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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have any questions, please consult these pages before asking someone. Most questions about this website are answered in here.

General FAQ
Teaser Submission FAQ
Points and Awards FAQ
Message Board FAQ

What is an editor?

Editors are special users of the website who have been selected to help us review teasers before they are approved or rejected. Editors can edit teasers for spelling, grammar, formatting and correctness. Once a teaser has been edited, the publisher makes a decision about whether or not to place it on the website.

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My questions wasn't answered here.

Please contact us. We are happy to answer questions, and we are always eager to make a better place.

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What do you do about malicious users?

Every correction, review or duplicate reported needs to be verified by other users of Braingle. Therefore it is very unlikely that someone could negativly effect the quality of the brain teasers on this website.

Comments and postings in the message boards are moderated to remove foul language and abusive remarks.

Everything that a user does on this website is tracked. If the server notices that a particular user has a trend of doing things that are not in the best interest of the website, this user will be blocked from performing certain actions.

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Why was the teaser I submitted rejected?

Over 75% of the teasers submitted to this website are duplicates. We will not approve duplicates. Sometimes a duplicate slips by our expert editors. When a duplicate is discovered, the most recently added one is usually removed. You can help us find duplicates by reporting them with the Duplicate Reporter and earn yourself 50 points in the process.

Sometimes teasers are not exact duplicates, but are close enough that they seem like the same puzzle. For example if you have one teaser about the probability of picking certain color balls out of a box, and another teaser about picking different types of fruits out of a basket. It is likely that this will be considered to be a duplicate if the rest of the teaser is the same.

Also, we will not approve teasers with numerous spelling or grammar errors.

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I keep getting logged out.

This website uses cookies to keep you logged in from page to page. If you cannot remain logged in, then your web browser is having problems accepting cookies. Please upgrade your browser, or turn cookies on.

If you are using a PC and have Internet Explorer as you browser, here is how to enable cookies. First, from the "Tools" menu select "Internet Options". Now click on the "Privacy" tab. Slide the slider all the way down to "Accept All Cookies". Now logging into the website should work. This will also help other websites work properly. As far as we know there is very little reason to have your browser reject cookies.

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How do I earn points?

Points are earned for submitting and voting on brain teasers. Once you have earned enough points to have access to the advanced features, you can also earn points by reporting duplicates, making corrections and reviewing teasers. Editors also earn points for editing.

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Why was my teaser modified before being approved?

Most teasers that are approved are quickly proof read by our editors. We will correct any small errors that we may find. Also, we will often write in a better title and move the teaser to a more appropriate category. If you want to have the best chance of having your teaser appear as you wrote it, please check it over for spelling and grammar errors, write a good title and make sure it is in the proper category.

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Can you explain the categories?

Cryptography - In Cryptography teasers, a phrase or expressions has been encoded in some way (frequently by replacing letters with other letters). You need to figure out the encoding method and then decode the message to find the answer.

Group - Group brain teasers give you two groups of objects. You have to figure out what makes the two groups different.

Language - Language brain teaser are those that involve the english language. It often requires you to manipulate words and letters.

Letter-Equations - Letter Equations are well known phrases or facts where the key words have been replaced with the first letter of that word. Letter-Equations should have numbers in them and an = sign because they are an equation.

Logic - Logic puzzles require logical reasoning.

Science - Science brain teasers require understanding of the physical or biological world and the laws that govern it.

Probability - Probability puzzles require you to weigh all the possibilities and pick the most likely outcome.

Math - Math brain teasers require computations to solve. Geometry puzzles also fall in this category.

Mystery - Mystery teasers are little stories where you need to figure out what happened based on the given clues.

Rebus - Rebus brain teasers use words or letters in interesting orientations to represent common phrases.

Riddle - Riddles are little poems or phrases that pose a question that needs answering. Riddles frequently rhyme.

Series - Series teasers are where you try to complete the sequence of a series of letters, numbers or objects.

Situation - Situation puzzles (sometimes called lateral thinking puzzles) are ones where you need to ask lots of yes or no questions to figure out what happened in the situation. These are good puzzles for groups where one person knows the puzzle and answers the questions.

Trick - Trick brain teasers appear difficult at first, but they have a trick that makes them really easy.

Trivia - Trivia brain teasers have some element of trivia in them, but they are not just pure trivia questions.

Other - Other brain teasers are ones that don't fit into any of the other categories.

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What are the points used for?

Mostly, the more points you have, the higher your name appears on the rankings. In addition, as you earn more points you will have access to more features of the website.

When you reach 500 points, you will be able to help us improve the site by reporting duplicates, making corrections to existing teasers and reviewing unapproved brain teasers that are still in the queue for being edited. You will earn extra points for helping us will all these tasks.

When you reach 1000 points, you will additionally be able to help us by verifying the duplicates and corrections reported by other users of the website. You will earn extra points for helping us with all these tasks.

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I posted a comment, but its not there anymore. is a moderated family oriented forum. Any comments that are deemed to be excessively negative or abusive will be promptly removed. This does not mean that you cannot post criticism of a teaser, but it does mean that you need to do so in a constructive manner. Comments like, "This is the stupidest brain teaser ever" will always be deleted. Any comments with inappropriate language will be deleted. If you feel there is a comment on this website that should be removed, please let us know by clicking 'bad' link next to the comment.

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What is an reviewer?

A reviewer is a user with at least 500 points who is able to see the un-approved teasers and vote on them.

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What is a publisher?

Publishers are special users who make the final decision about whether or not to accept a new teaser onto the website. They base their decision on the helpful voting from users with at least 500 points, and they rely heavily on the editing performed by the editors.

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I found an error in an existing brain teasers on the site, what should I do?

If you have at least 500 points, you can make the correction yourself! Just us the link "Correct This Teaser" when you are viewing a teaser. For each correction you make, you will earn yourself 5 points.

You can also help us out by verifying corrections reported by others. For each vote you cast here you will get 1 point. Only users with at least 1000 total points are allowed to verify potential corrections.

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How do I become an editor or publisher?

You must have a score of at least 5000 and have at least 50 teasers approved to the site to become an Editor. Editors are hand picked by the site staff based on their participation in all areas of the website. A majority vote by the existing editors is required for admittance. Generally, current editors look at the quality of teasers you've submitted as well as how much you participate in the forums. Publishers are hand picked from existing editors and they must wait for a slot to open from a current publisher retiring.

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How do I report a duplicate teaser that I find?

Thanks to the efforts of our talented editors, Braingle has very few duplicates. However, sometimes they slip through and you may notice them. For each duplicate teaser that you correctly identify you will earn 50 points. Reporting duplicates is only available to those users with at least 500 total points.

You can also help us out by verifying duplicated reported by others. For each vote you cast here you will get 1 point. Only users with at least 1000 total points are allowed to verify potential duplicates.

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