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Effective Lab Solutions

Dedicated to helping laboratories meet the challenge of growing workloads and regulatory requirements, Ai Scientific provides solutions that enable laboratories to be even more efficient while maintaining quality and certainty.

25 years of real-world experience is the foundation of our two divisions - Analytical Instruments and Ai Automation.

Ai Scientific supplies some of the world's finest Analytical Instruments to industrial, environmental and research labs in Australia and New Zealand . The range includes Varian, CEM and AnalytikJena amongst others. All instruments are backed up by local technical support staff and a fully equipped applications lab.

Ai Scientific's automation systems manage sample preparation, tracking, delivery and storage in laboratories worldwide:

Pathology Sample Management - Ai Scientific's innovative systems aid pathology laboratories in processing ever-increasing number of specimens and improving turnaround times.

Sample Preparation - robust digestion and dilution systems for a wide number of inorganic applications in environmental and industrial laboratories.

OEM Autosamplers - customisable next-generation autosamplers for chemical analyser manufacturers.



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