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Vonage Reviews

The Vonage system was really easy. When I went through and signed up, there were a minimal amount of steps to go through before I was able to get my Vonage phone. I got to keep my same phone number so that all my family and friends can keep in touch. After I got my phone, installation was so simple, it took like 45 seconds. It only took a few wires to hook up and then I was able to start using my Vonage phone. I'm so happy I can have call waiting and caller ID on my phone. Signing up for Vonage was a great idea. Everybody should get Vonage, they are the best!

- Jamie, New York
Vonage user since 6/4/2004

Sign up for Vonage® VoIP internet phone, and start using your Vonage® internet telephone today! Vonage® allows you to choose your area code. If you have someboy that you frequently call in another area code, getting the same area code as them will allow for them to make local calls. You can also keep your existing phone number, or to get a new one. The advantage of Vonage® internet phones is endless. Be sure to get a Vonage® internet telephone today and start enjoying the advantages of Vonage®.

Handling your Vonage® bill:

Vonage ®allows you to pay your bill online. Not only can you pay for your bill online, but you can keep track of all the calls that are made with your internet phone so you can keep track of your charges and monthly payment. You can get real-time billing information so there isn't any wait between when something happens, and when its onlline. Vonage® makes it easy with credit card billing. No worrying about sending money through the mail, and no running around looking for stamps. Vonage® is the most economical choice among customers. With all the great features that Vonage® offers standard with their packages, signing up with Vonage® internet phone service ends up being the best for everyone.

When you sign up for Vonage ® VoIP internet telephone serviceyou'll get great international rates with your vonage phone When you get your vonage nternet phone, all you have to do to get your inter net phone working, is connect your Vonage® ac-to-dc adapter into your highspeed internet connection, and your telephone gets plugged right into the adapter, its that easy! In a few simple steps you could be using your internet phone in no time. The instructions are simple and easy to follow, and if you have any questions, Vonage is there 24/7 to help you out.

Common Mispellings of vonage include Vontage and Vonnage, but the correct spelling in Vonage.


Find out more about Vontage and its great benefits.

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