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StatCounter Free web tracker and counter



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Member Comments
It's easy to read testimonials with a cynical viewpoint, but for once I have to agree; this service is rather exceptional. I first went looking for an alternative hit counter because my hosting service was reporting some rather bizarre statistics that flew in the face of what I'd researched (apparently everyone out there in Cyber-world uses Netscape 4.0).

So onto Google I went, and stumbled across StatCounter. It was free, it said (but only if you want the absolute minimum of stats, I thought). It could be invisible, it said (but only if you pay a premium, I thought). It didn't asphixiate your site with pop-up windows, it said (yeah right, I thought, where's the catch?) Well it turned out I was wrong and that all the testimonials were quite right.

At a time when the Internet is getting cynical and over-commercialised and is being villified by the media, it's so refreshing to see a site that just wants to deliver a free and high-quality product. Thank you, StatCounter, I stand corrected!

Carmen, North Wales - 11th Feb 2004

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Got a website? Get a StatCounter! A free yet reliable invisible web tracker, highly configurable hit counter and real-time detailed web stats. Insert a simple piece of our code on your web page and you will be able to analyse and monitor all the visitors to your website in real-time! Here's how it works.

Solid 5 out of 5 Award in All Professional Reviews

Internet Magazine 5 Star Award

Internet Magazine 5 Star Award

October 2003

Tucows 5 Cows Award

Tucows 5 Cows Award

September 2004

What does Tony Bell, Press Officer of Suffolk Basketball have to say about us?

"I run websites for a number of voluntary organisations. Primary criteria for anything I use is that it must be minimum cost - preferably free. When I stumbled across StatCounter I was cautious. I spoke with some professional colleagues who all asked the same question – what’s the catch… we still can’t find one.

In the week I’ve been running StatCounter I’ve learned that I need to re-size my pages to give access to all of those still running 800x600 screen resolution, what the favourite pages are, where my visitors come from… 10% from the USA! – even one from Greece. 99% of my visitors use Internet Explorer and they spend between 5 seconds and 30 minutes on my site. And all without popup adds or graphics that don’t quite match – you don’t even mind that I hide the counter!

Thank you for producing a really useful tool."

What does Colin McGrath of have to say about StatCounter?

"I LOVE this service, LOVE IT! I'm so impressed with you guys, you have no idea. I'm a small business and StatCounter.Com is helping me make everyday decisions in real time! I am able to figure out what is working for my new websites and my new business immediately after I implement a change. I can't thank you enough ... " read more

Why are these people so impressed? How can this be free! What is the catch!?

StatCounter is the culmination of 5 years work, is different to everything else out there and we're still working on it! We are not out to make a quick buck. The reason StatCounter exists is to "help webmasters make decisions, and be more successful online by understanding their visitors".

We offer a truly exceptional free service, because we want to help you grow. And as you grow, and as your needs grow, we hope you'll upgrade. We don't impose an upgrade on you. You can use it for free for as long as you like. The only catch is if you start to get over 9,000 pageloads each day you are outside what we can sustain as a free business model and we will then ask you to either remove the code or upgrade. It's as simple as that!

What Does StatCounter Have To Offer You?

  • Completely Free, Fast, Responsive, Quick loading and Reliable Service
  • Invisible Tracking - no ads on your website
  • Accurate real-time website statistics with detailed visitor tracking and analysis
  • Detailed breakdown of pageloads, unique, first-time and returning visitors
  • Popular Pages - what webpages get viewed and what ones don't
  • Zoom in on your visitors' locations and watch in real-time as they navigate through your website!
  • Search Engine/Keyword Analysis - what keywords are people using to find your site?
  • Drill Down - Incredibly Powerful Tool. What navigation paths, referring links and keywords are leading to conversions?
  • Do you have multiple websites? Manage them all from one account
  • Configure email stat reports to be delivered to you and your clients
  • Grant individual user access to your staff or clients
  • Enable public or private website stats
  • Incredibly easy to use - no software to install or huge log files to parse
  • Referring links - do you know how your visitors are finding your site?
  • Country Stats - does your website have a lot of international visitors? What percentage of domestic visitors do you get?
  • Browser/Resolution Info - is your website optimized for your visitors?
  • And that's just to whet your appetite and it's all FREE!

Don't just take our word for it. Take a look at what our members are saying and try out the web statistics demo yourself before you decide to sign up for free.

Fast, Responsive, Quick loading Service

Why did I start StatCounter back in 1999? I had been using a counter service that was loading slower and slower every single day. I spent a long time getting my website to load quickly, and all my efforts were destroyed by a slow loading counter service. So what did I do? I started my own! We share the load across an ever expanding cluster of dedicated servers to ensure your counter is kept loading quickly - it's usually instant. We're not perfect though, but if we get a report of a slow loading counter, we'll do whatever it takes to get it sorted and fast.

Reliable Service

What's almost the worst thing to see on a website? Well most people seem to have finally gotten the message about the eyesores that are blinking tags, flashing backgrounds and the dreaded scrolling marquee tag. After that, one of the worst things to see is a broken image link. This is another irritating phenomenon of counter services. They go boom and bust very quickly and your left with a dangling gaping big broken image hole on your website. Thanks very much.

We've been providing this service since 1999. We've been through a lot of blood, sweat and tears, agony and ecstasy, misery and joy, heartache and ... well you get the picture. It's been a long journey - 5 years - 3 re-launches - over a billion hits tracked. We've been through the rough times, we've learned from our early mistakes. We've gotten very experienced administering web applications that have to take an extreme load. It has been rock solid since the last re-launch. When the demand increases we just add more dedicated servers to the pool.

We're on a mission to become the best web tracker available to webmasters and website owners - we know this is a tough business, but we're here to stay. Good times and bad.

Invisible Tracking

Have you experienced the 'lets provide a free counter service for a few months then whack them with a charge without any warning', followed closely by the 'free accounts are now worthless we'll just plaster their website with intrusive ads and pop-ups'. This is yet another annoying trend that I've noticed about counter services.

You've spent a long time developing your website, now you want to know who is visiting it. Fair enough. But does that mean you have to subject your visitors to ugly advertising from your counter service? Well we certainly don't believe so - with StatCounter you get what is probably the most configurable free hit counter available in the world, as well as the option to go completely invisible. There are absolutely no ads on your website!

We Listen To Your Needs

There's one reason, and one reason only that StatCounter has become so popular. That reason is you, and other people like you who have become StatCounter members. You are our livelihood. We survive from your custom and your word of mouth. Please keep recommending our services to your friends and colleagues.

We are always listening to your needs. We are consistently trying to improve the service and add more features. We are fast becoming the ultimate webmaster and marketing tool and it's all thanks to you. Take a look at what our members are saying.

If you're still not sure if StatCounter is for you, just have a look in the forum, and ask our members a question about the service. They'll bring you up to speed on whatever you need to know. If you've any suggestions to improve the service, be sure to post them in the forum as well.

Final Word

We could go on, and on and on about our service ... seriously we could. Did you get that impression? But there's only one way to find out if we really are what you are looking for. Register for your free account right now. You could be viewing in-depth webstats and a real-time analysis of the visitors to your website in the next few minutes! Remember, it's free. What could be better than that!?

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