guide and resources:
are two commercially important families of edible lobsters.
the Nephropidae, which include the American lobster Homarus
americanus, have one pair of large claws and are found in
the northern Atlantic Ocean. The Palinuridae, or spiny
lobsters (also called rock lobsters), lack the large claws
and have spines all over their bodies. They live in
subtropical and tropical oceans.
have compound eyes that are carried on movable eye stalks.
Each eye is made up of approximately 14,000 individual units.
Lobsters can detect movement, and they may be able to perceive
images. It is not known whether lobsters can detect
colors as can other decapods.
Caribbean spiny lobster inhabits tropical and subtropical
waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of
Mexico. They get their name from the forward-pointing spines
that cover their bodies to help protect them from predators.
They vary in color from almost white to dark red-orange.
Two large, cream-colored spots on the top of the second
segment of the tail make spiny lobsters easy to identify.
They have long antennae over their eyes that they wave to
scare off predators and smaller antennae-like structures
called antennules that sense movement and detect chemicals
in the water.
Reef is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to
the promotion of sustainable use and conservation of Belize's
marine and coastal resources. ... Belize's Gold, The Caribbean
Spiny Lobster. To many San Pedranos, onlne, June 15th is
not just any other day ... reefs with other lobsters, even
warning other lobsters of predators with loud ...
The animal world has its share of celebrated navigators,
from flocking geese to spawning salmon. New research suggests
that Caribbean spiny lobsterswhich use the Earth's
magnetic fields in a... New research suggests that Caribbean
spiny lobsters, despite their limited intelligence, may
be among ... pretty strong evidence that [Caribbean spiny
lobsters] use this field not just ...
as the Florida spiny lobster, the Caribbean spiny lobster
inhabits tropical and subtropical ... the Atlantic Ocean,
Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. Spiny lobsters get their
name ...
Lobster and Seafood delivery next day, gift certificates,
recipes and more - all online and easy to find. ... Maine
vs.The Caribbean- Lobster Tail Dinner ... SHIPPING IS INCLUDED
in the price of all dinner packages, live lobsters, cooked
lobsters or lobster tails, onlne...
Fishery Management Plans for the U.S. Caribbean EEZ. Gear
requirements in the U.S. Caribbean EEZ ... Egg-bearing ("berried")
female lobsters may not be retained aboard the vessel ...
... in regulating local searching behavior of Caribbean
spiny lobsters,Panulirus argus, for food (squid) in a ...
Animal maintenance and acclimation. Caribbean spiny lobsters
Panulirus argus ...Lobsters and other crustaceans possess
a large variety of types of setae, including sensilla innervated
by chemosensory neurons.
Dine indoors in a quiet and romantic Caribbean atmosphere,
or outdoors on the verandah ... West Indian specialties
including; fresh Caribbean lobsters and fish, conch fritters,and
, online info...
This article from Newsday is part of the HighBeam Research
eLibrary archive. Full membership w/ Credit Card is required
to read the full article and have unlimited access to the
30M document ... Caribbean spiny lobster show that they
have an uncanny ability to find their way home. No matter
how confusing their travels, captured lobsters, onlne...
Caribbean Lobsters. Directory and online information guide. Onlne ordering. |