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Introduction and Setting

The year is 10,122 and the Emperor of the Known Universe, Corrin XXV, has passed away; his son, Elrood IX, being next in line to the throne. The coronation ceremony on Kaitain is an event muchly awaited and discussed, a gala ball attended by nobility from across the Universe.

Come join us as destinies are shaped, fortunes made or broken as intrigue runs deep into the lives the citizens of the Imperium; only Arrakis, also known as Dune, remains constant and the only place in the Universe where Spice is found: the miraculous substance that prolongues life, maintains health and expands consciousness, allowing effective space travel. Arrakis has been under the rule of House Harkonnen for centuries, but coveted by many; would the young Baroness Rose Harkonnen be able to retain Dune for her family? What will happen to House Atreides, as its only heir is Niobe Moira, the Siridar Duchess until a male successor is designated?

Dune Odyssey explores Frank Herbert’s visions and ideas in a loose, original way. Long before the birth of Muad’Dib, our version of the Duniverse does not contain any canon character/references, either to the original novels or the prequels written by Brian Herbert/Kevin J Anderson. Its purpose is to allow members’ imaginations run loose and create an alternative Dune chronicle.

Number one rule above all others... You must submit an application before posting on any of the RPG (IN Character) Boards.

Also, your name must mirror the name of your character:(ie. Niobe Moira Atreides, Elrood Corrino etc) Names such as BabyDollGurl89 or Silent Tears will no longer be acceptable except for the OOC forums. It looks better on the board, it is far less confusing and easy enough to make; all you need is an email address which yahoo and a hundred others provide in a matter of minutes.

Please note you do not need to submit an application if you will only be using the OCC Discussion Areas.

Very Important! You must post an IC post within the first week after you have been accepted. If not, your application *will* be deleted! We have had many members who applied but never posted, even after we made them custom banners, avatars, titles, offered our help. Also, if you are going to be away, post your absence in the appropriate area. All inactive bios will be deleted after 3 weeks of inactivity! You may, of course, re-apply later, by writing the character's bio again and-if he/she is still available, be accepted once more. After that, you fall under the same rules as before. We do this in order to keep the site active, with dedicated members that are willing to write regularly and bring something new to the board; if you do not think you can do that, please do not apply.

Also, if you cannot find a storyline or RP partner, post your request in the OOC area, stating that you are in need of a plot or partner to get you going. We will do our best to help you with that. This is your own choice, of course, but like stated above, if you become inactive for a period longer than 3 weeks you will be removed, so we urge you all to use this simple system of finding people to write with. It avoids problems such as "stuck" characters.

Before you do, however, *please* make sure you are aware of our current timeline and happenings; we couldn't tell you how many times we have had applications matching for whole different timeframes...a little more attention will make things easier for everyone

Note that your banners cannot be more than 500 px in width and 300 in height! Because the board is narrow, larger graphics warp it. Please bear it in mind, to avoid your banner being edited out of your posts. Same goes for avatars, no larger than 180 px in width.

1. Absolutely no plagiarism. The taking of someone else’s work whether or not it is copyright is not only wrong it will result in an immediate ban no warnings.

2. Using another's work or quote is acceptable as long as you give proper credit to your source either at the end or at the beginning of your post.

3. Killing of any character is not allowed without the written permission of that character and one of the Administrators.

4. Stay with the theme and time line of Dune. Be realistic do not introduce weapons that have not yet been invented yet nor are not within the constructs of the Butlerian Jihad.

5. Try to keep the use of weapons limited also remember the character in mind when you chose your weapon (i.e. Alia - Crysknife, Irulan - Poisons, Chani - Crysknife)

6. The saga of Dune involves romance and some moderate sexual content-we are rated R, which means that two characters may engage in a sexual act, but remember the following:

-no overly- explicit graphic content; no use of words such as "cock", "cunt" etc

-no sodomy, rape, incest, gore or any other such behaviors

7. You may have as many characters as you wish, as long as they each have their own account, mirroring the character name.

8. If you are going to be absent for a longer period of time, please post in the Absences thread so we know what happened to you. == Addendum to Rule #8: If you character is inactive for a period of more than a week without placing an absence whom ever is within a roleplay with you will be allowed to handle your character, in what ever way short of killing you, to get things going. After three weeks of unannounced absence, your bio will be removed.

9. Spelling, Grammar and Syntax. We realize for many of us English is not our first language. However, please write your posts in clear and concise English. The more readable your post is the more likely you are going to get a response.

10. No God molding or powerposing. No one is indestructible. Also no handling of another's character unless you have their permission

11. We all have a favourite character in the Dune Saga, however for the purposes involving roleplaying we kindly ask that you do not use an alias that is connected to Canon characters; this universe is entirely original, thus book characters/names will not be accepted.

12. Have fun, write from your heart and with passion. This is not a contest but rather our goal is to bring Dune in our eyes to life.

Welcome and Happy RPGing :)

This RPG is based upon the intelluctual works of Frank Herbert. All settings/names are based upon his ideals and concepts. However, all written work at this site, inculding the Dune Information section is entirely the individual author's work and is under copyright. No use of any written work product is allowed, inculding a small excerpt without their permission.
All the coding here for the layout was done by Rose and Niobe, it was written by them with the help of ezboard. You are not under any circumstances to steal this code, layout for your own board. It will result in a ban and possibly legal charges if you were to do so, if you need a code go to ezboard, this inculdes all grapics. Buttons, Fourm Dividers, Banners, Icons, Avatars were all made by either Rose or Niobe. You are not to take any if you do there will be legal reprecussions for that as well.
©Dune Odyssey 2004 - 2006. All Rights Reserved.

January 31 2005
Dune Odyssey has a new timeline and a new layout; stand by for more details!

Rose & Niobe
How do I add links to a post?

There are two ways to add links to a document. The first one is simple you simply type the link in regular like this…. and EZ Board will automatically turn it into a link when posted. However, sometimes links are very long and you will prefer to not have the entire link shown but instead the name of the website instead. In which case you would pick from the menu on the left side of text box use the one intitled Link. Simply type in the name of the link in popup box and then another pop up will appear here is where you put the name of the site… when posted it will show only the name of the website and not the link… the code will look like this:
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To add an image to a post one thing to remember, it must be an image that is already on the world wide web, images from your computer cannot be added. To add an image on the left side of the text box is a button called Image, click on image and when the pop up box appears type in the URL of where your image is located. To get the URL for your image, right click with your mouse on the picture you want to show, select PROPERTIES, then when the properties from the picture appear the url will be listed, COPY the URL CTRL-C and then paste that into the popup box. When posted the image will appear.
The code will look like this….
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it will look like this when posted..

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To add a picture for your avatar you do the following… go to MY CONTROL CENTER, EDIT PROFILE and the first box where it says picture you place the link of where your avatar image is located. Make sure that box above that says PRIVATE is not checked and paste in your image url.
If your Avatar is larger than the 60 x 60 default you must type this instead...
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to add a image to your signature go to… MY CONTROL CENTER, ACCOUNT PREFERENCES and in the signature box place your image remember to use the [image][/image] tags for your image to show up.

Baroness Rose Harkonnen Siridar-Duchess Niobe Moira Atreides


Ambassador of Ix Amyssa Magorian Lichna ak-Adar, Herbalist of Sietch Rajji Elrood IX Corrino, Emperor of the Known Universe Fallen Bene Gesserit Sister Elisha Montague Ginaz Swordsmaster Kaneda Mitsurugi Farah ak-Adar, Sayyadina of Sietch Rajji Dominique Belarusso Marquis Jacob Ginaz Battlemaster Cibus Auctor Arani Torwyn

Butlerian Jihad|House Atreides | House Corrino | House Harkonnen |Terms of the Imperium | Planetary Systems | Weapons of the Imperium | Suk School | Tleilaxu | The Guild | Bene Gesserit | The Spice! | The Sardaukar

The Butlerian Jihad: Cause, Effects and Conculsions
Beginnings (711BG-200BG)
The Butlerian Jihad had its beginnings long before the coming of the leadership of Jehanne Butler was to lead the last revolt against the machines in 200B.G. (Before Guild) It began in 711 B.G. with the formation of the “Humanity First” group. During this time machines ruled the then known universe, with humans enslaved. The machines controlled space travel, hospitals and university. Humanity First sought to end this by encouraging people to think for themselves and to fight back against the machines. Humanity First followers were hunted down and destroyed by the machines in the year 700 B.G., with the exception of a few who managed to escape the group Humanity First was dead and the universe fell back into relaxation and what is today known as apathy.

The Butlerian Jihad (200 B.G.-0B.G.)

In the year 200 B.G. a young woman named Jehanne Butler a high priestess of the planet Komos began speaking out against the machines and encouraged people to join her in revolt against the machines, their first attack began on the planet Richese, destroying the machines and freeing the humans that were left, Jehanne did this by the spreading of religion and turning the Butlerian Jihad into a religious crusade against the machine to save humanity. Although Jehanne died in 182 B.G. the fight against the machines continued for almost another 200 years, in the Jihad that bears her name.

Results of the Butlerian Jihad

With the destruction of the machines, humanity was once again forced to think for itself and to always remember the words ”Never Again!!!, all known religions were combined into one faith incorporating the ancient religions of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Islamic faiths. A new bible was written known today as our O.C.B. or Orange Catholic Bible. Unlike the mysterious Book of Secerts(Azhar Book) this book focused first and foremost about machines with human minds. The Orange Catholic Bible First Commandment being ”Thou Shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind" Humanity became something to be cherished. New Schools were developed the remaining ones today: The Spacing Guild and The School of Mentats. Artificial means of conception were outlawed as well as means of contraception for a long period. Great Houses were allowed to keep House Atomic strictly for the purpose of use against "any non-human intelligent life that may yet be found in the universe." The constricts against machines devolving from the Butlerian Jihad still exist to this day with the people always aware but not always practicing the Second Commandment "Thou Shall not disfigure Thy soul!!!!"

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House Atreides

House History
House Atreides has a long and noble lineage and can be traced back a thousand generations; legend suggests that it goes all the way back to Terra. The Atreides’ illustrious history is the guide that they have used to find out way through the darkness of Time. Demetrios Atreides was granted the Barony of Tantalos because of his victory in the Battle of Corrin and founded the base for what has today become known as House Atreides. It was during these years that the implication of the advances that the Spacing Guild had passed on to the Known Universe, and the three cornerstones of our society, Guild, Imperium and Landsraad were truly formed. Other important historical facts of this time period is that Demetrios Atreides had charged Abulurd Harkonnen with cowardice during the Battle of Corrin, which saw House Corrino ascend the Lion Throne. Abulurd was banished and only Ivan Harkonnen was able to petition the new Emperor for leniency. This is the source of the 10,000-year grudge that has ever affected both Houses. The Empire once again honored the Atreides’ ancestors in 207 when Thomas Atreides was made Duke of Jaddua for helping to restore Elrood II to the Lion Throne, thus achieving the House’s honored state of House Major.

Atreides emblems and heraldry.
The symbol of House Atreides is a stylized hawk in silver, profiled against a field of pine green. The hawk emblem has its wings outstretched, the head turned and beak slightly opened. The colors of the Atreides heraldry are, in this order: green, silver, black; these colors are used in standards, flags, wearable insignia, seals and official stationary. Only the ducal family may wear the green-and black sash.

The Common Atreides Traits
The members of our House tend to be honest, courteous to all regardless of station, fair, honorable, prudent, loyal, courageous, strong-willed and ruthless in careful measure. Negative traits most often exhibited by members of House Atreides are soft-heartedness, naiveté, irritability, pride and self-righteousness. The rulers of this House have a talent for attracting trustworthy people of similar values, and winning their loyalty. Thus, there is little or no political in-fighting within House Atreides.

The Atreides View of Religion
The Atreides tend to have a humanistic view of religion: if it does not benefit man, it is useless. They are not one of the most religious Houses. The House in general, like most of the Imperium, respects the principles of the Butlerian Jihad and is knowledgeable about the Orange Catholic Bible and the teachings of the Zensunni. The Atreides opinion of non-Landsraad factions The Atreides tend to treat the non-Landsraad organizations with fairness, respect, and caution. Relations are never strained, though often not cordial, particularly with the Guild, who are distrusted for being so ascetic and secretive. The Bene Gesserit- are respected as an organization for their spirit of service, but not much confidence is ever placed on them individually. “When they share with us, we will share in return.” “When they shield their motives we will do the same.” This is the Atreides’ motto in regarding the Sisterhood. The Atreides have had infrequent contact with the Ixians although their ingenuity and the usefulness of their products is respected. Still they remain wary of this ingenuity for it might lead mankind back to the machineminds if mankind does not stay vigilant. Bene Tleilax- they are quiet reviled; the Atreides tend to consider Tlielaxu products filthy and distasteful. Their intentions are an affront to life and decency and remind of the things the machineminds did to bring the human race to the brink of extinction. Atreides will whenever possible avoid contact with these fanatics. Smugglers- are a duality of society. The Atreides feel they must judge every smuggler on his own merits or flaws, not encourage nor discourage and, if possible provide means to leave this existence if it is proven the man in this profession did not break any law beyond the law of smuggling. No formal denouncement or pogrom is ever taken against them.

Atreides Government
Like all Landsraad Great Houses, they rule as lords over the populace. They will ask for the aid and council of other nobility of a lesser station but will not rely on them to govern our people. What Atreides do, Atreides will take responsibility of. The Minor Houses that have bounded themselves to them they treat as allies, never as vassals. They are represented in the Landsraad, but if a Minor House feels their path does no longer coincide with that of Atreides, they will allow them to dissolve the political bond between both houses. In the Atreides’ view, good governance and social justice are paramount values; nothing is more despised than a tyrannical and exploitative ruler. They treat those of lesser station with respect, cherish their servants and treat them well; because of this they almost always have a loyal and dedicated staff. This relationship with others has cultivated and brought about talents within the House staff that might have otherwise been wasted. Atreides justice towards the people is exemplary, renowned over the entire Known Universe: it is scrupulously fair, swift and impartial, with the sternest punishments reserved for corrupt bureaucrats and piratical industrialists.

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House Corrino

House History
House Corrino was formed at the Battle of Corrino in 88 BG, when Count Sheuset Ecevit (who was to become Emperor Sheuset Corrino I) and his Sardaukar defeated the Landsraad army in a space battle near the Corrin Quasi-Nebula. This victory secured House Corrino's position on the Imperial Throne. A few decades after the battle, the Guild announced its space travel capabilities, and with the creation of CHOAM a few years later, the form of the Empire for the next ten millennia was decided. Since then, the Imperial House has carefully balanced its own power against that of the Landsraad and the Guild, until it was defeated by Paul Muad’Dib, who became the first Atreides Emperor. House Corrino had enjoyed the enormous wealth brought by its holdings in CHOAM and Imperial levies against the Houses of the Landsraad. No expense was spared in making the Emperor and members of his Imperial Court as pampered as possible. No single Great House could withstand a military confrontation with the Imperial Sardaukar because of both their renowned fighting competence and the vast depth of their monetary reserve.

Many members of the Court were pure hedonists, taking advantage of every pleasure available to them. The Emperor and his Royal Family, however, were usually austere in private, preferring to leave the pomp of the Court behind. The Emperor himself commonly wore his Sardaukar Commander's uniform, leaving the official Imperial glitter behind except during official Court functions. By wearing the Sardaukar uniform, the Emperor sent a continual message: "The Sardaukar are mine, my power wielded." But this was to change… Intrigue in the Court was common. Every member of the Royal Family was constantly aware of the possibility of assassination attempts, be it chaumas (poison in the drink), chaumurky (poison in the food), or an assassin's knife in the back. Desire to assassinate members of the Royal Family could have come from both without and within. It was not unheard of for a son to desire the Lion Throne before his time or for an Emperor to (paranoically or not) suspect others of wishing his Throne.

View on Religion
The Emperor used to employ scholars with whom he sometimes consulted on how best to communicate with the more religiously devoted heads of Houses Major. On occasion, members of the Royal Family have taken an interest in the teachings of the Orange Catholic Bible, some to the point of having a faith in the God of these teachings.

View on Non-Landsraad Factions
Bene Tleilax- Although House Corrino and the Bene Tleilax have had few connections, in politics or economy, it has permitted and at times even protected the activities of this outcast culture. Some BT products were even being patronized, such as the Face Dancer Troupe which often played at the Theatre Imperiale.
The Guild- The relationship the Imperial House maintained with the Guild was the same relationship any other Landsraad House had: while the Guild does not meddle in Landsraad political affairs, House Corrino will do absolutely nothing to endanger its transportation privileges, without which it would be unable to wield its taxing and military powers. The Guild's banking and communication services were highly valued as trusted third-party operations.
Ix - The Emperors of House Corrino believed in the Butlerian conviction that no machine should replace the human mind. While certain devices were permitted, nothing which suggested something similar to the human was allowed. During the Corrino’s reign, the Ixians have enjoyed the privilege of being the sole providers of technology to the Imperium, and no unauthorized transportation into the system was allowed. Transportation of unacceptable devices out of the system was heavily controlled.

View on Citizenry
The Emperor's citizenry was essentially comprised of the Landsraad nobles, through whom he used to deal with the general populace of the Universe. Outside of the Imperial Palace, he only interacted with the top two ranks of the Faufreluches. With those he was disdainful, manipulative and overbearing. The same holds true for most the Corrino Imperial Family. Faction Protocols During the Corrino’s reign, the Faufreluches were strictly respected to within the Royal Court. The Emperor would not have tolerated anything less. The Emperor was always addressed as “Your Majesty” within the Court. Also, he always employed the Royal Plural (ie, "We" instead of "I")

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House Harkonnen

House History
Harkonnen Obeshev, the first Harkonnen listed in historical records, is considered by House Harkonnen as their ancestor. Harkonnen historians claim Obeshev was an adventurer and heroic mercenary, descended from Byzantine rulers on ancient Terra, who distinguished himself in the service of the Landsraad. However, those who resent the Harkonnens claim he was the son of a trashman who seduced court ladies to advance his own fortunes. Obeshev's son, Abulurd, a Colonel-Bashar in the Sardaukar, was given command over one of the five fleets supporting Sheuset at the Battle of Corrin. When a solar flare disrupted communications between the fleets, Abulurd withdrew his own fleet around the limb of the star to regroup. The fleet under Demitrios Atreides was better situated to intervene against the Landsraad attack; and when it came, Abulurd's own fleet was in a deep rearguard orbit behind the star. It has remained in the minds of most that it was the Atreides intervention that won the Battle of Corrin for Sheuset's forces, and the Harkonnen cowardice almost lost the day. Because of the closeness of the Harkonnens to Sheuset, they were not executed for cowardice; they were, however, banished from the Imperium indefinitely. Abulurd blamed Demetrios Atreides for their disgrace and vowed revenge for himself and his house. The history of House Harkonnen stretches back over 10 millennia to the very beginnings of the Imperium. Since their ancestors fought in the Battle of Corrin that created the Imperium, the Harkonnens are proud of their ancient heritage. House Character The members of House Harkonnen have been described as venal, decadent, cruel, repressive, vicious, perverse, fearsome, bloodthirsty, ruthless, bloated, and even evil. All of these have been true of the House in its lengthy history. The Harkonnens themselves do not deny it; they simply consider that they have a different view and are not, in fact, different from the other Houses Major, for all have their hands stained by blood: “If we tend toward excess, that is our right.” “If we tend toward cruelty, that too is our right.” “Our rights are our absolute justification. We are what we are, our own morality, and if others are too weak, too foolish to embrace such mores, then history will treat them as it has all weaklings and fools. “ These are their most common remarks on this matter.

Views on Religion
The Harkonnens consider religion as a useful tool of rulership and nothing more. They answer to no higher power than themselves. Where religion can be applied as to keep a subject populace under control, they will apply it. Where it becomes a fire to kindle oppressed masses to action in the name of a higher power, there they would stamp it out as ruthlessly as is required.

Views on Non-Landsraad Factions
The Bene Tleilax- House Harkonnen approves of the Tleilaxu and maintains a mutually profitable relationship with them. They make full use of their modified biological artefacts. In the past days of the Imperium they were one of their best customers. They have purchased custom Mentats, pleasure toys, and engineered animals for use in the gladiatorial games.
The Bene Gesserit- The Sisterhood has always been a source of concern for the Harkonnens. They haven’t understood their interested in the Baronial family. Their skills and talents could have made them useful allies, but they seemed too committed to their own agenda for House Harkonnen to actually consider the possibility. “Leave it for the Emperor to fall under their sway. We shall not.” was their decision.
The Spacing Guild – The Harkonnens get along with the Guild as well as one must, showing the proper amount of prudent respect, and caution above all. Still, they feel that a house's reach must exceed its grasp. The Smugglers-The Smugglers are viewed as a legitimate source of business and are patronized covertly as much as House Harkonnen dares to. They are considered a useful ally to help subvert the Guild as well as turn a profit.

House Harkonnen’s Views on Citizenry
The Harkonnen society is rigidly stratified, forming a steep pyramid with the nobles at the top and the vast mass of pawns and slaves below. It’s extremely difficult for commoners to rise in the pyramid. House Harkonnen can be viewed as a vast nest of competing power bases. Nobles and leaders cultivate the personal loyalty of those under them, and seek advantage of their possible rivals. The civilian ministries seek power over one another, and military ones over civilians. The whole system is ruthlessly Darwinian, with the most competitive and ruthless rising to the top.
House Heraldry
House Harkonnen’s colors are midnight blue and silver. Harkonnen uniforms and markings almost always follow these colors with slight variations. The house heraldic insignia is the ram’s head, usually depicted in blue and silver. The Harkonnen armed forces, known as the Feldwehr, also use a griffin as their own insignia.

Faction Protocols
The Harkonnens are strict believers in the Faufreluches. Lower classes are expected to show absolute obedience to the noble classes, and particularly towards the House leadership. Hundreds of generations of Harkonnen rule have conditioned lower classes towards this arrangement. House leadership includes members of the Baronial Family, minor house nobility, the House Mentat, and staff leaders like the House Warmaster and his underlings. It's assumed that one not of noble birth will ever address the Baron or the house leaders without being addressed first. The punishments for not doing so are frightening.

Harkonnen View on Politics
Their political expedience knows no bounds, save those that are defined by the House leaders. House Harkonnen would not think twice before employing traditional masters in the ancient arts of assassination and chaumurky. They are officially pro-Imperium and support any houses that feel the same way. During the days of the reign of House Corrino, they have felt strongly about keeping the Emperor powerful, desire much diminished when Paul Muad’Dib became the ruler of the Known Universe.

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Terminology of the Imperium

Aba: hooded cloak once only worn by the Fremen Reverend Mothers, now also worn by the Bene Gesserit as a sign that they have transformed the Water of Life.

Abomination : a) a person who is exposed to the Water of Life while in utero. b) child conceived after one of their parents has changed the Water of Life. c) a person who allows their self to become possessed by other memories.

Arrakis: third planet of the Canopus B planetary system, planet of the spice mélange and the Imperial Seat of Government.

Axolotl Tank: Tleilaxu device used for the development of Gholas (see Ghola for additional information.)

Azhar Book: Book of Secrets created by the Bene Gesserit. This book is a collection of various ancient religions, customs and rituals in which they can manipulate a populace of people.

Baliset: nine string musical instrument similar to the ancient guitar of Old Terra. It has a long neck, tuning knobs and is played by hand of with a pick.

Battle Languages: Galach based language with spellings of meanings of words changed along with pronoucian and sound. Used by Houses Majors to have clear communications during times of war.

Bled: open desert flat without dunes.

Bourka: mantle worn over a Stillsuit by the Fremen when in the open desert.

Butlerian Jihad: the battle started by Jehanne Butler in 200 B.G. (Before Guild) against the thinking machines. Caladan: third planet of the Delta Pavonis planetary system, birth planet of Muad’Dib.

Carryall: flying wing used in the spice deserts of Arrakis it is used to store and transport the spice melange.

Catchpocket: pockets located within a Stillsuit, containing filtered water from the wearers’ own body. The largest pockets are located in the thigh pads.

Cheops: similar to the ancient game of chess once played on Old Terra with the following exceptions: this game contains 9 levels of play and having your Queen reach the top and at the same time checking your opponent’s King.

Chakobsa: battle language of the Fremen; later to become the battle language of House Atreides.

C.H.O.A.M.: acronym of the Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercatiles; it is the controller of trade production and system of intergalactic banking of the Known Universe.

Doorseal: plastic hermetic seals that go over windows and doors to seal in moisture in above ground Fremen shelters.

Erg: large expansion of desert sand

Flimbook: a shigwire imprint of a training manual.

Flitplug: a nose filter worn in the open desert; it is used to recapture a body’s moisture.

Fremkit: a knapsack containing all the necessary tools for desert survival. A typical Fremkit contains the following items:

Fire Pillar
Energy Caps
Baradye Pistol
Maker Hooks

Fremkits can be found at any sietch exit in the desert.

Galach: official language of the Known Universe.

Glowglove: circular illuminating device it floats in the air with the help of suspensors and is self powered by the spice melange.

Guild: the Spacing Guild the second meta-physical training school, the Guild is responsible for all space travel in the Known Universe and for the development of the Guild Navigators.

Guild Navigator: pilot of the Guild Heighliner, Navigators live in a tank of spice gas, Navigators with the help of the spice can see clear paths through space and guide ships by “folding space” that is to move through time and space without moving.

Harvester: machine used to harvest the spice from the desert sands.

Ibad, Eyes of: first sign of spice addiction, eyes become a deep blue within blue without any white.

Jubba Cloak: worn over a Fremen Stillsuit can convert to a hammock for sleeping.

Krimskell Fiber: discovered on the plant planet of Ecaz. Krimskell is a vine that can be pulled apart and woven into a fabric. This fiber has the uniqueness in that when used to tie a person up it will bind the person tighter if they try to break free.

Literjon: one-liter container used to store water.

Maker Hooks: one meter long and made from plasteel they have hinged like top and are used to mount, capture and steer the sandworms of Arrakis.

Nezhoni Scarf: blue gauze scarf worn beneath a Stillsuit Hood, it is worn only by a bonded Fremen woman who has given birth to a son.

Pan: a depression in the sand when exposed it appears white like and is salty to the taste. It is said that a pan is an area where once a large body of water once stood.

Paracompass: instrument that determines direction by local magnetic anomaly.

Quizara Tafwid: Fremen priests.

Sandcrawler: machinery used to hunt and collect the spice melange.

Sandmaster: superintendent of spice operations. Sandsnork: breathing apparatus used to pump air into a stilltent buried in the sand.

Sinkchart: map of the surface of Arrakis.

Solari: official monetary unit of the Known Universe.

Stillsuit: body enclosing garment, skintight and made of micro fiber material. The Stillsuit encompasses all of the wearers’ moisture, filters it and returns it to the Stillsuits catchpockets for drinking.

Stilltent: small sealable enclosure of the same fabric used in Stillsuits. It reclaims a body’s moisture while at rest.

Thumper: short rod made of plasteel with a timer and spring, once planted in the sand, the timer is set, when the timer goes off the spring is released setting a thumping motion that calls a worm.

Watertube: any tube that carries reclaimed water back into the body.

Windtrap: devices used to catch moisture from the air and into a basin below.

Ya Hya Chouhada: Long Live the Fighters!!!!

Yali: personal quarters of a Fremen.

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Planetary Systems of the Known Universe

Star System: Third Planet of the Canopus System.
Capital: Arrakeen
Population: 2 Billion
Export Prouduct(s): The Spice Melange
Ruling Government: Imperial Seat of the Universe. Current Ruler Regent Alia Atreides.
Atmosphere: The planet’s composition is the following: Nitrogen (74.32%), Oxygen (23.58%), and Agron (1.01%), with trance gasses of the following Water less than (o.5%), carbon dioxide (0.035%) and ozone (0.52%).
Climate: Hot dry planet with an absolute mean temperature of 344 to 350 degrees farenheight. Fierce dust storms called Coriolis Storms occur usually in the deep desert and have winds up to 800 kilometers per hour. No rain had ever fallen on Arrakis during House Harkonnen Fiefdom of Arrakis.

History: Arrakis is the only known source of the Spice Mélange, the spice that expands being, life and makes space travel possible. It is rumored that within the Dune Sands live nomadic tribes of people known as Fremen, this rumored has yet to be proven as no accurate account of the Fremen has even been a part of the Imperial Census.

Star System: Third Planet of Delta Pavonis Star System.
Capital: Cala City
Population: 5 Million
Climate: Moderate comfortable temperature with many rain storms.
Atmosphere: Rich in Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.
Description: Caladan is a water rich planet with 3/4ths of the planet covered by Oceans and Seas. There are there continents on Caladan: The Western Continent – location of Castle Caladan, Eastern Continent, and the Southern Continent. Caladan also has several small islands. History: Caladan has been home to House Atreides for 24 Generations, Caladan is a chief exporter of Pundi Rice and fine Wines.

Star System: Fourth Planet of the Alpha Centauri B Star System.
Capital: Unknown
Planetary Ruler: House Mortani.
Description: Ecaz known, as the “Forest Planet” is the manufacturer of “fogwood” the plant that may be shaped into an image simply by the a persons thought, it is also the place of the Elacca Wood where the narcotics, the Elacca Drug used to prepare slave gladiators for combat and Semuta originate from as well. It has been said of Semuta you only need to sample this drug once to become addicted for life.

Giedi Prime:
Star System: Ophiuchi B (36) Planetary Star System.
Population: 10 Million
Capital: Harko City
Climate: Hot, Humid Dank Weather.
Description: Industrial Planet appearing to be black in color due to its oil soaked soil. One-Half of the planet is water with one large continent and several islands.
History: Ancestral home to House Harkonnen for centuries, it is home to Baroness Rose Harkonnen. Once a lovely planet Giedi Prime today is one of industrial waste land in the cities. Most of its residents live in squalor, however high in the mountains is lush foliage and a giant fortress carved out of stone, where House Harkonnen resides.

Star System: II Theta Shaowei
Population: 15 Million
Capital: Unknown
Planetary Ruler: House Hagal.
Description: Mild Planet full of mines, it is the place were most of the precious jewels of the known universe originate from, Hagal is famous for Soostones and Fire Opals (jewels that come alive with light by touch.

Star System: Unknown
Capital: None. Former Seat of the Lion Thorne.
Population: 8 Million.
Atmosphere: Mild, pleasant climate.
Description: Kaitain is a beautiful ringed planet with Auroras in the night sky do that you are never in complete darkness on Kaitain. The planet is covered in forests, vegetable and fruit groves and is the home of many different flowers and different types of insects.
History: Is has been home to House Corrino for over 80 Generations. Kaitain is a beautiful planet with beautiful things. Things that don’t change there is never any storms or bad weather on Kaitian everything is peaceful and tranquil with four moons and Auroas Kaitain is never really dark.

Star System: Ninth Planet of the Eridani A System.
Population: Unknown
Capital: Vernii
Description: Covered by 50% of water, it is mostly ice and glacial mountains. Ix is chiefly known as a technology planet, making most of the clocks, fighting meks, doors, etc for the universe. The residents of the planet live underground hiding their secrets of technology with them.
History: Very little is known of the Ixian society, known chiefly for being the planet of technology they have many secrets which are kept to themselves. They push to the line the code of the Orange Catholic Bible Commandment of “Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.” For this reason the Ixians are mainly mistrusted on one hand while on the other the universe has their hand out for their new technological inventions.

Salusa Secundas
Star System: Unknown
Population: 20 Million
Capital: Corrinth
Description: Salusa once the training plant of the feared Sardukar is slowing transforming into a lush green world once again. History: Salusa once the seat of the Imperial Throne was destroyed by an unknown house by atomic weapons. What survived of the family moved the Imperial Seat to Kaitain and Salusa was allowed to turn into a wasteland and then a prison planet. It is rumored that this is where the Emperor gets his Imperial Sardukar. Trained in a barbaric land they themselves became barbarians. .

Star System: Only planet in the Thalim Star System.
Population: Unknown
Capital: Unknown.
Description: There is very little known in ways of description of this planet as “foreigners” are not welcomed nor encouraged to visit there. They are Chiefly known for their biological technologies (Axtol Tank, Gholas, etc.)

Wallach IX
Star System: Ninth Planet of the Laoujin Star System.
Population: 10 Million
Capital: Chapterhouse – Home of the Bene Gesseirt.
Description: Damp Wet Planet with chilly air due to the small, blue white dwarf star that is its sun. It is the chief planet of the Bene Gesserit. It has many lakes, forests and mountain ranges for its training purposes of the sisterhood.
History: This planet has been a Bene Gesserit Keep since the Bulerian Jihad. This is the where all the archival records of the Sisterhood are kept.

Star System: Classified. But probably a star system consisting of several planets.
Population: Unknown
Description: Unknown. This is the sanctuary planet of the Known Universe it is where defeated house may go without fear of punishment from the planetary rulers including the Emperor himself. The location of Tuilpe is known only to the Guild.

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Weapons of the Imperium

-Archaic weapon that fires explosive shells over large distances, currently not used due to several factors. Pieces of Artillery are large and hard to transport over surfaces, also the Guild demands high payments for transporting them through space. More importantly, shields prevent damage to targets and/or personnel.

Atomics (Family):
-During the great convention, rules were made about atomics. Atomics are not to be used against human targets except if a house violates the Great Convention by using atomics, this house will suffer the combined wrath of all houses and its planet will be destroyed. Also they will not be used by the Emperor or against the Emperor for a coup. The amount of atomics owned by the Imperial Family is equal to all the family atomics of the Great Houses and so creating a certain balance between Emperor and Great Houses. The only true reason why there are still atomics is in the case of humanity coming into contact with intelligent alien life. e.g. Stoneburner -A form of precision atomics that burns a hole into a planet. Used for precision attacks but can also be used to destroy a planet, if the Stone burner is powerful enough and will blast through the surface of a planet reaching its core the planet will blow up.

Attack Thopter:
-An armed version of a normal thopter, usually next to the shielding, it is heavier armoured and carries rocket launchers.

Blade or sword:
-Common weapon in the Imperium, lengths of the weapon can vary. The effectiveness of the weapon also varies with the skill of its user. Persons trained on Ginaz as swordmasters are the most deadly wielders of this weapon.

-A hollow pipe in which a single dart can be put and fired using the mouth. The dart can poisoned with a variety of poisons to the need of the user of the weapon.

-The tooth of a sandworm used as by the Fremen as a sacred knife, its length is about 20 centimetres and the tip of the knife is hollow and poison can be put in the small hole, though the hole is very small and the poisons will only be effective once. The knife exists in 2 forms, “fixed” and “unfixed”. In its “unfixed” form the knife needs to be in close proximity of a bio-electrical field of a body or else it will disintegrate. The “fixed” knife does not have this problem and is usually kept in storage for time of needs.

Dart thrower:
-A weapon concealed in the sleeves of a garment. It uses a simple mechanism that throws a dart when the hands are flexed upwards. The darts are poisoned, usually with an acid that kills instantaneously.

Inkvine Whip:
-A whip made from a creeping plant that grows on Giedi Prime. The plant contains a light poison that leaves red to even purple scars on the person it’s used on, the scars remain there for life. This weapon is often used in the slave pits on Giedi Prime.

Gom Jabbar:
-A small poison tipped needle on usually a sort of thimble. The poison is a meta-cyanide that causes death instantaneously. This weapon is used by the Bene Gesserit for the death-alternative test of human awareness.

Hunter Seeker:
-A small ravening sliver of suspensor-buoyed metal used as a weapon of assassination. It is guided by a person with a control console nearby. The Hunter Seeker is effective in stealthy assassination attempts but has drawbacks, it penetrates shields slowly giving the victim time to grab and neutralise the Hunter Seeker by crushing it or putting it into water also the controller of the Hunter Seeker can only see movement, if the target is standing still, the Hunter Seeker is unable to see him/her.

-A 20 centimetre long, slightly curved, double-bladed knife or short sword.

-A continuous-wave laser projector. Powerful weapons able to cut through nearly anything give it time. Though it is not widely used due to the use of shields. A lasgun fired on a shield will trigger a subatomic fusion and creating a nuclear explosion destroying the shield with the bearer and the person who fired the lasgun. This could also make it ideal as a suicide weapon, though not practiced because the difference between atomics and the lasgun/shield effect is not clear thus making retaliation by the combined atomics of all the Great Houses a possibility.

Maula pistol:
-A spring-loaded gun for firing darts which can be poisoned to the user’s needs. Its range is about forty metres.

-Countless varieties of poisons are used in the Imperium, poisons range from slow working and painful ones, to ones that cause death within seconds. Aumas: -Popular word for poison in food, food in the meaning of solid food. Chaumurky -Popular word for poison in a drink or liquid. Residual Poison -Invented by mentat Piter de Vries, this poison is administered to a victim and as long as the victim is administered an antidote the poison will not be activated. If the administration stops the victim will die within a few days.

Rocket Launcher:
-A tube that launches a rocket-propelled explosive projectile. Effective on unshielded targets.

-A thin metallic extrusion of a plant grown on Salusa Secundus and III Delta Kaising. It is noted for its extreme tensile strength. The wire is also razor sharp and will cut the throat of a victim rather than that it would choke him.

Slip Tip:
-Any thin and short bladed knife used in the left hand in shield fighting. Usually the tip is poisoned.

-A slow pellet projectile firing gun that is used to fire a poisoned dart. Its effectiveness is limited to the intensity of the shield and the relative motion between target and projectile.

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Suk School of Medecine

The Suk School of Medicine was founded over 2400 years after the Butlerian Jihad. The school was founded on Kaitain. It was started to train a person to care for members of the Imperial Family and Major Houses of the Imperium. These doctors were entrusted with not only caring for its patients but with their patient’s lives. Before the development of the Suk School, assassination was simple enough for a “doctor” to mistreat a patient that resulted in their death. The founding members of the Suk School were practitioners of Tsai medicine whose method of treatment consisted of herbal medicine, in addition to this the concept of Imperial conditioning was developed.

Imperial Conditioning:
A Physician who underwent Imperial Conditioning was to have passed the highest of test, which rendered him incapable of taking a human life. This conditioning began before a person was of two years of age. The training itself was of intensive mental and physical conditioning, many failed these tests thus becoming second-level conditioning which meant that they were incapable of taking the lives of those who employed them. Those who passed Imperial Conditioning were fit to care for the Royal Family. Upon graduation received a diamond shaped tattoo in the middle of their forehead.

For hundreds of years Suk doctors of Imperial Conditioning have been in high demand and quite expensive. House Majors were able to afford there own, while allied Minor Houses frequently would pool their resources together and share the services of one Suk doctor amongst them. Despite the expense the need for Suk doctors continued to thrive throughout the Imperium.

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The Tleilaxu

Tleilax is the biological center of the Imperium. The Tleilaxu are responsible for the replication of body organs and the fabrication of medicines, gholas and face dancers. Although the Tleilaxu are looked at with repulsion, however their biological contributions to the Imperium supercede this repulsion though they are however still viewed with a large amount of distrust. When dealing with the Tleilaxu the old Terran quote comes to mind… “Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.”

Face Dancers:
Sexless human creatures that have the ability to take on the shape, form and persona of another human being. After a few hours of observation of their chosen subject; a face dancer can fool even the closes friends. Their distinct pheromones can be detected by those trained in the Bene Gesserit Way.

Different from a face dancer as it is a exact copy of human by using cells of a deceased person. The cells from this individual are grown back into a body in an Axolotl Tank. They are then “reborn” in that person once again. Duncan Idaho, the most famous of the gholas, was the first ghola to regain its “original memories”, before Duncan the Tleilaxu had only been able to recreate the body but not the mind of the former self.

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The Guild

The Spacing Guild has its beginnings in the days of the Butlerian Jihad on the planet Tupile. Led by Ixian refuges ( the planet was then known as Komos, Aurelious Vernport and Norma Cevna, who founded The Society of Mystic Mariners that later became known as The Spacing Guild. The Spacing Guild following the mysterious disappearance of Aurelius Verport after the death of Norma Cevena was headed by Tupilian Frelo Mason (105 B.G. – 29 B.G.), beginning in the year 79 B.G. Mason then turned it into a predominately Tuilpian organization with the exile Ixains serving in the technical aspects of ship building. Mason also is responsible for the development of The Guild’s primary goal: To first develop a way to move safely and swiftly through space without the use of Artificial Intelligence and to then create a controlling monopoly on interstellar space travel once the first part of their goal was accomplished. The organization even then was secretive and selective in whom they accepted into their ranks. Cloaked in the secrecy that was held within their use of spice. One of the few things that could be taught to children within the Known Universe about The Spacing Guild was the following Kaitainan Proverb:
Gwipoot gwinau, Gwinau gwispiitim; Gwipoot gwigilitim, gwinau gwispiizim. (without Guild No spice; without spice No Guild

Discovery of the Spice Melange: Space Travel.
How The Spacing Guild first discovered the use of melange in conjunction with space travel still remains a mystery on one of The Spacing Guild’s most closely guarded secrets to this day. Some rumors claim that melange was the gift of aliens desiring the reunion of humanity. There is some validity in this statement for the simple fact of two things we today know:
1. Arrakis, forever known as Dune was once a planet of great amounts of water and other plant life.
2. The worm was introduced from off planet by whom or who is still not yet known as this time.
However, the reasons that refute this theory outnumber it enormously the primary reason being would be that once again accepted help from an intelligent form of life that has been proved to be non-human . Which goes against the very strictures set up by The Great Convention. The other two theories cannot be totally discarded but cannot be entirely accepted either as they too deal with the acceptance of issues that makes no sense for the period of the Bulterian Jihad to have validity. The first theory is that the discovery of the uses of the spice melange was an independent discovery of The Spacing Guild. When the first Ixians arrived on Tupile in 110 B.G. they knew nothing of the navigational benefits of the spice melange; yet by 84 B.G. they understood its navigational benefits with Norma Cevna making her first spice-trance guided journey through space. By the year 10 B.G. it had be tested extensively and its use in hyperspace travel was routine. Now to believe this the find had to of come between the years 110 B.G. and 84 B.G. during the years when Venport and Cevna were being pursued and seeking sanctuary from members of the Butlerian Jihad; and that Venport and his crew touched down at sometime during their flight on Arrakis. Today it is known that Arrakis is the sole source of the spice; however, in Venport’s time it was not known the benefits of the spice melange. If Venport and his crew did indeed land on Arrakis and found it to be uninhabitable, why would then take some of the spice along with them? The other theory is that use of the spice melange was discovered after Venport and his crew arrived on Tupile, this however, begs the question of “Where did the spice come from?” It seems beyond reason that in their quest to conquer space travel they would send out scouts on what would of then been a years long mission into space to find perhaps a natural source of the spice somewhere in the Known Universe. The second theory lies with the Bene Gesserit and their discovery of the uses of the spice. To accept this we would then have to accept that the Bene Gesserit knew the secret of the spice a century before the rest of the Known Universe!

Hierarchy with in the Guild
The members of The Spacing Guild are know as the ”Corpus Luminis Praennintianis” which translates into ’The Foreseeing Eye” it is a name that suits them well for they can see paths through space. Their motto is “Quilbet, Qulibet, Quandolibet” which means “Anything, Anytime, Anyplace”. The Guild produces Navigators and Steersmen whose prescience enables them to guide ships through space without the aid of computers. Under this hierarchy were the members of an ancillary personnel that included the following departments and sub-departments:
Security: Covert Ops, Police, Psych and Purchasing.
Operations: Travel and Tourism, Shipping, Exploration and Research.
and smaller separate departments in Payroll and Legal.

Although Muad’Dib did weaken the hold The Spacing Guild holds over the Known Universe by showing that “He who can destroy a thing truly owns that thing”. He did not annihilate The Spacing Guild all together. The Spacing Guild still is the only source of space travel in the Known Universe and the Atreides control the spice the reason that space travel can exist. So the question lies in where does the monopoly truly lie… the spice or the Guild? History has already answered this question…

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The Bene Gesserit: A Short History
History: The history of the Bene Gesserit spans millennia, beginning on ancient Terra as a training school in mind and body for females. They are projected as a religious order, however this is only a front for their true purposes of politics.

The Bene Gesserit training program is one of intense control over one’s mind and body. Their idiom of “My mind controls my reality” is taught from infancy. The initial training program is one of progression over a 10 year period usually beginning in, if possible, the first year of a female child’s life. During this ten-year period they are also observed for what their future duties may be, to procede on the path of a Reverend Mother or to be a Lay Sister of the Bene Gesserit. Their training consists of Mental, Physical, and Psychological control, with an intensive education in the arts as well.

Muscle Control: One of the first things that a Bene Gesserit Acolyte learns is the pranda-bindu technique of muscle control. A Bene Gesserit Acolyte will stand/sit rock-still for hours, while only moving one muscle at a time she does this until she is capable of controlling any muscle in her entire body at will. This muscle control is later used when learning of “The Weirding Way” and defensive fighting.

Physical: At the same time of learning the prand-bindu muscle control, an acolyte is also trained in control of one’s physical body: she learns to control her metabolism, her heartbeat (lowering and raising it), her body temperature (lowering and raising it), relaxation breathing exercises to expand the mind and the most famous, the slowing of your physical age.

using vocal sounds, tones and volume to control others at their will, the practice of the Bene Gesserit minute of observation, the practice of the Litany against Fear – the true practice of the litany can take up to ten years to develop… once fully learned the practice of it allows a Bene Gesserit to see a matter clearly without the cloud of fear to distort their judgment in times of peril.

An extensive education encompassing the histories, religions, languages, politics, economics, agriculture, espionage, etc.

Bene Gesserit Titles/Rank:
Faecatrix: in charge of the Breeding Index.
Mater Cojia Vega: in charge of the Truthsayers.
Mater Ambakhtar: in charge of the Ambassadorial Services and the embassies.
Mater Pecuniam Collocare: in charge of Bene Gesserit investments and chief negotiator with C.H.O.A.M.
Mater Praefacta Aerariae: in charge of Finances.
Procuratrix: in charge of concubineage and arranged marriages.
Specilatrix: in charge of espionage.

Acolyte: Bene Gesserit Sister not yet undergone the test of humanity.
Lay Sister: A sister who has undergone the test of humanity but is not chosen to be trained as a Reverend Mother but to serve the Bene Gesserit in other functions.
Reverend Mother: A Bene Gesserit Sister who has altered the poison of the water of life.
Truthsayer: A Reverend Mother who also has the gift of being able to tell if a person is telling the truth, usually through the assistance of the Truthsayer Drug.
Proctor: Reverend Mother and teacher at one of the Bene Gesserit Schools.
Proctor General: Reverend Mother and headmistress of the Bene Gesserit Schools.
Proctor Superior: Also known as Mother Superior, in charge of all the Bene Gesserit Sisters and Reverend Mothers.
Hidden Rank: Reverend Mother whose status is secret, used for a highly sensitive position within Houses Major or Minor.

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A Secret Report on the Spice Melange
The Spice, simply explained, is the biological waste product of the sandworms of Arrakis. Although partial coding of the chemical composition of the spice melange has been completed, much of the composition of the spice remains unknown and spice remains unduplicatable. The spice as we all know can only be found on one place...the planet known as Arrakis also known as Dune. When taken in small quantities, the spice extends life and protects against various diseases. When taken in large quantities it causes addiction, mutation and death if withdrawn.

Use of the Spice among the Imperium:
Royal Houses: The Royal Families of the Imperium use the spice on a daily basis. Either ingested in food or drink. The royal retainers, household staff also have access to regular usage of the spice as well.
Bene Gesserit: The spice is used in abundance among the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. The sister's use the spice to expand their thinking abilities and also use it for their ceremonies for their Reverend Mothers (note: see Water of Life).
The Guild: The Guild uses the large quantities of the spice for space travel, so they can find safe paths through space and time, without the spice The Guild would be blind.
The Fremen: The Fremen use the spice in everything, it is in the air they breathe, the food they cook and the coffee they brew. Also the spice has made the Fremen immune to most poisons. The Fremen are known for their blue-in-blue eyes, the sign of total saturation of the organs by the spice melange.

Other Uses of the Spice:
Food:The spice can be used in any type of food for seasoning and flavoring.
Drink: The spice can be used in Coffee , Tea and is also used to make Spice Beers and Wine.
Explosives: Used by the Fremen.
Water of Life:The death bile of a stunted sandworm. The Water of Life is dark blue in colour and poisonous to all except a Reverend Mother. Only once a Reverend Mother changes the Water of Life may it be used in Fremen ceremonies.

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The Sardaukar-A History
Salusa as the Imperial Seat of Government: After the Battle of Corrin in 88 B.G. the Sardaukar leader founded House Corrino in the battle's honor, settling the ascendancy of the ruling house for 10,000 years. Salusa was a planet of beauty for over 300 years until House Corrino was attacked by another Houses Major with atomics, this House was subquently hunted down and destroyed, all traces of this house were wiped from the Imperial Records and until this day the name of the house remains unnamed. After this the climate of Salusa changed becoming harsh and unhabitable for the Royal Family to live there, and House Corrino moved the Imperial Seat to Kaitain leaving behind most of Salusa’s citizens behind.

Enviorment: After Attack
The planet’s climate was one of extremes, often having severe drought and then torrential rains over a short period. Likewise, the intense heat and intense cold would change rapidly. It became necessary for the surviors to breed rapidly as the mortality rate on Salusa was 60%, to overcome the environment, and so over the generations the people of the planet began to found their own form of clan organization, as was the model of government at that time throughout the universe, and mysterious warrior religion producing a rugged and fearless population who knew how to survive in the most extreme conditions, and eventually they became powerful enough to have their own army of these soldiers, calling themselves Sardaukar. It also became the Imperial Prison Planet as well the Imperial House sending to Salusa the most hardened of criminals.

Salusa: as a Prison Planet
The Imperial Prison Planet of the Corrino’s was shrouded in mystery for many years; inquiries into the Emperor’s forms of oppression on this planet were greatly “discouraged”. The Sardaukar, in a sense, became the ultimate enforcer of the Padishah Emperor’s will across the universe, whipping the unruly leaders of a Great House into line. The work of the Imperial Legions grew drastically over the years, and it soon became apparent to the Corrinos they would have to recruit larger numbers of these warriors in order to maintain stability within the Imperium. To accomplish this, the Corrinos required levies of all the Great Houses of the Landsraad, a levy of convicts. These convicts were sent to Salusa Secundus to be hardened by the ferocious conditions of the planet, and so the Corrino's instituted their training program to create the dreaded Sardaukar legions that would strike fear into the hearts of any opposition. Small forces of the convicts turned Sardaukar would then be taken out of their harsh environment and given all of the benefits and freedom of a ruler of a Great House, so long as they maintained their fighting prowess. Downfall During the reign of Shaddam Corrino IV the power of these legions had been sapped greatly through overconfidence and cynicism about their warrior religion. The Great Revolt on Arrakis lead by Paul Muad’Dib (10,191-10,193) in which 5 legions of Sardaukar (150,000 men) participated against the Fremen overturned the Corrino Dynasty which had ruled the known universe for 10,000 years. The former Imperial House became embittered over the failure of their legions and vowed revenge on the Atreides who toppled them. The Sardaukar forces of Wensicia, daughter of Shaddam IV, and Prince Farad’n Corrino, grandson of Shaddam IV, were retrained to within a hair as good as their former glory in the days of the Old Empire, a near equal to the forces of the Fremen on Arrakis. After the failure of a desperate gambit to seize the throne from the Atreides the Sardaukar legions were disbanded and merged with the Fremen forces of the God Emperor Leto II. House Corrino continued to exist well into the God Emperor’s reign although never achieving the power and prestige it once had.

The weapons of the Sardaukar terror troops were as deadly as their martial abilities. Often, these soldiers would conceal threads of shigawire in their hair to strangle an unsuspecting enemy. Lasguns were employed greatly during the time of the Arrakis Revolt as well as suspensor borne infantry, but it was their mastery of the art of single hand to hand combat that the Sardaukar were feared. The Sardaukar were said to match the martial abilites of a 10th level Ginaz warrior, a match for any ten ordinary Landsraad combatants. Their abilities at in-fighting matched those of a Bene Gesserit adept. In the day of shielded combat the Sardaukar often employed longswords and kindjal blades for person to person fighting. The combination of all their abilities struck the deepest fear into the heart of opposition. It was not until the Great Revolt on Arrakis that a superior fighting force of Fremen were able to overcome the Emperor’s legions.

Burseg Caid
After the destruction of the Imperial Corrino Dynasty the old ranking system was replaced with this:

The rank of Burseg was that of a commanding general, oftentimes involving the governorship of a whole planetary force. A Caid would be in charge of a planetary district of this force, above the rank of Bashar but not equal to a Burseg. After the defeat of the Corrino Dynasty these two ranks became useless and were abolished. During and after the reign of God Emperor Leto II the rank of Bashar was in frequent use, although not among Sardaukar. The rigid chain of command of the Sardaukar ensured only the most expert of these soldiers could achieve high rank, although this principal became lax during the reign of Shaddam IV.

The uniforms of the Sardaukar vary from the ornate Imperial garb to the rather simplistic combat uniform of a private. The Emperor Shaddam IV often wore his gray Sardaukar uniform adorned with gold epaulets with an ebon helmet, a symbol of the rank of Burseg. A Bashar’s aide (levenbrech) wore the traditional bronze and gold, while a Captain or private would wear the plain field gray and black. For formal occasions, under the command of Farad’n Corrino, a Sardaukar Bashar would often wear a tan uniform with an ornate lasgun and holster on the front belt. With the invention of the defensive shield, body armor became useless and so most soldiers preferred the freedom of mobility to protection from slow moving blade attacks.

The Sardaukar soldier-fanatics of the Corrino emperors commanded the respect of the Universe with their fighting prowess, and with good reason. These soldiers with a near suicidal disregard for their own personal safety forged an empire that lasted 10,000 years. Their rise to power was parallel that of their successors, the Fremen. Both of these superb fighting men were forged from revolution with a religious zeal unequaled at that time. It is this warrior religion that has been apparent in many civilizations, but only a few have risen to command such a sway over the affairs of the Universe.

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Located here are the Original Great Houses Majors and Minors of the Known Universe.
22/4/05 10:25 am
Dune: Discussion Arena
  Dune Novels: Discussions
Discuss here the novels that started it all, Frank Herbert's legacy of Dune, as well as the prequels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson
6110/16/04 9:54 pm
  Dune: Movies
Discuss the movie adaptations of Dune, whether they are the 1984 version or the miniseries that followed. Liked them? Hated them? Here is where your opinion goes.
7210/20/04 5:30 pm
  Fan Fiction
Here lies the creative writing area of Dune Odyssey. All stories regarding ANY period of Dune may go into this forum.
010/18/04 7:57 am
  Dune: Video Games
Dune, Dune 2, Dune 2000, Emperor: Battle for Dune, or Frank Herbert's Dune. Video Games questions may be posted here.
126/26/04 11:04 am
Discussion Areas
  General Discussion
Discuss anything and everything in this forum.~Also, if you are looking for a storyline/RP partner, *this* is the place to ask!~
442/4/05 10:09 am
The Gallery, for all you people to put pictures of yourself.
112/4/05 10:31 am
Place here any fun word games, polls and other fun stuff you have here!
1132/4/05 9:54 am
  Political Arena
This is the Political Arena of Dune Odyssey. It is the only place where topics of World Events may be discussed. Beware this not a forum for the thin-skinned nor is it an all out rant fest either. Respect yourself and each other in this forum.
01/31/05 7:47 am
Test your Avatar and Signature here.
542/4/05 10:53 am
If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time please lets us know in this thread.
011/24/04 11:26 am
  Arrakis, Dune, Desert Planet
Arrakis - a harsh, dry planet, one of the remotest and yet most famous places in the Known Universe: for it is here and only here that Spice is produced. Any posts that do not fit into the other Arrakis boards go here.
010/6/04 11:35 pm
The overlords capital on Arrakis. Ever since having been given the planet as a fief, House Harkonnen has made its residence here.
01/31/05 6:31 am
A small, unfrequented city, which is hardly visited by anyone else than smugglers and the enigmatic desert Fremen.
011/12/04 7:56 pm
  Deep Desert
South Desert and Polar Regions. These areas are considered off-limits to most, due to the incredibly harsh dryness and colossal storms that ravage the desert. However, there are rumours that people live here: the wild Fremen of Arrakis.
5810/27/04 4:38 pm
  Sietch Rajji
Located in the arrid areas of the deep desert is the Fremen sietch Rajji, home to sisters Farah and Lichna ak-Adar.
01/31/05 6:32 am
  Sietch Tabr
One of the most proeminent Fremen sietches yet of course, completley unknown to the Harkonnen overlords.
09/19/04 5:01 pm
Sectors of the Known Universe
This wonderous jewel among the planets of the Known Universe is the official residence of House Corrino and the Emperor, far from the grim, dry deserts of Dune.
52/3/05 5:18 pm
  Giedi Prime
A dark, oil-soaked industrial planet, Giedi has been the ancestral home of House Harkonnen for millennia.
32/3/05 11:50 am
A planet of oceans, lakes and beautiful landscapes, Caladan is the official residence of House Atreides. Its economy is based on fishing, wine and pundi rice export.
32/3/05 11:35 am
  Salusa Secundus
Once a planet whose beauty rivaled that of Kaitain, Salusa Secundus is now but a scorched rock, a grim reminder of a nuclear holocaust. Due to its harshness, the training grounds of the Emperor's elite forces, the feared Sardaukar, are now located here.
011/10/04 4:24 pm
  Alpha Patheron
Alpha Patheron a planet of lush forests, oceans and gardens. It is also the home planet of House Bellarusso.
010/26/04 5:54 pm
  Wallach IX: Chapterhouse
Lighted by a Blue-Dwarf sun. Wallach IX is beautiful and cold at the same time, many days of harsh Bene Gesserit Training have gone on here. This is the training school and main base of operations for the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood.
09/3/04 8:43 pm
A secluded, secretive planet, that is rumoured to exist on the verge of the restrictions imposted by the Great Revolt. The Ixians, as is their work, are very secretive, but the entire Imperium ripes the fruits of their technological efforts.
01/31/05 6:33 am
  The Ginaz Sector
A planet formed of archipelagos and having a tropical climate, Ginaz is host to the famous Swordsmaster school.
12/3/05 7:09 pm
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