- Your script source |  |
Amount of sales to date: $9667
Most common script type: PHP(1054)
Welcome to - where you can buy and sell PHP, CGI, java, python and many other scripts! We also have a large directory of free scripts which are stored on our server for ease of downloading the free script. Selling your scripts is easy, all you have to do is signup and submit your scripts by specifying a category (such as PHP scripts) and fill in a few details about the script such as description, platform, etc.
Ten Newest Scripts |
Silent Stalk v1.0 | This is another game by the Smash Method team. Some of the pioneers of online gaming. This is a very simple game and has lots of room to add features. A grea..... | | Exo | This is a copy of ExoFusion Originally coded by the smash method team. They are long since gone and so is this script. Many people may have heard of gamers fu..... | | | This is the game script for everything is included (SQL and php files). This is a mix between outwar and samurai war. Players can purchase t..... | | phpBB | this is a script of the well known forum sever phpBB.
it's a free script and it is easy to install.
What is phpBB?
phpBB is a high powered, f..... | | Contact Script | A Simple Contact script for a webmaster | | DIGIMAN 6.0 | DIGIMAN 6.0 Shopping Cart Overview
Digital Shopping Cart Software by Cyspider Software
Sell e-products online with Digiman 6.0 Shopping Cart Sof..... | | eBay Cross Promotion Tool | Easy to use cross promotion tool for Ebay. Just enter your auction/store item numbers, choose your display options and your cross promoted items html source is ..... | | phpXplorer | phpXplorer is a free PHP program which allows you to create and edit files on your webserver with a common web browser. You are able to control access to the sh..... | | jsTree | jsTree is an open soure treeview control written in JavaScript. (Download Version 1.0)
I wrote the script for my phpXplorer ( system. ..... | | File System Stats | File System Stats is a script that allows you to display the progress/status of a site in development. It shows the total number of directories, the total numbe..... | |
Ten Most Sold |
Tsunami Channel Wars V2 | The Tsunami Channel Wars Project has now gone Open Source with V2. this huge text based multi realm MMORPG ( rpg mud ) is here in the best version yet.... with ..... | | aePartner Free Dating Software | Free pack of PHP scripts that can be downloaded and installed to your domain to run your own dating website. Subscriptions, shopping cart, virtual kisses, advan..... | | Directory Of Links | Run your own automated link directory. links are automatically added to the category you select on the submission form. Also has a built in hit counter so you k..... | | PHP listings | PHP Listings is a script that allows you to build a local business directory. We started this script as a means for local businesses to advertise their business..... | | InfoWizards Reciprocal Link Systems | InfoWizards Reciprocal Link Systems Ver.1.2 is here! This reciprocal management tool and link exchange software now includes: an admin to edit/add/delete catego..... | | Submit-Link | This script is sorta like a link dump, your visitors can submit there link and it will be veiwed buy other visitors on your website | | JADE: Just Another Directory Engine | Jade is a Directory and Search Engine application, it is simple and easy to use. It works with templates for make easy your changes to the look and feel of ..... | | Reciprocal Link Checker | Reciprocal links are a good way to boost your Page Rank. If you would like to develop a reciprocal link program on your website, the reciprocal link checker tha..... | | tectraxxdatemanager | tectraxxdatemanager is Date manager, and a great script to have for your site. | | PHP Hangman Game | Play the classic hangman game - guess the word or phrase without getting more than 6 letters wrong. Non-alphabetic characters are allowed, but filled in. The wo..... | |
Buying scripts is just as easy. All you have to do is browse through our directory and goto the area you want. If you're looking for a security related PHP script, then click on PHP and then click on security. Once you've found the script you want, all you have to do is click it, pay for it (via, and then it will be listed in your "my account" area for download!
Here at our focus is to provide an easy method for a programmer to sell scripts that he has made in the past, including PHP scripts, CGI/perl scripts, python scripts, and many others, without the hassle of having to create a site and manage payments, thus simplifying the process. This works the same for buyers, who do not want to spend alot of money to get a custom script developed, when the script could already be developed!
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