Beta Feb 1 (Friday, January 14, 02:34 PM EST)
Online chatter among search geeks indicates Microsoft may be ready to go live with its MSN search beta at the beginning of February. One search marketer said he was told by a high level Microsoft executive that February 1 would be the date, and that Microsoft would continue to use Overture paid listings in its results until the end of the year.

NetIQ to Jumbo Shrimp (Friday, January 14, 01:00 PM EST)
BtoB Online reports that NetIQ hired JumboShrimp Advertising to run a rebranding campaign, along with ongoing demand marketing and marketing support. The agency is currently developing a cross-media campaign designed to launch NetIQ's entry into the security management services field.

Havas Media Hires OMD Digital Exec (Friday, January 14, 12:01 PM EST)
Havas Media named Jill Griffin to be senior VP and group account director for both its New York and San Francisco offices, according to AdWeek [link unavailable]. She will oversee the online media portion of ING Direct and Air France, among other clients, working out of New York. Griffin came into the space opened up with Alex Tamayo moved up to become manager of operations. Griffin was a digital strategist for OMD.

AMA Launches Net Radio Show (Friday, January 14, 10:56 AM EST)
The American Marketing Association launched an internet radio show, according to Dana VanDen Heuvel's blog. The program will launch January 19 and archives will be available on the site.

Search Engine News Blog

Yahoo Launches Local Search BETA (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)

Lycos Sells to Korean Internet Portal (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)

Google Launches Bidding Site (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)

Search Engine Marketing Organization Cops Criticism (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)

MSN Previews New Search Engine (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)

Search Engine News :: Search Engine Lowdown

Out of the Office Next Week (Friday, January 14, 09:58 PM EST)
I'll be out of the office next week, taking a quick break before the conference circuit starts ramping up. Ben, Jason, Garrett (and maybe Heather), will be stopping by each day to make sure none of our readers miss any major search engine news. Norm

Seeing MSN Search Beta at Main Search Site (Friday, January 14, 09:12 PM EST)
Not big news, as we knew this was coming, but thought you might like to know that a number of us at WebSourced are seeing the MSN Search Beta results from the main site. Now excuse me, I'm off to steal Aaron's tags. ;-) Thanks Rick!

Data Reveals 74% of Businesses Not Currently Working with an SEM Firm (Friday, January 14, 07:09 PM EST)
If you missed the Jupiter Webevent we sponsored yesterday, you missed some very revealing data. From those polled, 74% are either implementing an in-house SEM campaign or have not even begun an SEM campaign. For those of us in the SEM industry, that's

Seth Godin Discovers the Search Engine Industry (Friday, January 14, 06:39 PM EST)
We're all saved! Just when we thought that perhaps the search industry was a figment of our collective imaginations, Seth Godin confirms there is a search engine industry. I'll be sleeping well tonight. ;-) Update: Have you ever seen Danny Sulliv

And Ask Jeeves Too! (Friday, January 14, 06:35 PM EST)
Ok, so if we're going to give Yahoo some love, let's give Ask Jeeves some love as well. As for Ask Jeeves, Rashtchy [of Piper Jaffray] disputed some assertions that the company to also-ran status, behind Google and Yahoo. "Ask Jeeves is not only re

Time to Buy Yahoo Stock? (Friday, January 14, 06:31 PM EST)
According to Forbes, Piper Jaffray are gaga over Yahoo's prospects, especially revenue from search. Piper Jaffray said Yahoo! also gained share in the fourth quarter "and is likely to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the impressive growth in sear

WebSourced Parent, CGI Holding Corporation, Acquires MarketSmart Advertising (Friday, January 14, 04:43 PM EST)
It's a done deal. I'd brag about all the great things were going to do, but I know you'd just throw eggs. ;-)

Jeff's World - SEMCares, Corporate Giving and Why I Don’t Care (Friday, January 14, 03:49 PM EST)
I've made my thoughts clear on the practice of using non-profits, organizations and the recent tsunami to garner free publicity. Today, resident SEM cynic critic, "Jeff", offers reasons why we should all go full steam ahead and selfishly promote ourse

Google May be the Favored Tool of Hackers in 2005 (Friday, January 14, 03:26 PM EST)
ZDNet predicts that Google will be increasingly used by hackers, looking to find their way into your computer. One expert suggests... "Using robots.txt and other techniques to prevent indexing is a best practice for non-public systems and the variou

Should Google Buy Technorati? (Friday, January 14, 03:08 PM EST)
Russell Shaw of The Industry Standard thinks Google should buy blog-tracker Technorati. Not a bad idea. As blogs continue to grow, they'll be a demand for services like Technorati and Feedster. I visit both each day and have RSS feeds coming in from bo

Not Looking Good at LookSmart (Friday, January 14, 02:54 PM EST)
Things are not looking too optimistic over at LookSmart as they lower their revenue guidance for Q4 of 2004.

The New MSN Search to Launch Feb. 1 (Friday, January 14, 02:38 PM EST)
At least that is the news coming from the Search Engine Watch forums.

The Unofficial Google Weblog

Google Grammar: Old News Made New (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Much blog ink today devoted to grammar requirements in Google AdWords. The fuss is resulting from a first-person account on CNET of a pulled ad (which used "check em out" instead of "check them out"). So now the world knows that Google has strict style rules regarding English usage, but the implementation is not new. Advertisers have wrestled with the grammar rules for years, and not only because Internet usage style differs more distinctly every day from offline style

Google Follows Apple? Introducing the Google Mini (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
No, Google is not making digital music players. but Google has been in the hardware business for years, cranking out the Google Appliance, probably the most under-recognized aspect of its business. Google has long sought to be a major player in the enterprise market, helping companies solve their intranet searching needs. That market is largely software driven, so the Google Appliance has leveraged the Google brand clout for whatever success it has gained. Now, Google is aiming at small

Open-source, Ad-Free, and Possibly Illegal Google Clone (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Daniel Brandt seems to regard Google as a corporate crominal, and stealing back as the solution. Google, according to Brandt has built a commercial empire upon scraping free content from the internet and assigning relevant advertising to it. So, turning the tables, Brandt has used a loophole in the Google API to create an ad-free Google; in other words, he is scraping the scraper. He expcts to be sued, and even seems to hope for it. Brandt's point is not entirely capricious. Google does

Google on 60 Minutes: Transcript (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Here is the transcript of the recent 60 Minutes piece on Google that is receiving so much criticism. It's not that the segment was a puff piece, in my opinion, but that it was primarily a backgrounder for people who haven't been paying attention--the basic audience for 60 Minutes, I guess. Plus, who doesn't want to follow a camera into the Googleplex?

Google Employee Worth Revealed (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
New securities regulations now require disclosure of stock transactions at public companies, in hierarchical levels below that of top executives. That means that anyone can now see the insider buys and sells of company stock by common employees. Apparently this intrusive spotlight has created some tension inside Google, where, as this article speculates, a new millionnaire might be sharing a cubicle with a new employee worth very little (in stock terms).

Google's Auction-Style IPO Might Have Been Influential After All (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
The financial information company Morningstar is (finally) going public, and has announced its intention to operate an auction-style IPO with W.R. Hambrecht as the lead underwriter. W.R. Hambrecht developed level-playing-field IPO mechanisms long before Google ever dreamed of getting all Nasdaq on us. Observers have criticized Google for its IPO method on several fronts, noting that the company failed to capture a tremendous amount of money that flowed into the stock after it went public. Fair

Affiliates Demoted in AdWords (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
The rumor of Google making some sort of change to AdWords policy regarding affiliates has proved true. A new policy limits displays of AdWords ads run by affiliates, and leading to the same landing page to a single ad per search results page. This will largely solve the affiliate glut that pushes non-affiliate ads off the page. Several results that change the nature of affiliate marketing on Google should follow: First, competition for that single affiliate slot wi increase, and the per-click

Google-Scraped Dictionary (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Google Blogoscoped has a work in progress: a dictionary scraped from Google's define operator, and the translation tool. Translations are complete for the letter "A." Naturally, the thing searches for words, as well as listing them in alpha order.

Page and Brin Make Business Week "Great Innovators" List (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Not much to say beyond that--here is the article. Business Week is celebrating its 75th anniversary by profiling great business innovators of the past 75 years. The profiles aren't deep; just quick backgrounders.

Displaying Sponsored Links Only (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Thanks to reader Tom for pointing out something I wasn't aware of: If you want to display only the sponsored links (AdWords ads) in Google for any keyword, use this dedicated engine.

Battelle's Most Important prediction (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Among John Battelle's 17 predictions for 2005 (one of which is the revelation that he will start a new media-technology business), the most important, in my opinion, is this: 12. By the end of the year, there will be no question that search is a media business, and that the major players in search are major players in the content business. This point might be driven home by the introduction of media-content searching (Yahoo! has already started down this path with its video search engine,

Google's 2004 (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Following are highlights of 2004 from the Google perspective. All links are to blog entries. Enjoy the reminiscence. JAN: Google hires Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs to organize IPO, hoping to raise $40B. FEB: Google releases social networking site Orkut, not realizing at the time how extremely short-lived would be the buzz. FEB: Google shoots down Booble, a parody porn search engine. FEB: Google makes Microsoft froth at the mouth, motivating Bill Gates to admit defeat, then promise

Who Needs to Chill Out? (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Have you seen the indignant responses of the Google team to an anonymous writer who criticized (tongue in cheek, I believe) the holiday logo doodles? I'm not certain who needs to get a sense a humor more, but it makes for fun reading.

New Santy Worm Targets Yahoo!, and Doesn't Forget Google (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
After Google terminated the original Santy worm, which used Google's Web index to find vulnerable sites to deface, new generations of the virus are slithering into the search indexes of Yahoo! and AOL Search, while still attempting to launch attacks from Google. The Santy descendents (Santy.b, Santy.c, and so on) maintain the same mission as the original, which was and is to deface Web sites using the phpBB message-board system.

Will Google Keep Its Cachet? (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
A CNET story mostly rehashes the question of whether Google can maintain its status as the "It" place to work, while expanding into a mainstream company. We also learn that Microsoft has been raided, losing some engineering talent to Google.

Googleplex Photos (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Chris Breikss at 6S Marketing took some meetings at Google during the fall, and has posted photos of the outside and inside of the Googleplex.

2004 Google Zeitgeist (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
It's not quite end-of-year, but Google has released the 2004 Zeitgeist. An interactive Flash version is loads of fun, even if more detail could have been built into it. Froogle and Local search queries are included for the first time.

SearchEngineBlog: Year in Review (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
"None of this is true. Surely." But most of it is, with exceptions for scorching satire.

AOL Readies Free Webmail for Everyone (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
AOL is not new to the Webmail game, but so far has restricted its Web e-mail interface to subscribers. In 2005 WOL will launch a free Webmail service in competition with Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail, thereby filling out the Webmail landscape with entries from the four major Internet giants.

What you would do if you ran Google? - Win the crazy glowing Google Radio thingy! (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
The good folks at Google sent me a really cool glowing AM/FM clock radio as gift, and since we don't like to keep gifts here at Weblogs, Inc. (that whole "ethics" thingy) we've decided to give it to one of our readers in a joint contest with Now, you can't buy one of these, it can't be found in stores at any price (as least that we know of!). You could probably turn around and sell this bad boy on EBAY for 20 large and finally get out from under (or

Pandia Search Central

Exalead gets a 1 billion document index (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
European Exalead is preparing an even larger index.

MSN Search tests RSS feeds (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
MSN is alphatesting the possibility of displaying search results through RSS feeds.

Yahoo's new desktop search software (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Yahoo! Desktop Search lets you search your own computer.

FexIT -- business oriented search service (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Iceland has given us a new online business portal and search service.

MSN's gradual transfer to new search engine (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
MSN is giving regular searchers some taste of its new search engine technology. -- new free reference search service (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
GuruNet launches free search engine

Gigablast now indexes 1 billion pages (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
The Gigablast search engine is growing

Google to establish charity foundation (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Google plans to establish a foundation this year based on 1 percent of its stock.

Everything I know about web marketing I learned from my gas station (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
How do you design a site and a search engine strategy that actually sells?

Blinkx desktop search for Mac (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Next week you may download Blinkx for the Mac.

Everything I know about web marketing I learned from my local gas station (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
How do you design a site and a search engine strategy that actually sells?

Alternative desktop search tools (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
There is more to desktop searching than Google and MSN.

Search Engine Trends 2004 (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Pandia takes a look at what happened in the world of search engine this year.

New version of the Santy worm (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Santy.e uses Yahoo! and AOL Search to spread.

Google Scholar advanced search interface (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
New menu based search form for Google Scholar.

Behind the scenes at MSN desktop search (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
On interviews with the teams developing the Microsoft Toolbar Suite.

Pandia launches search engine search engine (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
A new topic search tool that lets you search the best search engine oriented sites in one go.

Internet Explorer rapidly loosing ground (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
On the new browser war.

Worm uses Google to attack sites (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
A Web worm is using Google to identify sites using the vulnerable PHP Bulletin Board software.

Survey of desktop search tools (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Pandia presents various tools for searching your own computer.

New European search engine for the UK (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Seekport UK gives priority to British sites.

Blinkx launches radio and TV search engine (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
A search engine that captures spoken words.

New Yahoo! Video Search (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Yahoo! adds video search.

Google to scan books (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Google to include text from library books.

Ask Jeeves launches desktop search tool (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Ask Jeeves lets you search your own computer.

MSN has launched its new MSN Toolbar Suite (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
MSN has launched its new desktop search tool.

New from Google: automatic suggestions (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Google betatests a new feature.

More local versions of Google News (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Google has added seven new national incarnations of the Google News portal.

Search the Web and win prizes! (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
The new Blingo search site is powered by Gigablast.

The new Accoona search engine (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
New business search engine.

Trouble at Webmaster World (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Several moderators have left the Webmaster World discussion forums.

Seth's Blog

In violent agreement! (Friday, January 14, 07:24 PM EST)
Danny Sullivan at Search Engine Watch writes, “Search marketing is more than buying ads -- SEO is the search world's equivalent to public relations. It also doesn't mean that you have to link spam, comment spam or content spam. Content-driven...

Online Marketing SEO Blog

Re-ignited browser wars? (Friday, January 14, 10:34 PM EST)
Yahoo! Search blog reports some interesting FireFox Buzz Index numbers over the past few months and ends the post with, "Re-ignited browser wars? Stay tuned..."

MSN Search Allegedly Going Live Feb (Friday, January 14, 04:08 PM EST)
On SearchEngineWatch Forums AssieWebmaster posts that the new MSN Search Beta should go live in Feb. MSN Search Out of Beta Feb. 1 This info is catching buzz elsewhere: SEOScoop, Threadwatch, SE Lowdown, SEW Blog

RSS Feed Submission Tools & Resources (Friday, January 14, 03:54 PM EST)
Danny Sullivan lists some useful RSS Feed Submission Tools blog marketing resouces

Frozen SEO & Tagging with Technorati (Friday, January 14, 01:22 PM EST)
TopRank is in Minneapolis and today it's COLD. As in really, really cold - currently -16 below zero. That's not the coldest it's been here, I remember -40 below zero once, but cold enough to definitley stay inside. All the better for SEO! Technorati has begun providing links to blogs/feeds via tags. An alternative to categories, it allows you to associate a topic name to a tag with each post.

ADV: - weblog pings, directory, top, counters, comments and trackbacks. All free. (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
If you have a weblog you should ping weblog services using All services are free.

Stuntdubl Internet Marketing Consulting

Wal-Mart Search Engine Optimization Counter Offensive - Information arms race (Friday, January 14, 04:35 PM EST)
It's kind of scary when the corporate folks get a hold of an internet marketing consultant and actually listen to them. Someone must have showed the CEO the horrible publicity that Wal-mart bashing websites are providing them with. So apparantely they are goin' after some of the negative serps with a search engine optimization counter offensive. This makes me want to coin a new phrase - Information arms race. Sounds cool, huh? Basically, everyone is trying to provide folks with THEIR version of information whether it be a definition (there is no search spam;)...a story (OJ is innocent), or what is the right way to do something (DON'T fall for search engine submission services). Information arms race...SEO's tryin' to climb over each other in the serps. I think this phrase should catch on well.
Wal-Mart Answers Critics with Web Site, Ads

Marketing Tom - Internet Marketing

105 Real-life Marketing Lessons from Marketing Sherpa (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
For another year running Marketing Sherpa has compiled a list of real-life marketing stories in a FREE downloadble PDF, called Marketing Wisdom 2005. As the marketing blurb says, "[Marketing Wisdom 2005] Includes 105 real-life marketing lessons learned from MarketingSherpa readers including the folks at Timberland, Pacific Shaving, and ING...

Robert Scoble, PR Firms and the Blog Business Summit (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
From the 24-25th January the Blog Busines Summit will take place in Seattle. One of the most prolific bloggers Robert Scoble will be giving the keynote address, with the subject The Blog Advantage. There are a number of interesting sessions going on with subjects including: Blog Business Models: What...

Fighting Comment Spam (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Over the past few months I have received on this site, and on another blog of mine Mad About Madrid, a huge amount of comment and trackback spam. Comment spam is a technique used by certain webmasters and owners of websites to develop links from blogs (often with a high...

Bill Gates gets quizzed by Gizmodo (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Here's an interesting interview that I came across via Marcomblog. It appears that the the guys at Gizmodo, the gadgets blog, were contacted by Microsoft and asked if they'd like to interview Bill Gates. Guess what they said? !! In an interview between Joel Johnson and Bill Gates - G-Money...

Search Engine Marketing Resolutions (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
A New Year! and why don´t we start with some New Year resolutions? These are some of the tips I saw on Shari Thurow´s interesting article SEM New Year´s Resolutions on the Clickz site. Resolution 1: I will stop focusing on positioning as an SEO benchmark.Resolution 2: I will use...

Merry Christmas (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year...

British eCommerce Success Story (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Alan Meckler, CEO of Jupitermedia, has an written interesting article on his blog Internet Media Comentary about a British artist who has created a phenomenally successful online business. Entitled Internet Commerce Success Story, this is a brief overview of the business:For those who will not read the article let...

Real-time Keyword Suggestions from Google Select (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
According to 4WebResults Google is testing a new tool called "Google Suggest". The tool sounds really  cool as it will throw up keyword suggestions as you type in the words. As Tom says in New Internet Tool Offers Suggestions in Real Time - "Google Suggest": "this is the perfect...

Help Build the 2005 Entrepreneurs' List (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
This year (2004) published their 25 Entrepreneurs We Love list. They are now inviting people to submit entries for their 2005 list. All you need do is go to their Entrepreneurs We Love page; check your candidate meets their criteria and submit the details....

Blogging till the Cows Come Home (Saturday, January 15, 07:55 AM EST)
Rick Bruner has got an interesting post on his blog, Business Blog Consulting, about the blog marketing exploits of organic dairy seller, Stonyfield Farm. Stoneyfield produces quality dairy products, such as yoghurt, which strictly adhere to organic principles - no artificial sweetners, flavourings or additives here. The company decided...

Search Engine Positioning and Web Marketing News

Google Betas... (Friday, January 14, 01:11 PM EST)
It looks like we are not the only ones who complain about Google leaving their products on beta for a long time. A comment on ZDNet UK this week talks exactly about this phenomenon. It seems that taking products out...

Google Blog - Live

Domains of choice (Saturday, January 15, 04:13 AM EST)

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