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Youth are the world's future diplomats. Start Now. U.S. Department of State
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US Department of State for Youth
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Who We Are What's Happening When in the World Where in the World Why Diplomacy Matters

Meet The Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice
Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the 66th Secretary of State on January 26, 2005. As she stated at her confirmation hearing, "we must use American diplomacy to help create a balance of power in the world that favors freedom. And the time for diplomacy is now."
Fun Activities
Fun Activities graphic
Are you in grades K-6? If so, this area is for you! Join, "Pat, your Passport Pal" and play some fun activities.

News and Events
Secretary of State Rice smiles as she addresses State Department employees on Thursday, Jan. 27, 2005. Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the 66th Secretary of State on January 26, 2005.   AP/Wide World Photo. Secretary Rice's Welcome Address
"The President has set forth a really bold agenda for American foreign policy, and the State Department has got to be in the lead in this period in which diplomacy will be so important to solidifying the gains of the last few years and to pressing forward an agenda for a freer and more prosperous world."
Secretary Powell gives his farewell speech. State Dept. Photo.Secretary Powell's Farewell Address
"You are wonderful individuals. You are wonderful families. You are wonderful patriots who serve your nation as its troops in the far-flung outposts of American diplomacy. You are in the first line of offense of America's foreign policy."
A young boy injured in the tsunami in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province in northwestern Indonesia.  [AP/Wide World Photos]Conference on Tsunami Relief
U.S. response to earthquake and tsunami in Asia, including how you can help.
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Parents and Educators
Parents and Educators graphic
Parents and Educators are the most important influencing factors on youth. Here are some resources to help you share the exciting world of foreign affairs with your children and students.
My Future with the State Department
My Future with the State Department graphic
Did you know that the Department of State offers several opportunities for students? Find out which program is right for you!
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