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Overseas Buildings Operations

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The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) directs the worldwide overseas buildings program for the Department of State and the U.S. Government community serving abroad under the authority of the chiefs of mission. Along with the input and support of other State Department bureaus, foreign affairs agencies, and Congress, OBO sets worldwide priorities for the design, construction, acquisition, maintenance, use, and sale of real properties and the use of sales proceeds.

On A Scale Unprecedented

Under the leadership of President Bush and Secretary Powell, the Department of State is embarking upon an overseas construction program on a scale unprecedented in its history. After years of cutbacks in resources, Overseas Buildings Operations is directing an expanded program to provide safe, secure, and functional platforms for our diplomatic and consular missions overseas.

As Secretary Powell stated at his Senate confirmation hearing,  

"While the world has been growing more demanding and more complex, while more and more nations demand and need our attention, we have cut the number of people in the State Department; we have under funded our facilities; we have neglected our infrastructure. We need to do better."

To this end, the Secretary put in place strong, experienced, and professional leadership to create a high-performing and responsive organization. On March 12, 2001, Major General Charles E. Williams, USA, retired, was appointed as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Foreign Buildings Operations (A/FBO).

Two months later, the former A/FBO was upgraded to Bureau level, reorganized, and renamed Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO), reporting to the Undersecretary for Management, with Charles E. Williams as Director and Chief Operating Officer (Assistant Secretary equivalent). General Williams reorganized the Bureau to ensure full accountability, top performance, and clear understanding of the mission; introduced industry best practices and an Industry Advisory Panel; fast tracked every project; created a Long-Range Overseas Buildings Plan; and is leading the Bureau to becoming a Results-Based Organization.

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