Milk (store bought) Store
bought milk is homogenized, which means that the cream particles (butter
fat) have been mechanically broken up into microscopic particles. This
is done to prevent the cream from separating from the milk. Homogenizing
milk also alters the protein. Unless the cheese maker compensates for this
the milk will not make a satisfactory curd for hard cheese. When making
cottage cheese or any hard cheeses with store bought milk you must prepare
a special mixture. The basic recipe is 1 part heavy cream to 7 parts skim
milk. All of the recipes given here are formulated to use store bought
milk and the instructions for preparing this mixture are given in each
recipe when necessary. |
Chloride (optional) Another
step used to compensate for the processing of store bought milk is the
addition of calcium chloride prior to adding rennet to the cheese mixture.
The addition of calcium chloride will help restore the altered milk protein
and aid in the development of a quality curd. Specific instructions for
using calcium chloride are given with each recipe. |
All milk, regardless of its source will
contain bacteria. Pasteurizing is a simple process which will kill any
bacteria which may be in the milk. We have found that pasteurizing any
milk, including store bought, will improve the quality of the cheese. To
pasteurize your milk simply place the milk in a double boiler and heat
the milk to 161oF. Stirring often to avoid scorching. Once you
have reached 161oF place the pot of milk into a sink of cold
water and cool the milk to your cheese making temperature. Complete details
on pasteurizing are given in the step-by-step instructions later in this
document. |
acidification of milk in cheese making by means of bacteria is called
A variety of bacteria cultures are available for making specific
cheese types. These bacteria, commonly called starters, are added
to the milk after pasteurization and at specific temperatures. They are
allowed to work for specific time periods depending on the type of cheese.
During this period the bacteria consumes the lactose which is milk sugar.
The biological process is the same as the fermentation of beer or wine.
As the bacteria eat, they produce lactic acid which in turn causes the
milk protein to develop into curd. Other byproducts of this ripening stage
provide flavor compounds which enhance the character of the finished cheese. |
Cheese Starter Cultures
lactis ssp cremoris
fresh and hard cheeses such as Cheddar, Colby, Feta, Chevre. |
fresh cheeses such as Camembert, Gouda, Blue, Baby Swiss and others where
a buttery flavor and eye formation is desired |
Italian cheeses like parmesan, romano, provolone and mozzarella |
cheese starter cultures are available in two forms. They are defined as
curturable and direct-to-vat. Curturable starters are similar to sourdough
starters in that they are prepared in advanced and preserved for future
use. Direct-to-vat cultures are much more convenient for the home cheese
maker. No preparation of the culture is required. These freeze dried cultures
are added directly to the milk in the same way you would use bread yeast. |
is an enzyme which acts on protein and causes it to coagulate. There are
two sources of rennet enzyme. Animal rennet is an enzyme which is extracted
from the fourth stomach of calves and vegetable based rennet. |
based rennet contains no animal products and has the same coagulating ability
as animal rennet when used in milk that has been ripened (acidified) by
a cheese starter bacteria. This rennet is available in tablet and liquid
form. Rennet must be diluted with distilled water prior to adding to milk.
Rennet must be refrigerated. |
If your recipe calls for rennet tablets use this conversion. 1/2 rennet
tablet = 1/4 teaspoon liquid rennet. |