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Plenty of research has been done on the rights and wrongs of how to submit to search engines.  The simple fact is, that no one person, will have the definitive answer on this.  The requirements for search engine submissions evolves daily. Search engines themselves are the rule makers.   The problem is that every search engine has a different set of rules.

Many people would have heard that within optimisation, doorway pages are not allowed, cloaking, etc, etc. Now for the bulk of search engines this is absolutely correct.  However, some search engines allow doorway pages in acceptable quantities and with other methods. This is where some people decide to promote these ideas on websites, in an effort to make all believe what they are doing is right.

Facts. The search engines that actually allow the use of doorway pages, cloaking and the like is in the minority. These engines do not, and will not ever, deliver substantial traffic to your website. You are better off complying with the majority of search engines editorial policies, that state these methods are illegal.

Organic SEO is the right method to achieve high rankings and remain compliant with search engine editorial submission policies.  It is not worth your time or effort, to only achieve minimal traffic and possible penalties or be banned from the major engines that count.

Before any website is submitted to a directory or search engine, a few simple steps need to be taken. You need to ensure your website is finished. By finished I mean, no pages still under construction, with partially finished content or navigation. The website must be complete. Another simple step is ensuring that your website is user friendly. If your website is not friendly for visitors or search engines to navigate, that will also hinder possible listings.

Generally, speaking if a website is up to the standard to pass Yahoo or DMOZ inspection, then the website is fine to submit to other engines. The problem is that because the major engines use crawler based technology, then people can tend to abuse this by making pages simply built for the search engines and not the user. Any person visiting a site knows the difference on a page made for the search engines and one made to please a potential customer.

Your website does not have to be worth a thousand dollars to have successful submission to Yahoo. What it must be is unique in content, that is it sells your products or information, and it must be friendly for users to browse.

A suggested method for checking your website, before you pay for submission is to have your friends look through and use your website.  Allow them to find faults and make comments. Correct the faults and then submit.

What is Competitive?

Competitive search terms are not necessarily those where millions of searches are being returned. They are those that people are fighting hard to win the top positions, that is "search engine optimization" is a very good example. There is a huge difference between them.

By simply adding a town, city or region to a keyword, you have taken the competitiveness from high to low. For example, "search engine optimization australia" is by no means as competitive on a global scale, compared with the term "search engine optimization."

Be realistic with your goal.   If you want a fiercely competitive keyword, then be prepared to pay the cost, whether through organic optimization or Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns. *Lets face it many businesses are now finding, PPC could cost you $20,000 a month where organic SEO could cost you $50,000 a year.   To obtain the top spots! You do the math. PPC is instantaneous, organic SEO is slow, but lasts longer for less cost.
(*For Highly Competitive Words)

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Search Engine Submissions

Search Engine Submissions
Manual Search Engine Submission - The Key To The Search Engines

Do you honestly believe that your $19.95 payment to 1000 search engines, directories and link pages actually works? Did you know that monthly submissions to engines is "spamming"? Stop throwing your money away and receive value for money instead. Contrary to some beliefs, large amounts of money are not required to get listed on the Internet. Smart money, invested in the right place once, will boost your websites' relevance and exposure.

Submission Services Overview
How & Where Are We Going To Publish Your Website

Search engine submissions is the process of publishing your website within the search engines. There are many and varied types of search engines that all evaluate a website in their own unique way. Optimising a website to perform within the search engines, is the only method to achieve high rankings within the free directory listings. Submission, without prior optimisation, is merely a waste of time as no substantial ranking will ever be gained. Basically, your website will be floating aimlessly with the other billions of websites that are never seen by anyone other than friends and family. View our search engine optimization page for more information.

We utilise several methods to achieve search engine submissions of websites. The most common is directory submission. Manually submitting a website to directories that are visited frequently by the search engines, will allow your website to be picked up and listed within a month or so. This is actually the preferred method by the engines. This serves another purpose, by establishing some basic credible links, pointing at your website to help with rankings.

Professional search engine submission techniques will ensure your website is established throughout the International regions applicable to your business. The major engines do not need manual search engine submission because they utilise links from directories pointing at your website to find and spider appropriate pages. No links, no indexing. Links are not all though! What about the page where your link resides? Indexed or Not? You can also view our link popularity page for more information on link analysis and popularity.

Global Search Engine Submission
Inexpensive Automated, Over Marketed Internet Hype That Achieves Little

The figures of those people who manage to make a living from automated global search engine submission, directly to the engines, is minimal. They may even have you convinced that what they are doing is correct - think again. I offer this service to you also, except with the truth up front and not hidden within some conditions page.

Submitting directly to search engines achieves very little. Perhaps it will give you the hope and expectation that your website will gain a few listings here and there. Submitting to search engines monthly is the worst thing you could possibly do. Search engines editorial policy clearly states and considers this spamming.

Directory Submission
Manual Search Engine Submission To Directories

Key listings with major directories increase your ranking within search engines. Search engines give great importance to websites that are linked within the Open Directory Project (DMOZ), Yahoo, Go-Guides, Gimpsy, Joe-Ant, Skaffe and others. Your listing within these directories and the required high standards for that listing, automatically communicates to a search engine, that you have a quality website. Being listed within the relevant area of the directory, for the focused keyword phrase, will boost your credibility for that phrase within the engines. The one link within both DMOZ and Yahoo is worth 100's of links within low quality directories.

We will conduct keyword analysis of your website and write topical Titles and Descriptions for your website, submit to Yahoo, DMOZ, Go-Guides, Gimpsy, Joe-Ant, Skaffe and other key directories on your behalf. The cost varies depending upon whether your website is commercial or non-commercial. Non-commercial websites can be submitted for free to Yahoo for example. It is generally better to pay however, the money for the rapid inclusion, than wait up to 6 months or more for a free listing.

Be aware that Yahoo directory is non-refundable. Yahoo have staff who visit your website and analyse it for editorial compliancy. If you have any method of cheating incorporated within your website, then it should be eliminated prior to submission. A website that is well designed, with unique content and nothing to hide should not fear losing their money through submission to these directories. Acceptance remains solely with the relevant directory.

Commercial websites - Submission to Yahoo, DMOZ, Go Guides, Joe Ant, Gimpsy, Skaffe, Allestra, Got That Online & Sun Steam directories for Only US$909.00 (approx Aud$1250.00).

Paid For Inclusion (PFI)
For Those Who Cannot Wait Or Have Constantly Changing Pages

The quickest and most reliable method of inclusion to any search engine or directory is through rapid paid website submissions. This gives you a guaranteed time for review of your website, generally 2 - 5 days and guaranteed refresh rates, generally every 48 hrs. This means that the search engine will visit your website and update its database with any new information from your website.

Not all search engines can be paid to access rapid inclusion. Google is one of these. Google is a completely free search engine to be listed with as are many others, however; many others give you the option to have guaranteed quick review and constant refresh. On the other end of the scale are those search engines that you can only be listed by way of payment. Many crawler based engines will visit your website often regardless; paid or not. As stated, paid inclusion is only for those who have just built a website and want it listed quickly and for those engines that you simply cannot be indexed within for free.  Also for those who have content pages changing daily, and require rapid reindexing within search engines to show the latest and freshest content, within the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP's).

*Global Package - Entireweb, IxQuick, Mamma, Windseek, Got That Online, Inktomi, MSN, Overture, Hotbot, Espotting,, Looksmart, Blue-win, Blue Yoinder, Sonera Plaza, TOCC Search,, Terra, Lycos, Fast, BTLooksmart, All The Web, Tiscali, Meta Crawler, Dogpile, T-Online, Excite, Club Internet, Web Crawler, Wired News, Jubii, Infospace, Scrub The Web, Slider, Sunsteam, What-u-Seek and many other partners. Only US$480.00 (approx Aud$650.00)Click To Enquire About Our Services


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