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My Grandmother Messino began her career in Italy as a couturier for women who wanted high fashion in the late 1800s. An offshoot of this was the beginning of Anna Bellina, the basics in skin care with the most basic ingredients...and of course all natural. (In the 1800s skin care products were handcrafted and wholesome. They did not contain petroleum byproducts, industrial solvents, or an assortment of toxic chemicals.) She later married my grandfather, a Royal Navy officer and they moved to Rangoon, Burma where my Mom, Dorothy Beatrice Taylor was born.
Out in the country of the less developed countries there were no pharmacies, hardly even doctors, to run to every time an ailment presented itself. All the ladies of the house, even the servants, had their own little concoctions for whatever ill might befall someone. This was the roots of what my Mom brought to England with her as a nurse and later stateside as a war bride to raise organic botanicals in her greenhouse in Atlanta.
And this was the beginnings for my background... watering that huge greenhouse and making .25 to nourish all those beautiful plants. Mom would sell these through a small mail order catalog for serious gardeners and who knows who else, perhaps a holistic healer? She always gave a bakers dozen for the monies worth and good customer service. I can vaguely remember how excited she was over someone buying her botanicals.
On a more personal note, I lost a kidney to cancer due to work environment lead poisoning. Since then I've seriously studied what chemicals can do to one's body. This lead to an every increasing determination to eliminate chemicals in daily living. Thus, when my sister decided she didn't have the botanical skills that I do, we worked it out for me to take over the Personal Care section of Anna Bellina... and Anna Botanica was born!
aromatherapy for acne, rosacea, your hair, pet, and home |