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Yazici Tourism Turkey - debtor
last update 26.11.2004 at 13:03 Hrs
At present time Yazici Tourism is in debt with our company worth of 95 406 Czk, aprox. 2890 Euro. Comunication with person in charge of Yazici Tourism for this case Mr. Ceyhun is very poor.
Yazici Tourism has reserved via our travel agency accommodation in hotel Diplomat Prague, and program for it's group /list see below/. Accommodation and agreed services were paid in advance. Apart of this, there were goods and services consumed above of the agreed budget, which are not paid yet.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: our grp to prag 23-26 sep
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:17:21 +0300
From: Ceyhun Canal
To: Miroslav Satrapa
Dear Miroslaw,
Herewith I want to thank the team of Motylek very much for your perfect service and attention to our group last weekend. According to the questionary, which they filled on the way return in the plane everybody is very happy from your service.
Be sure that with the next group I will be there to meet with your team and also to enjoy Prague.
Thanks again for everything
Ceyhun Canal
Yazici Tourism Corp.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE:
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 16:01:36 +0300
From: Ceyhun Canal
To: 'Miroslav Satrapa'
Hi Miroslav,
Everything is OK. I will transfer you the outstanding balance on
Thursday and send you the copy of transfer
UPDATE 11.12.2004
We have received 2.800 Euro, which is acording to current exchange rate is 84.711 Czk, which is 10.695 Czk less than 95.406 Czk as listed in Invoice.
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