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The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board respects your privacy. In order to give you our customer the best possible service, it is necessary that we request  and retain a sufficient amount of personal information. Personal data collected on the website is always volunteered by you via our online forms, by email or in your application to become an administrator in our Competition or ClubZones etc. You can be assured that our internal routines do not allow unauthorised access to your data. Credit card details required with online fishing licence payments processing is of course classified as extremely private and accordingly all reasonable security measures are taken to safeguard such details. We have a strict policy of not disclosing, exchanging or giving away customer information of any kind without your express permission. We only retain your information for as long as is necessary and for the purposes intended as set out below.


Personal data gathered is required to process and administer your online fishing licence orders and payments. Credit card details supplied by you are processed in a secure environment. 


We retain this information on our computer systems for reference purposes only to learn more about visitors to our website.  



We provide an online feedback form to gain useful feedback, comment and suggestions from the public. We retain this information on our systems for reference purposes.



We invite the public to subscribe to our newsletter whom we mail shot weekly in season. To protect your identity we mail shot you via our local mail client as a bcc HTML message in a group mailing list. Subscribers who ‘opt in’ to receive the newsletter, can ‘opt out’ at any time by sending us an email placing the words ‘unsubscribe please’ in the subject line.


All angling reports/contributions received from you via our online forms or email are published on the website stating some or all of the following personal particulars - contributors name, address, tel number and email address. Reports supplied must always be verifiable for accuracy, hence we give out your personal particulars. We state this clearly on relevant forms to allow you to make your own choice concerning your privacy in this case. By submitting the reporters form or emailing us with catch reports or angling notes and photos you agree to this condition.


Advertisers are requested to complete an official application form and submit to the Board for approval accompanied by the appropriate fee. Application Forms are downloadable or can be requested or sent by ‘snail mail’. Application submissions received are used to generate your ad, which is administered by Board staff and published online by the webmaster. Each year, renewal notices are sent out with existing ad details, requesting any ad amendments to be furnished with the renewal fee. This is in compliance with your right of rectification or erasure under the data protection act. Where renewal fees are not received in time, we duly remove the ad from our database systems in compliance with our audit obligations and your privacy.


Information/feedback received in Online Surveys is only used for statistical purposes or to give out a prize, there will never be external disclosure of any personal data supplied here.   


We automatically allow website promoters to add and modify their own links which is powered by Link Manager software.  We control who is approved or rejected in the process at our sole discretion. Our website contains links to other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and we would advise you to read the privacy statement of any website that collects personal information from you.



The Board’s website does not use cookies to place data on your computer. We use log file analytics provided by the Internet Service Provider and embedded java script in webpage source code, both of which are used for generating statistical reports and for administration purposes. IP Addresses (identifies your computer) are tracked in a user session. However, no visitor in person is identifiable here and therefore does not constitute ‘personal data’, nor do we make any attempt to identify individuals.

 If you have any further questions:

If you need further clarification or have any question regarding the privacy statement here, please contact the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board Angling Section. Email: or Telephone 0509 21777. We will be more than happy to facilitate in any way we can. This statement complies with the Data Protection principals and good handling practices set out in the Data Protection Act of 1988 and 2003. More info



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Privacy Statement

© Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.
The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308