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Dive Australia - Go Diving AUstralia at


A new one for us.

Our mission is to make the site look and work better, as well as market the site for Scuba Dive Australia and Scuba Diving Australia

Dive Australia


30 August 2003
Already the top ranking dive site in Byron Bay, is also now one of the top ranking of ALL sites in Byron Bay. Is the No.6 ranked dive site in Australia. Expect more improvement. Many new features added, including gallery, newsletter, links manager, video, flash header, and all updateable by the site owner

20th November 2003.
Site is now one of the top ranked sites for "Dive Australia".




Halonet - Business Website Specialists

Founded in 1999 by Richard McLachlan and Nitzan Karni, Halonet is an innovative web solutions provider based in Byron Bay. Halonet has clients throughout the East Coast of Australia, including Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, as well a clients in New Zealand the Uk and the US. As Byron Bay continues to grow, our local client base is growing with it.

Our ongoing success has stemmed from our "get results" approach to building web sites. We ensure our clients get the best possible....


Design A Website should look good and be designed with your target market in mind.
Programming Your website should have functions relevant to your business type and target market. We have developed and can offer to our clients applications to manage real estate, online shopping, wholesale ordering, connection of websites to MYOB, newsletter and mailing lists, e-cards, site updating.... The list goes on and is still growing. Our programming team is now 10 strong.
Web Marketing People must FIND your Website for it to succeed.

Halonet is one of Australia's leading internet marketers. We build our sites with high search engine rankings as a requirement. We have developed our own links manager and site marketing application that automates much of the site marketing our clients require. Our sites get seen!


We don't just build websites. We build websites that "Get Results"


Kind Regards


Richard McLachlan
Partner - Halonet

Recent Projects


Motivational Speaker


Flash client lists
Updateable Pages
Link Manager - Marketing to commences 1 April 2004

Ranking Target Top 10 for "Motivational Speaker

Date Google Ranking for "Motivational Speaker"
1/6/2004 148
7/7/2004 48
1/8/2004 22
22/9/2004 15
8/11/2004 13
20/12/2004 9
Target for top 10 now reached, next target top 5
10/01/2005 7
15/1/2005 6
22/1/2005 4
Target for top 5 now reached, next target No. 1 spot


Horse Art
Horse Art


Halonet's role here was to design the home page and provide internet marketing consulting.

A fun one for us, the Gallery is entirely virtual, created by our graphic team, yet it looks like a real gallery. Check it out.

Now the top ranked Horse Art site in the world

Byron Bay Yoga Retreat
Yoga Retreat


Design makeover required as design was 4 years old and starting to look a bit tired. Added a full content manager, so client can update all pages, links, newsletter, courses etc,

Site was 380 in the world for "Yoga Retreat" before Halonet got involved

Site is now No.1 in the world.

Hotel Supplies Australia
Hotel Supplies Australia


Very funky flash header, cartoon animation.
Wholesale and retail ecommerce
Client has totally control over updating site though a central admin system.

Marketing to commence on 12 November 2004, with goal to make the site the top hotel supplies site in Australia.

15 December 2005, site is now the top ranked hotel supplies website in Australia.

Ballina Accommodation

Small Accommodation site.
Different banner on every page, size up and down depending on screen size.
Online Bookings
Links Manager
Up dateable Pages throughout.

Launched 8/10/2004

Marketing Commences 10/10/2004, target is top 3 for Ballina Accommodation.

13/10/2004. We decide to set our sites higher, as site achieves top 4 for Ballina Accommodation and top 8 for Ballina, only 3 days after marketing commenced

Bunbury Real Estate

Local Business Portal with many features. It is a real estate portal, can manage listings from many agents,host their sites and connects to Has a visitor poll, business directory, newsletter, weather reports.... and endless growing list.

Will be an ongoing project, with accommodation,booking systems and marketing currently being programmed.

Launched 16/09/2004

Therapists Portal


Site owner can update entire site. Many complex features, Calendar of Workshops and Courses, Multiple Counselor Type Listings, Newsletter, Forum, Searchable Library, Shopping Cart.

Launched 15/09/2004

Entire site is accessible to search engines. Internet Marketing commenced 20 October 2004


baby carrier site
Baby Carrier Site


Site owner can update entire site
Updateable Pages
Rotating testimonials and home page comment
Link Manager -SE Marketing to commence 10 November 2004

Target is top 5 for "baby carrier"

Promotional Site
Byron Bay Accommodation

Retail Site


Real Estate
Byron Bay Real Estate

Soho Art Gallery

Flash Enabled Site
Bico Surf Jewellery

Marketing and Makeover
Diving Australia with Sun Dive Byron Bay

Marketing and Makeover
Byron Bay Yoga Retreat

Retail Site
Yoga Products