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AZZ Cardfile software: Personal Information Manager for Windows PC
AZZ Cardfile is simple to use software that helps manage and organize any kind of records. It can serve as Rolodex, PIM, contact manager, address book, small database.
  ...totally customizable organizer software without predefined fields, it can be...
  ...manager (PIM) or small database software. Replaces Microsoft Cardfile. Modern...
Category: Software - 2k

Outsourcing Ukraine - Offshore Programming, Software and Web ...
Outsourcing Ukraine - Offshore Programming, Software and Web Development
  ...Ukraine - offshore programming, software and web development servic...
  ...appealing way to use any kind of software or web-site. The quality: internal...
Category: Programming - 3k

JOHNPRICE.COM Internet Marketing, Brand Identity, Web Design, Web Video,Advertising, Publicity, E-commerce, Trade Shows, Search Engines, Streaming Video, E-mailers, Databases, Network Sales,Search Engine Optimization, Google Optimization, SEO ...
  ...small business, online shopping cart software, merchant account, ecommerce,...
Category: Marketing and Advertising - 6k

ZSS Home Page - WinPoker Home Page
WinPoker uses math to teach you the perfect play for various video poker games. Learn and Win!
  ...Zamzow Software Solutions 15628 Mustang Dr. Fountain Hills, AZ 852...
Category: Video Games - 1k Software Download Directory Software Download Directory. Thousands of programs ready for direct download. Stop by for a free copy of Automated Ebay Sales.
  ...Last Year How To Write Your Own eBook In 7 Days! Sell On eBay For Huge...
Category: Software - 2k

NJ Web Designers | New Jersey Web Hosting | NJ Computer Repair | Web ...
nj web designers, new jersey web designer, nj web designer, web design, web designs, web designer, web designers, new jersey web designers, nj web design, new jersey web site design, web design nj, web designs new jersey, new jersey web design, web ...
  ...Web Design | New Jersey Web Host | NJ Web Hosting | New Jersey Computer...
Category: Web Development - 18k

eIslamic Software, Arabic, Harf, index.html,Islamic software,Arabic ...
Arabic software, desktop publishing, dtp, keyboards, Islamic software, learn Arabic, graphic design, webpage, Arabic language, Islam, Sakhr Arabic software, word processor, multilingual, localization, translation,
  ...Multilingual Islamic Software and Multimedia The Holy Qur’an Progra...
Category: Software - 4k

NJ Computer Repair | New Jersey Web Designers | NJ Web Hosting | NJ ...
nj web designers, new jersey web designers, new jersey web site design, nj web hosting, serving NJ - NY - CT - PA
  ...Web Design - New Jersey Web Host - NJ Web Hosting New Jersey Computer...
Category: Web Hosting - 41k

Source Code Delphi-based Accounting Software developed by OEMSoftware
High quality, economically priced, Delphi-based accounting software source code for software developers, system integrators and value-added resellers.
  ...Accounting Software with Source Code OEMSoftware can help! ave you...
  ...priced, Delphi-based accounting software source code to software developers,...
  ...Just because you license royalty free software doesn't mean you have to go i...
Category: Accounting - 2k

TimeValue Software - Loan Amortization, Tax, Accounting, and ...
TimeValue Software. Products include time value of money calculations, loan amortization software, tax penalty and interest software, and other products for financial professionals. We also provide disk duplication services.
  ...Map TimeValue Software develops software solutions for accounting, tax, and...
  ...File In Time is the leading software for due date tracking and task management....
  ...we offer our TValue Engine that allows software developers the use of ou...
Category: Abandonware - 2k

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