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HighlightsTuesday, January 18, 2005 

Iraqi woman walking past poster urging Iraqis to voteIraq Elections
Secretary Powell (Jan. 13): "It's important for the Iraqi people to have this opportunity to speak their voice and to say how they wish to be governed by electing a Transitional National Assembly that will give them the transitional government. So we are all ahead full for an election on the 30th of January." [full text]

Tsunami Relief Efforts
U.S. response and how you can help

President Bush (Jan. 10):  USAID has delivered food, temporary shelter, hygiene kits and supplies to help people survive. In other words, we've been focused on the relief effort; now we're beginning to focus on rehabilitation and rebuilding. And as a result, USAID is arranging small loans for those whose livelihoods have been destroyed. We were talking about the NGOs who have been working along with USAID. . . . beginning to help rebuild lives and help people get back on their feet.  [full text]

Secretary Powell and his wife Alma are accompanied by President Bush and Mrs. Bush while the Powell's received the John Thompson Legacy of a Dream Award from Georgetown University.Let Freedom Ring
Secretary Powell and his wife Alma are accompanied by President Bush and the First Lady while the Powells received the John Thompson Legacy of a Dream Award from Georgetown University during the University's 'Let Freedom Ring' celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Monday, January 17, 2005. [Remarks by President Bush]

In Other News
The Partnerships for Learning Undergraduate Studies (PLUS) Program, part of the Partnerships for Learning Initiative (P4L), is the first-ever U.S. Government-sponsored undergraduate scholarship program for outstanding students from the Middle East and North Africa.

Secretary Powell sums up the President's foreign-policy record of the last four years.

Read about women's participation in elections in Afghanistan and Iraq, a women's radio station in Cambodia, and leadership training for women in Cote d'Ivoire. [pdf]

The FY 2004 Performance and Accountability Report provides performance results and audited financial statements to enable the public, the Congress, the President, and others to assess the performance of the Department in achieving its mission and stewarding its resources. A Highlights version of the Report is also available.

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