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Search Engine Optimization Portfolio  

Millions of people buy and sell daily in the Internet. But it takes more than just a nice looking web site to attract customers and to make sales online. There are thousands of other small business web sites who are your competitors. Your web site must not only be attractive and functional, but also highly optimized for search engines. That is the biggest problem of many e-commerce web sites. Many of our customers’ web sites were originally created by other web design companies. Some of them looked great, but didn’t bring visitors or make sales. They came to us for re-design and to be optimized for search engines. After that, visitors began to come and sales increased.

The web design business is quite crowded. Many web design companies create poor web sites without any search engine optimization and then charge you an arm and a leg. So, how do you find the right company to design a web site for your business?

When starting on a new project, NumaTek Web Design puts much thought into the complete design right from the first sketches. We create web sites which are highly optimized for search engines so your further marketing efforts will bring you success much sooner. Web sites created and optimized by us are typically in the top 10 results in major search engines.

Below is a few examples of search engine positioning of our clients' web sites:
Last update: September 30, 2004

URL Key Phrases Position in major search engines visa processing rates #5 (Yahoo)
  check guarantee #5 (MSN)
  check and credit card processing #5 (MSN)
  nurit terminals #3 (MSN)
  Dassault Talento #1 (MSN), #2 (Yahoo)
  check processing equipment #3 (Yahoo)
  verifone omni terminal #9 (MSN)
  visa processing rates #5 (Yahoo)
  Nurit terminals #3 (Altavista)
URL Key Phrases Position in major search engines using herbs with leukemia #1 (Yahoo)
  herbal nose cancer treatment #5 (Yahoo)
  leukemia herbs #8 (Yahoo)
  different kinds of cancer #9 (Yahoo)
  herbs used to fight colon cancer #2 (Yahoo)
  cancer fighting herbs #4 (Yahoo)
  lung cancer healing with herbs #5 (Yahoo)
  lung cancer herbs #2 (Yahoo)
  Chinese herbs and cancer #1 (Yahoo)
  cancer herbs #6 (Yahoo)
  herbs that fight cancer #4 (MSN)
  herbs cancer #5 (Yahoo)
  herbs for cancer #3 (Yahoo)
URL Key Phrases Position in major search engines taco recipes #2 (Yahoo, MSN)
  taco plates #1 & 2 (MSN)
  Mexican taco recipes #1 (Yahoo)
  taco plate #4 (MSN)
  Disposable plates #4 (MSN)
  free taco recipes #1 (Yahoo)
  taco plates #1 & 2 (Google)
URL Key Phrases Position in major search engines seeds for sale #4 (Yahoo)
  hairy vetch seed for sale #6 (Google)
  barley seed #1 & 2 (Google, Altavista)
  barley seeds #1 & 2 (Google)
  wheat seeds #7 (MSN)
  flax seed cookies #8 (Google)
  wheat seeds #9 (Yahoo)
URL Key Phrases Position in major search engines tuition costs #3 (Yahoo)
  degree for knowledge earned #7 (MSN)
  inexpensive bachelors degree #2 (Yahoo)
  inexpensive online degree #4 (Yahoo)
  doctor degrees #5 (Yahoo)
  available associate degrees #1 (Yahoo)

We realize that small businesses are on a tight budget and want to get the most from their money for web site development. That’s why NumaTek Web Design will do our best to keep prices down.

We charge $30 per page for search engine optimization. At NumaTek Web Design, you can get a professional Internet presence that will jumpstart your business without emptying your bank account.

Our Customers Say

This looks incredible! I can't thank you enough.
Neva Newton, Jinny's Herbal Pillows & Gifts

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