ClickTracks JumpStart is the fastest way to get ClickTracks installed and configured, guaranteed. Our company was founded by analytics experts and we have years of experience with different web site architectures and how to get the most from ClickTracks. Gain from this experience and be confident your analysis is accurate, your campaigns track through to sale and your reports meet your business objectives.
FAQsHow do you perform the setup and configuration? We use remote connection software that permits us to see the screen and control the target PC. Your staff can view the screen simultaneously and take control, so you will see exactly what steps we perform. What about security? You will grant us explicit permission to control each machine, each time we connect. We cannot connect to any machine in your network without you giving us permission each time. Do you need to visit our office? No. Using the remote control software we can complete all aspects of a setup. We have done this for many customers. How long does it take? That depends on a lot of factors including the state of your web server, web site, and network. Often the various services are performed at different times. But generally it takes about four hours total for the Bronze level, eight hours for the silver, and twelve hours for the Gold. This could take place over a time span of a couple days to a week, depending on your availability. Will you provide onsite services? Yes. You can inquire about this service directly from your ClickTracks Sales Representative. |