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Usenet Newsgroups

Usenet Newsgroups are a huge global bulletin board system. Usenet encompasses government agencies, universities, high schools, businesses of all sizes, and home computers of all descriptions. It contains thousands of topics on just about anything you can think of. Some newsgroups are moderated and some are not.

Normally, you need a newsgroup program to get access to the Usenet, but Braingle is happy to give its users access to two brain teaser related newsgroups, rec.puzzles and alt.brain.teasers. Both of these newsgroups are unmoderated, so Braingle has no control over the content. If you are easily offended by coarse language or spam, we recommend that you stick to the moderated Braingle Forums.

Rec.puzzles tends to be a little more structured and less tolerant of off-topic discussions or repetition of common puzzles. Alt.brain.teasers tends to be a bit more open and less strict.

Both newsgroups have FAQs which you should read before posting. Rec.puzzles also has a Hall of Fame of the most popular brain teasers discussed in the newsgroup.

Hall of Fame

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