The Website you are currently visiting
is a Proud Winner of the

Presented by
The International Association of
Web Masters and Designers
the Golden Web Award could make a dramatic difference
in your IT career by adding instant recognition and
credibility to your professional standing.
The Golden Web Awards is a FREE service
of the Association and is presented to those sites whose
web design, originality and content have achieved levels
of excellence deserving of recognition.
Submit your site FREE
for review:
one website may be submitted with each entry form. However,
you may submit as many entries as you wish.
for Re-Submitting)
Membership to the Association
is NOT required
to submit your site for award review.
Award results, updates, and bulletins will be sent to
you via the e-mail address you provide.
is only required for voting and member benefits.
International Association of Web Masters
and Designers
Platinum Members
receive a featured listing in the Associations Annual
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