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WebmasterWorld Jake’s 7 Steps To Identifying Click Fraud "..had 6000 clicks before 12:30 eastern on a term that received 61 clicks yesterday. I wanted to run down with everyone the steps we took to identify it, in case some people are curious as to how you catch it." An Israeli Hacker Finds New Google/Froogle Security Bug "By embedding JavaScript in a URL pointing to Froogle, a hacker can gain access to the user’s Gmail account. The JavaScript redirects the browser to a malicious web site, where the hacker can read the user’s cookie, which contains personal information, such as purchase history, user name and password for Google services." New MSN Search Now Live - Now you see it - Now you Don't More real world testing from MSN as the Beta tag is dropped and results go live on MSN. Sources say beta to go final on the first, but results will continue to be live on and off this next few weeks. Webmasters report seeing repeative searches from the beta index on the live site. The New Affiliate Policy Hits The Streets Long talked about - the fateful new AdWords Affiliate policy is implimented. Final effects to be determined. Google Settles SEC, California Charges over Options "Google Inc. and the Internet search engine company's General Counsel settled U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission charges that it failed to register over $80 million in employee stock options granted prior to its initial public offering last August..." Analyzing MSN Search " I launched a major makeover of a site that has been around for a few years, and the makeover was specifically targetting SEO factors, using "on page" factors, almost exclusively..." Google Directory Updated Some seeing it - some not. Google Introduces Lite Version of Search Appliance Google has introduced a lite version of its search PC appliance called "Mini". It Indexes and searches up to 50,000 documents for $5000. Site traffic Dropped Checklist Where to start when your traffic nose dives. Answer All Requests from your Website "...confess to having deleted some of these without responding. What are the feelings on this? Must I answer them all even when I am offering the material at no charge?" The Raging "SE vs Affiliate" Cold War In the escalating struggle between Engine and Optimizer it is all about tactics, not methods.
SEO Chat ForumsAnyone know? hijacking domains Forum: Search Engine Optimization
Posted By: Hawaii
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 07:31 AM Best number or keyword phrases per page? Forum: Search Engine Optimization
Posted By: Francisco Aloy
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 06:27 AM AdSense & Spidered Pages Forum: Google Optimization
Posted By: autoforumz
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 06:24 AM Site review : Forum: Site Reviews
Posted By: FiReaNG3L
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 02:28 AM Google SERPS are Case Sensitive Forum: Google Optimization
Posted By: Cenk
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 12:43 AM Google Ranking and Link Structure Forum: Google Optimization
Posted By: raz
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 12:23 AM Google directory - Page rank Forum: Google Page Rank
Posted By: dalecom
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 12:22 AM Google Search Box Size Is Too Small Forum: Google Optimization
Posted By: Surf-Dude
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 12:08 AM Suggestions welcome Forum: Site Reviews
Posted By: mikotondria
Post Time: January 16th, 2005 at 12:00 AM Why did Google drop these top ranked websites? Forum: Google Optimization
Posted By: ron32898
Post Time: January 15th, 2005 at 11:40 PM file names Forum: Google Optimization
Posted By: seventyseven
Post Time: January 15th, 2005 at 11:37 PM
Search Engine Watch ForumsUsing a variety of key phrases..OK or not? Hi All, My name is Francisco Aloy and I would like to ask if using a variety of key anchor phrase is OK? For example, I have a home page that h Tygo charging and not offering any way to cancel. I'm posting this here since I followed a link to TYGO.COM from this forum about a month or so ago. I get server errors when trying to contact them, Does Yahoo Sandbox? and a few related Qs. Hi everybody. So my site is a little bit over one month old. With keyword searches of the top two keywords in my field + a more specialized keyw Authorized computer programs by Google Hi everybody, In Google Guidelines is written: “Don't use unauthorized computer programs to submit pages, check rankings, etc.” Does Google aut Google Good & Evil This is a bit humorous, the first issue of a new business magazine offered by Forrester Research features Brin & Page on the front and back covers. On Fractal Summarization Algorithm Here is Christopher C. Yang's and Fu Lee Wang's great paper (url= summarization: su Overture Suggestion Tool Problem as most of you know the overture suggestion tool has been down a lot. What is the deal? Is there a free alternitve?.. Is overture and yahoo taking Search Google Yahoo and more Hi, I have had some posts removed because of site promotion. I am sorry. I am not promoting this site, i just want to see your input on it because i a What the heck is the problem here? It seems like there are some very smart people here, so perhaps someone could shed some light on the situation. My website used to be very well ranke IMO – New MSN Search is NOW LIVE! Danny Sullivan (url= on 1/11/2005 about “MSN Search Beta To Be More Exposed To The P (URL= (1 Search) is a new site where you can search Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Lycos, Alta Vista, Hot Bot,
Digital Point ForumsWhere can i find articles? Forum: Search Engine Optimization
Posted By: cgo85
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 06:22 AM log file Forum: Site Administration
Posted By: aspcoder
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 06:15 AM 0 weight? Forum: Co-op Advertising Network
Posted By: TaylorAtCTS
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 05:45 AM links page question Forum: Link Development
Posted By: Francisco Aloy
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 04:30 AM update your sites Forum: HTML and Website Design
Posted By: dxdx
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 03:30 AM ipb forum software Forum: HTML and Website Design
Posted By: daboss
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 03:28 AM Not sure Forum: Setup / Validation Help
Posted By: toddmc
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 02:59 AM My server went down, so did my KW rank Forum: Website Reviews
Posted By: kyle422
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 02:32 AM Best Bang for the Buck Forum: Pay Per Click Advertising
Posted By: nfzgrld
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 02:09 AM My Weight is Gone Forum: Co-op Advertising Network
Posted By: mrdjkcool
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 01:55 AM Can this be done? Forum: HTML and Website Design
Posted By: General Grant
Post Time: 01-16-2005 at 01:25 AM
Seo Town: SEO, Marketing & Web Hosting Chat
Search Guild Recent ThreadsThis is very scary (atleast to me) I was reading my logs tonight nd I noticed two different Googlebots with same IP. Other was the new Mozilla 5.0 bot and the other Mediapartners-Google/2.1. And wht they said: AdSense does not affect the SERP's. I don't know but this scares me little. Just more backlinks? Hi all,
Obviously this is my first post, so apologies if I have made a newbie mistake or done something else glaringly wrong.
I run, in years gone by it was high up in Google, after a period of stagnation and a lack of updating with the changing times by myself it has dropped dramatically in the serps.
I am now trying to get it back on track, aside from obtaining more backlinks with relevant anchor text, is there anything else that I should be doing?
Many Thanks,
Kate links ... Does anyone know a good source to find high quality links?
I have been working tirelessly trying to build good links with good sites. Man it sucks. Anyway after 3 months of the sites being live I've managed a PR of 3 or 4 on most of my pages at
I think what I need now is some site wide link exchanges with good quality sites that will be around for a while.
I have 3 web sites with over 47,000 static HTML pages on each site of unique content. I am willing to do some major site wide exchanges on all three of them. That's over 141,000 pages of unique content of STATIC HTML.
The web sites are
I am willing to do about 7 to 10 site wide links with sites who can offer me high PR and/or a large number of unique STATIC HTML pages. also has about 10,000 subdomains included in this exchange (emample:
I also have a related links section if you just want to exhchange one link.
Thanks all. kicking a dead horse, Page rank thread So i went to this site from yahoo news. . Now they have a PR9 on the homepage. All the pages located in the footer have a PR8, however the main category links on the homepage have PR0.
I know who cares about PageRank right? Well, im just struggling with why this happens... I used to think that PageRank also had to do with coding / optimization of a page. Eventhough Google says its just about link popularity. Google Headache Hi looking for any help suggestions at all as this is driving me mad and getting tremendous grief from my client as well.
I took over the development of a site in the summer which had previously had been listed in G's index but mysteriously disappeared from it as we took over and I have noot been able to get bak into it since.
The new site went live at the end of september the link is
There is a page online that shows the most active googlebot ip ranges through the site that I have been monitoring (other ip ranges have been but only briefly)
We have a listing in DMOZ and Y!, MSN etc are picking up and indexing well.
I emailed G just before Christmas and got this response which seems a standard thing:
Thank you for your note. We apologize for our delayed response. Please be assured that your site is not currently banned or penalized by Google.
As you may know, our search results change regularly as we update our index. Normal changes you observe may include, but are not limited to, addition of new sites, changes in the ranking of existing sites, sites falling out of the index or getting dropped for particular keywords, and fluctuation between old and new webpage content.
We realize these changes can be confusing. However, these processes are completely automated and not indicative of wrong-doing or penalization of
individual sites. We currently include over eight billion pages in our index, and it is certainly our intent to represent the content of the
internet fairly and accurately.
While we cannot guarantee that any page will consistently appear in our index or appear with a particular rank, we do offer guidelines for
maintaining a 'crawler-friendly' site. You can find these guidelines at Following these recommendations may increase the likelihood that your site will show up consistently in the Google search results.
The Google Team
As I said any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am cracking up over this. SandBox? Still Possible? PLEASE help hello,
i am referring to website. I feel this website is under sandbox.
Can anyone let me know how can I take this website out of sandbox.
The reason i feel it is in sandbox is that, i cannot find my website ranking into Google in top 1000 websites.
Any Paid/Free suggestions are most welcome, please ensure that you are experienced to deal with this kind of problem earlier.
Quick response would be appreciated.
Thanks, Hasit C block IP ranges What is exactly is C block IP addresses. How is it used to submit to directories and engines. Difficulty Checker What does the Search Guild "Search Term Difficulty Cheker" really measure? My tarket keywords all show as easy, but they don't seem to be, in my version of reality. :) Best way to have an income from affiliate programs? Dear professionals, I have one affiliate site . As far as I learned, one should have more than one cite to have a some income from web. I am planning to create several sites devoted to different affiliate programs. The question is: what is the best way to work with affiliate programs? Is this a good idea to create a site for each affiliate program? Need your advise. More info: My main purpose is to start having income from web, I am a beginner, so it is difficult for me to create a good site with unique content, so I concentrated on affiliate programs. Does Anyone use Google Anymore? I am asking this because something weird is going on... my traffic in the past 2 weeks has shot up... all with the word MSN and Yahoo as where it came from..
The Search Engine Traffic... It was so lopsided that I thought something was wrong... Normally my traffic is 50% Google and 30% Yahoo and 15% MSN and the rest was various Search Engines like Dogpile or whatever.
Now this is the problem... out of the past 1000 people or so that came from Search Engines..
400 Yahoo .. 400 MSN ... 100 Google.. 100 Dogpile, Hotbot, Altavista....
uhh... Google is now in the same class as Dogpile ??
The reason I am posting this is because I checked all my rankings... everything is near or actually improved on Google.. and on multiple datacenters...
It's not that "oh maybe the terms of searches favor "yahoo" The reason it can't be is because this is a brand new issue that is showing up in the past week.... it was never like this... and the search term rankings are the same as before..
Something is Going on.... BBC Search Engine Use Increases The search engine, which helps users track down BBC and external web pages which answer queries or simply finds a relevant website, was used 34% more often than in 2003, with 44% more users accessing it than 12 months ago.
High Rankings Search Engine OptimizationSoupnazis: Seo Friendly Directories (Submitting to Directories) This may already be some where in here, but I found this the other day and thought it would be good for the forum. The site is: The site provides a list of SEO friendly (their opinion) free directory list. Do with it as you wish. ~Soupnazi Soupnazis: Different Browser (The Pub) I never really had any dislikes with IE, but on day flash decided not to work (no matter what I did) and I just couldn't go in an remove IE and reinstall it. This really irritated me, so I switched to Firefox. Well all I can say is I'm not going back and probably never will. IE will always be on my computer if I never need it so I'm not to worried. Firefox all the way. Plus its nice to MOD out my browser with all of the extensions that are available. ~Soupnazi
mcanerin: Delete Links? (Link Building) If you agree to a triangle trade, fine, but when you agree to do something, you should do it, and not "bait and switch".
The fact that some may have no problem with it is not the point. It's not a good business practice to promise to do something and then not follow through, or to unilaterally change your side to benifit yourself without their knowledge or approval.
The key to this strategy is that you make the change, but the other guy doesn't. He agreed to trade links. The webmaster is not trading links with YOU, they are trading links with a SITE. If you move your links to a different site, then he should move his reciprocal links to that site, too, in order to preserve the agreement.
Since that would work against your plan, you have violated the agreement, pure and simple. Violating agreements is not white or black hat. It's wrong, and both sides agree on that, as was made very clear in a recent thread at SEW - both sides pounced on the idea and tore it apart. Bad Karma.
I guess that's as clear as I can make it. I'm not coming down on you, but I think this is a case where you are looking at a website as a formula rather than a business. The fact that not one other person in the thread is supporting this should be noted.
Ian GregOne: Domain History (SEM Resources and Advice) I subscribe to, it shows domain name history quite well. It's a paid subscription, but comes in handy for me.
< :hi: GregOne, welcome! Sorry, had to edit your post to remove live link per the forum rules -- Torka> GregOne: Tool To Check Internal Link Structure (SEM Resources and Advice) I also use Xenu, but for some sites it seems to never end. I do like the link levels it shows and the end report it generates. Are there any other programs out there? I've never bothered looking for another. Hyperformance: Is Google Now Tracking Clicks? (Industry News) Hey All, :D
FYI, they do track, and have been for some time. There is a HUGE debate going on right now about exactly that topic. That Google actually tracks and saves that data.
To the point where some big .org's are getting involved, especially since Google has agreements to do big Libraries like Stanford and many others.
The crux of the debate is in "If you have that information (Google), and the Feds want it (patriot act) then they can request by law to have the record of anyone who has 'checked out' say Marx in the past 12 months" Etc., Etc., Etc., bomb making, terrorism, and more.
The issue, like the U.S. Libraries see it, is that this is personal information and they do not agree with the Act. Therefore, if the Library does not store this data per individual, then the Feds can ask all they want, but there is no data to give.
Maybe I should have begun another thread with this... So far, Google has not budged on their stance, they want this information, and currently - they are storing it.
- SS
Where have you surfed today?
<added> This could also be contributing to the decline in Google popularity. The Privacy Rights are a big issue with a lot of people...? Francisco Aloy: Anchor Text (Link Building) Let me get this straight:
If you have 4 key phrases in your home page it means you should vary the usage? Meaning: this posting gets a, that other site is b, then c on another one?
Could using the same phrase be considered spamming the SEs?
Scottie: Great New Spyware Checker (The Pub) It didn't find anything on my computer... Jill: Splogs Or Blams? (The Pub) Google has certainly created some monsters, eh? Jill: Keyword Density (Keyword Research) You are both right!
Exposure's business model (if that's what you want to call it) really doesn't have to do with the general advice we give here about making a great site that will do well in the engines, and make you money and all that.
But it's the exception to the rule.
For real businesses, Karon's right. For those that are just trying to get you to click to someone else's real business, Exposure is right. Bernard: Need A Little Favor... (The Pub) PM sent...