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Web sites that facilitate international trade between businesses using the exchange of goods or services as payment. Sites that deal with barter between individuals or within a single country should be submitted to
Alternative Monetary Systems.

See also:   Tradecorp
Tradecorp membership gives you access to over 70 Exchanges and more than 100,000 businesses through our regional, national and global barter network.   Trodo
Barter site, allowing members to give away stuff in return for credits which can be used to request stuff.
Business to business e-commerce barter services for retail, professional, media and other corporate clients.   Texas Barter Exchange
You can barter, trade, exchange, swap and preserve cash while bartering your product or services for goods you normally purchase for cash.   BarterNews
BarterNews magazine has been the voice of the industry since 1980. It is written by industry practitioners and is regarded worldwide as the voice of the industry.   Trade Exchange Canada
Canadian trade exchange with access to over 100,000 trading businesses worldwide.   Platinum Barter Exchange
Platinum Barter Exchange is the only Barter Exchange to exclusively service Edmonton and surrounding areas.   Tradebank
A full-service barter exchange promoting a wide range of products and services through the opportunity to barter.   Family Trader
Allows members to barter, trade, exchange or sell products or services.   Itex Québec
Itex's Quebec division, the largest network of commercial exchanges in Canada.

Pocket Bike Racing
Pocket bike racing.

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