Sustainable Homes at Manchester Summit
Green Building Press, UK - Visitors will be able to find out about the help and advice SH can provide, as well as information on the Energy Saving Trust. Sustainable Energy-saving device seeks world market
ic Wales, UK - A CARDIFF company has developed a wireless energy management system that is helping companies to cut waste and, in doing so, help combat climate change. Don't fill kettle and bag savings, Scots tea drinkers urged
Edinburgh Evening News, UK - If every household in the UK fitted just one energy-saving light bulb, enough electricity would be saved to light three million homes for a year, according to How green is your party?
BBC News, UK - We have a number of energy-saving measures at our head offices. We use energy-saving light bulbs, and our lights are switched off at night. Hydrogen bus pilot hailed success so far
Environmental Data Interactive, UK - Richard Tarboton, head of business unit transport energy, part of the Energy Saving Trust, said the pilot scheme was an important step towards implementing the |