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Health Obstructions:

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Health Obstructions - Those negativities, that trigger a sequence of negative emotions and affect our innate nature adversely, whilst develop negative thinking and attitude towards life. 
'Health obstructions' can be broadly classified into two major categories.

1. Health obstructions originating from mind itself.
2. Health obstructions originating from our surrounding environs.
Let's take a glance at the flow-chart below, showing few examples of each type of  health obstruction. We come across them at every stage while facing life situation.:

Health Obstructions
(Mind Originating)

Health Obstructions
(Surroundings environ Originating)

Aloofness tendencies.

Avaricious tendency, Greediness.

Aroused and Uncontrolled anger.

Being force to do the unwanted work.

By birth eccentric or egoistic behavior.

Come Across with a person you hate.

Depression, Hopelessness for no reason.

Competition and comparison tendency.

Distress by mental shock.

Disdain towards situation or a person you hate.

Dread of doing some grisly act after losing mind control.

Distress by physical shock.

Fear or dread of non-existing and unknown thing such as ghosts, magic etc.

Domination by unwanted person in your work.

Feeling weakness for no reason.

Fear or dread of known cause.

Impatience and irritability.

Frustration out of existing circumstances.


Jealousy and envy with others.

Lack of confidence and interest in present situation.

Overcautious and over calculating tendencies and anticipating everything in term of gains and losses.

Mental torture due to unwanted persistent thoughts.

Rivalry with someone.

No faith and belief in anyone.

Suspicion and inferiority complex.

Self-egoism, arrogance and over enthusiasm.

Financial crunch or poverty that brings emotional imbalance.

Uncertainty of mind.

Terrors panics and fear which one come across - Either situation or a person.

Health Obstructions ( Mind OR Environs)

Unhappy Mind (emotional imbalance)

Brings ill Health

Emotional imbalance may emerge in the form of some body ailment or ill-health condition. -either psychological or physical health problem like -headache, piles, impotency (-may be due to aversion, terror, frustration etc.), melancholy, nightmares, hearing sounds from unknown origin etc.-are all indication of emotional imbalance. Persistent emotional imbalance always increase severity of the ailment or condition. A layman remains unaware of them and falls prey of numerous ailments or ill-health conditions. We can say that every physical and mental ailment is the result or expression of emotional imbalance due to accumulated negative emotions originating either itself from mind or surrounding environment, as soon as negative emotions alleviates, the physical trouble disappears. obviously a person and his innate nature is more important than his disease or ailment.

All the health obstructions -which triggers emotional imbalance- are governed by two basic and opposite instincts i.e. pain and pleasure.  Moderate emotional-conflicts represent perfect tuning between a person and personality and promote healthy personal decisions however emotional-conflicts in excess or dearth foster negative emotions and make the immunity of body frail and the physical body becomes easily susceptible to disease or harmful conditions. Person and personality in combined together represents a level of health and happiness of that person. Both basic instincts -pain and pleasure- are recurring and rotating like a cycle; pain followed by pleasure and vice-versa. This means that, to every reaction -expressed in the pain or pleasure form- there is an opposite reaction that makes it exist and also opposes it. For example, hunger and satiety are opposite states. As hunger is appeased by eating, but excessive eating may cause even obesity, disgust or aversion towards food, which again is a form of instinctive pain followed by the instinctive pleasure. This pain-pleasure cycle expresses the dominance of nature that has kept everything in balance by the law of opposites. One thing checks another, for example, every animal is attacked and eaten by some other animal so as to maintain the survival equilibrium.

Basic instincts' cycle at a glance: 
Pain Pleasure Result of pleasure in excess
Hunger Food "Food" in excess may lead to obesity as well as Disgust or aversion to food
Struggle Comfort "Comfort" in excess may lead to Sloth or laziness
Exhaustion Sleep or rest "Sleep or rest" in excess may lead to Sloth or drowsiness
Financial crunch /poverty Money "Money" in excess may lead to Greediness
Fear Joy or Charm "Joy" in excess may lead to Carelessness
Homeless Shelter This may lead to Acquisitive Tendency
Insecurity Security Excessive "security" may lead to Negligence
Celibacy  Sex "Sex" in excess may lead to Perversion or Deviation
Recession Prosperity "Prosperity" in excess may develops Arrogance or Recklessness
Sorrow Joy "Joy" in excess may lead to Excitement or Elation
Weeping Laughter Excessive "laughter" may lead to Hysteria
Hunger for anything Satiety Excessive "satiety" develops Weanedness or disinterestedness from worldly things.
Anger Calmness Excessive "calmness" may develop Servile, Weak-willed behavior
Silence Speak Excessive "talking" may transform to a Loquacious Prattler
Hate  Love "Love" in excess may lead to Obsession
Rend Sew Care in excess may lead to Excessive concern, Anxiety, melancholy
Mourn Dance Ecstasy in excess may lead to Hysteria

While facing adversities, human tendency is inclined towards thinking bad and curse our self or existing circumstances during those bad times by making unnecessary comparisons, which In fact, is prejudice and one-sided thinking because everything comes to an end over a particular time phase, means one thing is replaced by its opposite, in turn. This means that the end of sorrow is joy, the end of weeping is laughter and if we have a good time today we may have a bad time tomorrow. When we become aware of the fact that all life lies between opposites, we must realize that two opposite forces that tend to counterbalance each other to produce a balance in all things controls life. However, people expect that things should always be happen as per their wish and when they find that things do not correspond to what they were expecting, they did not able to adjust themselves to what life brings. Our inability to assimilate the opposite, to see things from an adverse point of view, to be conscious of both sides of the basic instincts, makes us very one-sided and inflexible with our view of life.

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