Are you a new SEO who has just heard about the importance of optimizing your site for search engines? Or are you an experienced specialist doing SEO for years to earn your living? Maybe a web designer who has now found the need to expand their operation into SEO? In any case, whether you perform search engine optimization on your own site, or your client’s, you will feel the need to answer one or another SEO related questions here and there. The help of other industry experts is what you will look for (sometimes desperately), when you get stuck with a problem that has no obvious and tested SEO solution.
Where to look for help? Yes, there are lots of SEO forums and other SEO resource sites that collect advice and information you may find extremely useful for your actual work. The question remains on how to know which advice to follow? Even if industry experts say it is right, ask them if their advice has ever been tested.
According to Jill Whalen, SEO is more an art than a science, and she is certainly right about it. But it is still a science, and scientific results are to be proven through experiment, before it can be taken as true scientific fact. SEO Testing offers you a unique opportunity to test all the SEO axioms that have been taken for granted previously.
Our advice is not just our opinion or our perception of what will work. Accepting our help can aid your quest for information, as we know for certain what we are talking about. We give you access to an archive of thoroughly planned, discussed and implemented scientific precision SEO-related tests. This will make your own SEO solution reliable and safe, no matter what the others will say about it. As staff you have further exclusive access to testing inventory, clean untainted testing environments and more.
We want broad minded, active individuals who can clearly think outside of the square to push the limits, conforming to ethical practices and search engine guidelines. From how a search engine processes the title of a page, to how they determine a query string, page structure and so forth. Every aspect needs to be explored and tested to build an archive worthy of attention to every website owner.
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