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Background Notes | Embassy | Map | Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad

The United States has made a long-term commitment to help Afghanistan rebuild itself after years of war.  The U.S., along with others in the international community, currently provides resources and expertise to Afghanistan in a variety of areas, including humanitarian relief and assistance, capacity-building, security needs, counter-narcotic programs, and infrastructure projects.  The U.S. also supports the Afghan Government in its efforts to establish a framework for a vibrant civil society, one that emphasizes democratic principles through a rule of law and creates accountable and transparent forms of government.

The United States and its international partners remain committed to helping Afghans realize their vision for a country that is stable, democratic, and economically successful, and to an Afghan government committed to the protection of women's rights, human rights, and religious tolerance. 

See also:

Embassy Kabul, working with Afghan colleagues and the Rendon Group, hosted an Afghan National Conference on Counter Narcotics December 9-11 for more than 600 national leaders from each province. Afghan National Conference on Counter Narcotics
Embassy Kabul, working with Afghan colleagues and the Rendon Group, hosted an Afghan National Conference on Counter Narcotics December 9-11 for more than 600 national leaders from each province. President Karzai called for the end of the poppy trade in Afghanistan and his messages resonated around the nation and were cited in national and international stories for more than a month.

Afghan students sit at desks with books. From December 7, 2004 State Dept. publication. Copyright AP WideWorld.Afghanistan: Building a Free, New Society
Hamid Karzai, the first democratically elected President in Afghanistan's history, was inaugurated on December 7, 2004. Fact sheet describes Afghanistan's progress in democracy, education, health, infrastructure, economic growth, and security and stability. pdf   

October 9, 2004, Sheberghan, Afghanistan: Afghan men reviewing ballot in the first-ever election for a head of state. State Department Photo. Election in Afghanistan
 The country had its first-ever election for a head of state. Reports indicate that turnout was extraordinarily high. Voters, including a large number of women, waited patiently for hours to cast their votes. [Photo Gallery]

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