Selling the season with snazzy advertising campaigns
Public-relations firms make the most of the holidays
By Frantisek Bouc Staff Writer, The Prague Post Dec. 16, 2004
While the holiday shopping season is peaking and advertisers are bombarding people to spend more money, public-relations and marketing firms are experiencing quiet times.
"PR and marketing firms do play a key role in companies' promotional activities, but our Christmas is in September or October when campaigns are being finalized," said Marketa Hlavicova, co-owner of the Yaro public-relations firm.
Public-relations firms spend the autumn busily preparing campaigns for the coming holiday season. After the holiday pitches are out, the firms usually have to start thinking about arranging parties for their various clients, Hlavicova said.
Cooperation with public-relations firms is booming, said Tomas Fiala, a senior account executive at Mmd Public Relations.
"In the past, mainly multinational companies were outsourcing PR firms, but the current trend shows that more and more Czech firms are interested in hiring specialized PR firms," Fiala said.
Demand for public relations has toughened competition among local firms, said Association of Public Relations Agencies (APRA) Executive Director Ludka Raimondova.
"In fact, the market appears to be fully saturated," Raimondova said.
While the APRA represents 24 companies, there are dozens of smaller agencies and independent consultants competing for clients.
Yaro's Hlavicova said high demand has paradoxically resulted in a lowering of prices in the industry.
"Not even the increased demand before Christmas can help us celebrate significant profits," Hlavicova said. "We simply wouldn't dare charge the prices that we charged seven years ago."
"The media have a decisive impact on shopping trends."
Katerina Cerna, Ahold spokeswoman
Rising demand for luxury products in this country could further boost the public-relations industry.
A recent survey conducted by British company Sacks showed that public-relations activities are essential to the sale of luxury products.
The increasing role of advertising and PR campaigns is at the root of the growing demand for more expensive products in this country, said Katerina Cerna, spokeswoman for the retail chain Ahold.
"The media have a decisive impact on shopping trends," Cerna said.
Mmd's Fiala said cooperation with the media was important for the firm's corporate clients before Christmas.
"The traditional Christmas shopping fever makes many customers turn to lifestyle magazines and other media for inspiration, but it's up to a PR firm to pick the right items and to make sure that they are presented in a way that they catch the eye of the reader," Fiala said.
The success of holiday campaigns could determine the amount of orders that a PR firm receives in the following year.
"PR work is often based on a long-term cooperation, but it's clear that a successful Christmas campaign stands as a good reference when a PR firm is chasing work," Hlavicova said.