The Wayback Machine -

 Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce

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Welcome to our Island Paradise


Food & Drink
Health & Wellness
Real Estate
Shops & Services
Studios & Galleries
Membership List
Community Info


Hello and welcome to the Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce Web site.

The purpose of this site is to introduce our Island, and showcase some of the local businesses that have links and information.

Stretch your mind

The links in the left margin will take you on a virtual tour of Salt Spring Island. We encourage you to discover the sights and sounds, the fragrances and flavours, and the bounty of talent that our Island has to offer.

Use our site map. It lists all the pages on this site. A link is provided at the top of every page so you can find it easily.

bulletFree information about camping on Salt Spring Island
bulletMaps of Salt Spring Island
bulletLocal weather forecast (Victoria)

Use the $alt $pring Dollar when shopping on Salt Spring Island. It's Canada's only local legal-tender currency in circulation.

bulletSalt Spring Island Monetary Foundation

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments.

bulletSign our guest book




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Copyright © 2002 Salt Spring Island Chamber of Commerce