A survey conducted by leading travel insurance specialist has revealed just how much people can save if they shop around for their cover.
Compared to a charge of just over £123 from Norwich Union for its Annual Family Worldwide cover, a family of 2 adults and up to 6 under 18s would be covered for just £85.00 by InsureandGo – a saving of almost £40.
Travel Insurance Comparison Table
Annual Europe |
Annual Worldwide |
Single Trip, 1 week, Europe |
Single Trip, 1 week, Worldwide |
InsureandGo |
£69.00 |
£85.00 |
£24.87 |
£56.99 |
Norwich Union |
£114.65 |
£123.53 |
£37.55 |
£75.08 |
Insurance start date – 20.08.04. Based on 2 adults and 2 under 18s.
Perry Wilson from InsureandGo says: “Even though our prices are low our cover is high meaning both peace of mind and more money in holidaymakers pockets for when they are away.”
InsureandGo's annual policies include 17 days winter sports cover. Plus all policies cover 40 adventure sports automatically; while up to three under 18s are covered for free per insured adult.