Silvery Flowers along Wu Gorge
Sailing along Wu Gorge in mid-winter, the tourist will be impressed by
the Chinese tallow trees whose ashen branches are strung with snow-white fruit glistening
like pearls. This scene is known as "silvery flowers on iron trees".
An oil-giver, the Chinese tallow tree is widely useful. It has an oil
content of 40 per cent. Its fat is raw material of solid alcohol, paints for metals, and
high-quality scented soap and face cream. Stearic acid extracted from this kind of tree is
used for manufacturing automobile tires and movie film. The oil cakes serve as fertilizer,
the trunks are good enough for furniture and sculptures, and the flowers are a source of
The Chinese tallow tree is a hardy species whose branches are unique in
shape. It grows green leaves in spring, and has yellow flowers in summer, It bears
green-shelled fruit in autumn when its foliage turns crimson. In mid-winter, it is
stripped of leaves and the fruit ripens so that the shell falls off to reveal white
kernels. These growth characteristics of the tree contribute to the varying landscape
along Wu Gorge.
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Plants along the Yangtze River
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Dove Tree
Fir Trees
Fragrant Fruit Tree
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Houpu Tree
Lian Xiang
Longlife Tree at Fanjia Village
Peach Trees
Red Fruit
Sileng Tree
Silver Flowers along the Wu Gorge
Trees in a Yard
Relating links:
Oranges in the Three Gorges
Environmental Impact Statement for the Yangtze Three Gorges
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