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Simple Searches
Simple searches are queries
that consist of a single word or phrase.
of Simple Searches
Search Term
Finds Pages That
The string meet
and stemmed variations, such as meets and meeting
The word meet
The strings S&L,
S & L, and S L (always enclose words like S&L
in double quotation marks)
The string NOW
in upper case
<TYPO> receive
Either the word
receive or the word recieve
<TYPO> behavior
Either the US spelling
behavior or the UK spelling behaviour
repetitive stress
The phrase repetitive
stress injury
Words beginning
with the string zoo
Words beginning
with fl and ending with ss with any two characters in
Combining Search Terms
You can combine search
terms using query language operators and modifiers to refine your searches.
Examples of Combining Search Terms
Search Term
Finds Pages That Contain
crab OR lobster OR shrimp
Any of the words crab,
lobster, or shrimp
behavior OR behaviour
Either the US or the UK
spelling of behavior
bank AND loan AND business
All of the words bank,
loan, and business
bank, loan, business
Any of the words bank,
loan, and business. The more instances of these words in a
page, the higher it appears in the results list.
bank NOT river
The word bank but
not the word river
If you are looking for pages about someone named Rose, enter the
name with an initial capital letter. To make the search more precise, enclose
the word in double quotation marks, as in the example. |
recycle "and"
reuse |
You can still search for phrases containing these words if you enclose
them in double quotation marks. For example, the query finds pages that
contain the phrase recycle and reuse |
F.A.M. Search Tricks on Site Search
You can narrow the search
of the Foreign Affairs Manual instead of the whole FOIA site by including
the letters FAM to the search words.
Examples of Combining Search Terms
Search Term
Finds Pages That Contain
annual leave AND FAM
The phrase annual leave
and the word FAM
annual leave AND FAH
The phrase annual leave
and the word FAH
annual leave AND FAM NOT
The phrase annual leave
and the word FAM but not if the word FAH is in the document
annual leave "and"
The phrase annual leave
and FAM is searched