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  • AccessArt - contains online workshops and arts educational activities aimed at all ages.
  • Art Studio Chalkboard - artists' resource in drawing, linear perspective, shading, color, and painting. Send art questions, get answers.
  • Cultural Heritage Initiative for Community Outreach (CHICO) - developed to make arts and humanities cultural heritage materials accessible to a broad array of audiences, especially for K-12 students and educators. Based at the University of Michigan School of Information.
  • ECIT - Electronic Compendium of Images and Text - interactive computer graphics software for use online in the classroom, which allows the spectator to navigate through images and other information, verbal and visual, thereby gaining access to visual information that is closer to perceptions of reality than those offered by slides and photographs.
  • European League of Institutes of the Arts OnLine - an independent network of arts education institutes covering all the arts disciplines: dance, design, theatre, fine art, music, media arts and architecture.
  • Magic of Painting, The - illustrated, online art lessons for the beginner and advanced fine art students including lessons in theory, practice and art appreciation. From the London International Art School.
  • Operation Clean Slate - nonprofit organization that gets schools involved in painting murals over graffiti. Operation Clean Slate helps foster community involvement and pride.
  • SchoolNet Art and Art History Links - links for educators and students.