A Little bit of light
It's funny the memories we collect. One of my fondest
from childhood was following what seemed like a giant
of a man
across a
grassy field towards an old farm house, we were coming
back from
squirrel hunting.
I don't recall a shot ever being fired or if anyone else
was with
us, but I remember being afraid to pick up the dead
squirrels and
how he patiently coaxed me into touching them to show me
it was
ok. That would be the only time I would ever get to go
with my Grandfather, In fact that is the only memory I
have left
of him, not long after that he past away.
That one trip so long ago, opened up a life time of great
and fishing memories for me. Being there to help both of
my sons
take there first deer, my daughter's first fish, my
first buck and our first kids fishing derby.
Over the last decade we have put on many kids fishing
and we have been blessed with seeing hundreds of smiling
catch there first fish.
These may seem like little things, but if I leave only one
with my grandkids, I can only hope it stands the same test
time as the one my Grandfather left me.
In today's world where every time you pickup a newspaper
turn on the television, you get a constant bombardment of
robbery, rape, murder and war. Where terrorist are no
the bad guys in a
poorly directed movie, but a real threat right
here in our own back yard. I find it no wonder our kids
prefer to
stay lost in a fantasy world. A world fast stepping beyond
recreational drugs and alcohol, where Playstation 2 or X
controls most of their waking hours.
Well I'd like to tell you about a better world. A world
people know the importance of making sure our kids know
the joys,
values and the importance of all aspects of hunting and
will decide it's future.
One where complete strangers are willing to take time away
their own families, work and even go through back ground
to take a few under privileged kids on a fly-in fishing
trip to
a resort in Canada or people who work hard to gain prizes,
promote and set-up a kids contest for kids they will
never meet. A world where people believe by keeping kids
involved in outdoor activities they can somehow help mold
Or are we simply fulfilling the need to pass on what
our parents and grandparents gave us?
If you would like more information about our kids events
would like to share information about kids events in your
email us. We
will post it on our site so it can be
shared with others.