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Axandra Code of Ethics

Some search engine optimization companies and software developers use unethical tricks and techniques to artificially boost the search engine rankings of a web site. This dilutes the quality of search results and the accuracy of search results becomes questionable.

For this reason, the search engines are continuously trying to trace out the spam techniques which webmasters might be using and penalize or ban them.

They continue to reconstruct their algorithms to prevent spammers from flooding the results page with irrelevant or low quality content.

If you use a web site promotion tool that uses these unethical tricks and techniques, you'll put your web business at severe risk.

Axandra tools use only ethical SEO methods.

Our products use only ethical search engine optimization methods. They use only techniques that produce lasting results and that don't offend search engines.

Search engines consider the following search engine optimization techniques as SPAM. For that reason, Axandra products DO NOT use or promote them:

  • automatically generated doorway pages
  • cloaking and false redirects
  • keyword stuffing
  • hidden text or hidden links
  • pages loaded with irrelevant words
  • duplicated content on multiple pages
  • misspelling of well-known web sites
  • unrelated and centralized link farms
  • other methods that try to trick search engines

You might get short term results with these techniques but it's very likely that your site will be banned from search engines if you use one of these techniques. You'll put your web business at severe risk if you use one of these methods.

Axandra web site promotion tools use only ethical search engine optimization techniques that produce lasting results.

Ethical search engine optimization is about everyone winning

Ethical search engine optimization leads to a symbiotic relationship:

  • Search engines: They win as they are provided with pages that are easy to understand and that contain the quality information that their visitors search for.

  • Searchers: They win as they are getting what they ask for from the search engines. They search for "green widgets" and get a page about green widgets.

  • Web site owners: They win as they are getting quality visitors who are interested in what their web site has to offer.

Our web site promotion tools help you to build web sites that are beneficial to web surfers, web site owners and search engines.

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