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Procurement - Operations

The World Bank group generates billions of dollars in opportunities for suppliers of goods and services around the world each year through its projects in developing countries. Find information on how to sell both directly to the Bank, to support its internal operations, and to government agencies in developing countries implementing Bank-backed projects.


Procurement for Projects - Home Page
Government agencies in borrower countries are responsible for purchasing goods and services for Bank-financed projects. The Bank monitors procurement to ensure it is conducted efficiently and in an open, competitive and transparent manner. The procurement for projects home page contains information for borrowing countries on how to implement Bank-financed projects, a list of bidding and consulting opportunities and an explanation of how public procurement works.

The Project Cycle: A Guide for Business
This page provides tips for business on how to use the World Bank's project cycle. It explains the stages of the cycle and the on-line information available at each stage of the process. By knowing how to work within the cycle, companies can better position themselves to win contracts.

Search for Available Projects

Find a list of tender notices from governments and donor agencies that can be viewed by country, keyword or funding agencies. Companies can also set up detailed profiles and receive automated e-mails whenever a tender notice is published that meets their specific criteria.

UN Development Business
Provides information on business opportunities generated through the World Bank, regional development banks, and other development agencies.

Project Database
The database including basic information on pending, active and closed Bank lending projects from 1947 to the present. Searches for projects can be conducted by title, project ID, loan and credit number, country, sector or keyword.

Monthly Operational Summary
A summary of the status of projects in the Bank's lending pipeline: from the point of identification of the project to the signing of the loan or credit agreement. This is a good source of new projects being considered by Bank staff and of contact information for key officials.

Contract Awards Search
A database of major contract awards that were reviewed by Bank staff, with the names of contractors, suppliers or consultants that submitted the winning bids/proposals.

Accessible Information on Development Activities (AiDA)
A database of over 400,000 historical and current development activities, drawn from major international donors, NGOs, civil society organizations and foundations. Project records can be filtered and viewed according to region, country, topic and sponsoring organization.

Guidelines and Policies

Procurement Under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits
Find detailed instructions and conditions for supplying goods and services to Bank-funded activities.

Standard Bidding Documents
This page contains templates that Bank borrowers can use when preparing bidding documents.

Consultant Guidelines
Borrowers are responsible for hiring consultants on Bank-supported projects. These guidelines ensure that the process is as open, competitive, transparent and efficient as possible.

Updated: November 2004

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