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Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

Phobia Management Department

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Clinical Medical & Sports Hypnotherapist
President & Program Designer
1715 Stickney Point Road  Ste. C-7
Sarasota, FL  34231         941-923-5763

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CD - 80 minutes - 2-3 sessions - $19.95 
Audio Cassette - 55 minutes - $14.95 
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International Medical & 
Health Writers Ltd.

Book & CD Series

Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder &
How to Lick It

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Weight Loss & Eating Disorders 
Disorderly Eating 
Sugar Addiction

Medical Diagnosis Hypnosis
 & Treatment

Oncology Diagnosis 
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Learn Interactive Self-Hypnosis 
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Managing Carbohydrates - Sugar Issues
Managing Addictive Personality Patterns
Managing Self-Destructive Work Habits

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Free Ezine
Questions to Program Designer

Moderated Educational 
Discussion Groups

Licking Sugar Addiction 
Managing Eating Disorders
Interactive Self-Hypnosis 
Accelerated Learning 
Nail Biting, Skin Picking& Hair Pulling
Pain Management
Workplace Stress Management
Pregnancy, & Birthing
Fear & Phobia Management
Walking Motivation
Eating Disorders & Life Issues Journaling
Workplace Stress Management Journaling
Interactive Self-Hypnotic Journaling

MindBody Fitness 
Boot Camp

About the Boot Camp
Table of Contents

Boot Camp Online Discussion Group
MindBody Fitness Boot Camp CD  Series MindBody Fitness Boot Camp CD  Series MindBody Fitness Boot Camp CD  Series

Educational Departments

Sugar Addiction
Weight Loss
Adult Addictions
Chronic Disease
Disease Prevention
Chronic & Acute Pain Management
Oncology & Treatment
Accelerated Learning Mind Tools
Self Hypnosis Education
Fears & Phobias
Adult Habits
Social Anxiety
Adult Mind Game Sports
Kids Mind Game Sports
Kids Self-Improvement
Kids Health
Kids Learning Mind Tools
Kids Habits
Executive & Workplace Health
Executive & Workplace Performance
Executive & Workplace  Creativity
Executive & Workplace Stress
Personal & Workplace Relationships
Affirmation Mind Programming

Interactive Areas

Sugar Addiction Q & A
Sugar Addiction Archives
Disorderly Eating  Q & A
Self-Hypnosis - Q & A  
Article Library
Executive Personality & Development 
Inner Journaling Workshops.
Inside the Self-Hypnosis Workshop..
Daily Motivators

Educational EZboards

Licking Sugar Addiction
Holistic Weight Loss 
Self-Hypnosis Education 
Accelerated Learning 
Avoiding Workplace Burnout 

Small Scoop Articles - short reads that open minds !!
Preventing Diabetes by Managing 
E motional & Compulsive Eating

Ready for 2004......or not?
Licking Sugar Addiction
Working with Emotional Crayons
Cleaning Up Disorderly Eating with 
Mind Power
Breaking the Sugar Addiction Habit
Losing Weight?  
The Need to Manage
Training Your Brain is Smart !
Mind Muddles & Goal Achieving
Mind Adventures - Walking & 
Working Through Old Failures
Developing Your Inner Coach
Moving Past Resistance & 
Opening to Suggestion
Addictive, Compulsive, 
Obsessive Behavior Management
Releasing Anger with 
Interactive Self-Hypnosis

Welcome to Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute Online.  This is our Phobia Management Department. This is an interactive educational website filled with a multitude of  opportunities for learning.  Always feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about our educational programs or choosing the best CD program for you.   Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht


Our +350 programs are written & recorded in original interactive self-hypnosis that was designed by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht, President & Program Designer.  This type of self-hypnosis allows the listener to change mind programs in a trance state as well as "in the moment."  Each program teaches these techniques in actual trance work.

Here are a few links to programs designed specifically for our Pain Management Department.  Click on the link for a description of the program.  A full list can be found by clicking on the top link in the yellow column.

Managing Social & People Anxiety - Shyness

Fear of Public Speaking & Making Presentations

Fear of Phone Calling & Sales

Managing Trauma: Moving from Depression & Fear

Fear of Flying

If you have a phobia or fear,  it is imperative that you learn to manage your mind & body connection "in the moment", as well as future-pace your subconscious mind with interactive self-hypnotic programs.

There are many kinds of phobias & while some individuals may need medication, there is much one can do for themselves.  This personal power relieves much of the perceived fear, that is often the trigger to the phobia itself. Keep in mind that whatever you image in your mind is REAL for your body physiology.  That is why you can react strongly to your fear EVEN WHEN it is nowhere in sight.  

Knowledge is king. Here you will be introduced to  actual tools including interactive hypnosis, imagery, awareness meditation & the nutritional link to the workings of your mind & body connections! 

Many individuals with phobias also have habits that are conducive to producing stress chemicals.  These include food, sugar, alcohol, smoking, drugs & even prescription medications.

I hope that you choose to work with our free groups & also our extensive audio work for managing your phobic issues, as well as other areas of your life. They are affordable & can change the outcomes of your life experiences.

Mind-Body Fitness Boot Camp
The Boot Camp is an original "self-discovery" program that is offered FREE online & is an excellent place to learn interactive self-hypnotic applications.  The focus is lifestyle change & high level performance.  Here you will learn to set & activate goals, manage emotions & negative brain cloud, curb addictions, challenge disorderly eating, manage & release stress, accelerate learning, experience high level health & optimum performance through the applications of original interactive self-hypnosis.  The Boot Camp also has an email discussion group moderated by the author & program designer.
About the Boot Camp

Self-hypnosis is a vital key to change.    We utilize it all the time, but for most of us the application is negative & not positive.   Lifestyle change & enhanced performance should be in the cards for most of us, but as we know from experience this is easier said than done.  That is about to change...

Knowledge is king. Here you will be introduced to  actual tools including interactive hypnosis, imagery, awareness meditation & the nutritional link to the workings of your mind & body connections! 
 Hypnosis has been a part of the practice of medicine for hundreds of years & the practice of visualization has been traced almost to the beginning of time.  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  We are actually in hypnotic trance most of our waking day & it is the purpose of the skilled hypnotist to actually wake the individual from his or her imposed automatic pilot trance state & help the person to focus inwardly & direct change.

On this pages & in your work with our groups,  you will learn more about hypnotic technique, it's history, uses & how Interactive Self-Hypnosis allows you to practice this valuable tool in any moment during your day, giving you hundreds of opportunities to program your subconscious mind for change.

Setting Up a Plan

Developing Self-Discipline

Developing Persistence & Perseverance

Developing Inner Motivation

How Hypnosis Works in Disease Prevention 

Mental Biofeedback & Body Communications

Awareness Meditation & Other Inner Tools

Emotional States & Their Crayons
Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

Without a doubt, the ultimate key to high level functioning and performance in all areas of life is emotional management. With just a couple of new tools on your belt, that of Interactive Awareness© and Interactive Self-hypnosis©, you can be on your way to a smoother emotional life. Interactive Awareness is like having a new pair of glasses, allowing you to relax deeply and to see very clearly in the moment. Interactive Self-hypnosis is a powerful change tool that utilizes active imagery in combination with deep relaxation right in the moment. This pair forms a perfect conduit for managing emotions of all varieties.
When working with  Interactive Self-Hypnosis you learn to disassociate, or separate yourself from your emotional state. It helps to understand that you are not your emotions. Emotions are simply a part of you that needs management, even when the presenting emotion is positive! Here you will be re-introduced to your as if they were children wearing tee shirts with their names embroidered on the front for clear identification. Emotions spend their day coloring experiences. Sometimes the colors work well and other times not so well.  On occasion the crayon colors are too heavy and other times too light. And if the emotion holds the crayon too tight, or presses too hard the crayon can break and you might experience this as a complete loss of control of your emotional self.

As you begin to look around the world, as well as at your own behaviors with your new perspective eyeglasses, you will spot some pretty interesting emotional states and their crayons.  Remember, the more you are willing to see, the better for you.

Knowledge is key. Working with emotional states is a skill just like anything else. We have emotions that work in a positive way for us, and others that don’t. These are often called negative emotions, but it’s important to keep in mind that even negative ones also have their good points and can be useful in certain situations. You’ll come to understand that these emotions can help to open the subconscious mind through releasing.

When looking at emotional states it’s a good idea to know that there are hundreds of them. Few people can name more than twenty. . Some emotions are experienced as having negative high-power such as anger. You also have positive high-powered emotions as well, for example ecstasy could be considered in that group. You also have negative lower-powered emotions, for example annoyance and on the positive side you might consider the emotion of being pleasant. Sometimes the momentary experience is about the choice of emotion and other times it’s about the intensity of the crayoning.

Interactive Awareness Practice helps us to see the details and what is truly unfolding in the moment. How good are your self-observation skills? While most of us can name or describe our high-powered positive and negative emotions, most of us fall short when it comes to the lower-powered ones. This is most unfortunate because these are the emotions that hang around more frequently, coloring daily experiences, and are usually the ones responsible for stress related diseases and interfering with goal achievement. We often call them our personality traits, often believing that they can’t be changed because "they are who we are." This in itself conjures up some interesting images. For example, what would happen if one’s anger, resentment and failure programs were diminished or removed? Would they evaporate? This is a living example of how "nonsense language" finds it’s way into our subconscious mind programs.

It helps to see emotions like visitors who knock at your door. You can choose who want to invite inside, as well as the decorum you expect or need in any moment. In the practice of interactive self-hypnosis we can isolate moments and work with them as separate entities. If you look closely enough with your new perspective eyeglasses, you will notice that each moment has a separate goal, something you want and that each moment has emotions present that are holding specific crayons. So, this is all about choice. What does your goal look like, what emotions and/or crayons are best in this moment? You might have to give up some automatic pilot programming if you want the goal. This is maturity and the ability to see your outcomes very clearly. This is self-development and self-growth.

How good are you at naming your emotions? Remember that you have both negative and positive ones. Some are big and some are small. Do keep in mind that they all have crayons! As you become skilled with your new tools of Interactive Awareness and Interactive Self-Hypnosis you will be able to wake up to what works for you, coloring you towards your goals. And if your crayons aren’t working for you, you can simply choose to change colors… right in the moment.

© Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute 2003.   May be copied for personal use, but not reprinted without permission.