Catchment Management
- Overview
Shannon Region's rivers, lakes and estuaries are wonderful natural
resources that are complex and unique systems. This section
details the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board's strategies aimed at ensuring
the sustainability of our valuable fisheries resource over the
coming years.

What is
Catchment Management ?
The Catchment Management process is a way of managing our
fishery environment in a sustainable manner i.e. "meeting the needs of the
present generation without compromising the needs of future generations"
It brings the community and government together to plan and
manage for the future and helps maintain a high quality environment.
Management decisions operate at a catchment level: the catchment is defined by
the river draining the land in the area.
The process can take many forms, but decisions are typically
done on a consensus basis, normally after consultation and with the
help of relevant experts.
In order to carry out Catchment Management in an area, it is
necessary to identify the key stakeholders (i.e. interest groups) and develop a
plan of action through participation and consultation. A working document should
be drawn up, outlining the objectives of the process, the issues involved and
the solutions proposed, including a realistic timeframe. The gathering of
background information is crucial to understanding issues within the catchment.
The success of Catchment Management depends on active
participation of all the stakeholders. This build up of trust between groups is
essential. The abandonment of entrenched points of view and a sprinkling of
creative thinking are also useful ingredients.
Definition: There are a number of definitions offered to best
describe the concept of Catchment Management. The Central Fisheries Board describe Catchment
Management in their report issued in 1997 'Achieving Sustainable Growth' as a
process where people come together out of self interest to optimise the benefits
that can be derived for their local community. It involves the assessment by the
people, in a geographically distinct river catchment, of their needs, appraisal
of the assets in that catchment and the application of an action plan to best
meet their identified needs in a harmonious manner. The Minister for the Marine
and Natural Resources designated six river pilot catchment areas to assess
practically how CM would work in Ireland and to try and devise a definitive
process for Catchment Management in the future.

Links: Use the drop down menu to access our
links on Catchment Management Projects and other relevant topics

Catchment Map Mulkear Project -
Click on map
