Science: Bizarre Deep Sea Fish Dredged Up By Tsunami |
Posted by
on Saturday January 15, @03:30AM
from the look-what-the-cat-dragged-in dept.
spankfish writes "The following page features numerous great pictures of bizarre and creepy deep-sea creatures which have been dredged up by the recent tsunami and presented by normal divers. Fascinating stuff! The page is in Russian, but it's all about the pictures."
40 of 78 comments
) Linux: Overclockix 3.7 Released |
Posted by
on Saturday January 15, @12:27AM
from the burn-baby-burn dept.
prostoalex writes "Overclockix 3.7 is released, available via bittorrent. It's a live Linux CD with a bunch of utilities for 'torturing' the PC hardware, hence the name. The authors seem to take a reasonable approach on graphical desktop, cutting out what they consider unnecessary eye candy, but leaving in the tools essential for effective GUI. 'Some new package highlights such as knoppix firewall, vlc, superkaramba, KDE 3.3.1, newer 2.6.7 kernel, NX client, and many more', the site says."
60 of 85 comments
) LiveJournal Servers Go Down |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @10:30PM
from the only-mostly-dead dept.
Wind writes "According to any journal hosted off of LiveJournal.com, the LiveJournal data center Internap has suffered a critical power failure, leaving all of LiveJournal and its content temporarily offline and requiring the revival of 100+ servers. Perhaps Six Apart wasn't quite prepared for the responsibilities of a website of this size? Updated information is posted here."
256 of 379 comments
) Technorati Does Tags |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @09:02PM
from the you're-it dept.
Ian@FalsePositives.com writes "Technorati (a search engine for blogs) has a new 'tag' service. If your blog tool of choice uses Categories, has a RSS/Atom feed, and pings technorati, then you're done. If not, you can add tags via a new tag markup. The twist is that Technorati is working with Del.icio.us (a social/sharing bookmark manager website) and Flickr (a social/sharing photo web site) to read their tagged content! So Flickr pictures, Del.Ico.us bookmarks, and blog posts all on one page! Here's an example result for the tag Toronto. There is some documentation as well. One current limitation is that there is no way to do tag intersection as with del.icio.us (i.e. http://del.icio.us/tag/toronto+food ) like http://www.technorati.com/tag/toronto+Food.
Tagging (also know as Folksonomies) was the topic recently on Slashdot: Folksonomies In Del.icio.us and Flickr."
36 of 64 comments
) Build Your Own BSD Beer Brewing Control System |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @08:17PM
from the worthy-endeavors dept.
gnuguru writes "Here's a great use for some of your old hardware, a BSD beer brewing kit! Components: one 486, FreeBSD, a temperature logger kit, a relay board, some odds and ends from the useful box, and some time. Summer's just around the corner, so get to work gang!" You'll have to use this recipe, naturally.
121 of 166 comments
) IT: Two Reviews of Microsoft AntiSpyware |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @07:50PM
from the unsolved-problem dept.
jasondubya writes "PC Magazine released their review of Microsoft's Anti-Spyware Beta 1. While they agree with most that it has great potential, it has yet to take over their top spot. In an informal test, it removed about two-thirds of the spyware detected and blocked about fifty percent of the threats they attempted to install. After removal, they ran Webroot's Spy Sweeper 3.0. It was able to detect '900 traces of 48 distinct threats still present, including two keyloggers and three Trojans.' With that, it looks like Microsoft still has work to do before they are on top of the market." Several other readers sent in link to Mossberg's review in the WSJ.
114 of 155 comments
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @07:19PM
from the end-user-planting-agreement dept.
Friar_MJK writes "Now even traditionally non-tech-savvy farmers are getting the rap for piracy. This isn't your grandma's p2p filesharing, but rather replanting bio-engineered seeds. Somehow the powers-that-be got the idea that replanting seeds grown from your own soil is a crime. A company called Monsanto sells those specially engineered seeds, and according to their license agreements, they make it illegal to replant the seeds harvested from a previous crop. To enforce this, they have brought many hard-working farmers to court and even thrown some in jail. According to the story, the company has not lost a case yet." We've had a couple of stories about Monsanto suing a Canadian farmer, but there hasn't been a lot of U.S. press devoted to the issue.
386 of 518 comments
) Oh! Super Toaster! |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @06:51PM
from the toast-is-no-laughing-matter dept.
An anonymous reader writes "Japanese company Neutral KK has developed a Super Toaster. Not only does it toast your bread with infrared beams, it actually slices the loaf of bread for you. For a price tag of around $10,000US, that makes it about the most expensive toaster in the world."
126 of 164 comments
) IT: Avalon Preview Released for XP |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @06:20PM
from the promised-land dept.
CliffH writes "For those that want to play with a preview release of Avalon (the November Community Technology Preview) and the SDK, head on over to this page and download to your heart's delight. It is 261MB+ and is already going slow so be warned."
162 of 234 comments
) On Finding Semantic Web Documents |
Posted by
on Friday January 14, @05:52PM
from the location-location-location dept.
Anonymous Coward writes "A research group at University of Maryland has published a blog describing the latest approach for finding and indexing Semantic Web Documents. They have published it in reaction to Peter Norvig's (director of search quality at Google) view on the Semantic Web (Semantic Web Ontologies: What Works and What Doesn't): 'A friend of mine [from UMBC] just asked can I send him all the URLs on the web that have dot-RDF, dot-OWL, and a couple other extensions on them; he couldn't find them all. I looked, and it turns out there's only around 200,000 of them. That's about 0.005% of the web. We've got a ways to go.'"
32 of 59 comments
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