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Briefing on the Yangtze River

We Chinese call the Yangtze River, Chang-jiang, which means "Long River", or just "Jiang" -- river.  (We called another main river, Yellow River,  "He", sounding like "her")

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The age-long snow mountain - the source of the great Yangtze River

The longest river in China and the third longest river in the world, the 6,300 kilometer Yangtze River starts at the southern foothills of the snow-covered Geladandong Peak of the Tanggula Mountains in southwestern Qinghai Province. It flows past 2 autonomous regions and 6 provinces including Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, and Shanghai City, where it runs into the East China Sea.

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Mt. Geladandong

wpe83.jpg (16101 bytes) Tiger Leap Gorge in the upper reaches (not within Three Gorges)


The watershed area of the Yangtze River is about 700,000 square miles, approximately 20% of China's total land area, and 25% of its total farming land area. Almost all of the boating traffic in China is on the Yangtze River.


wpeE.jpg (23531 bytes)The flower-strewn grassland on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River

The Nile and Amazon Rivers are larger than the Yangtze, but the Yangtze is special because so many people living on it.

wpe69.jpg (25663 bytes)The Tibetan people living on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River

Inhabited by more than 300 million people and boasting more than 2, 700 hectares of cultivated land, the Yangtze River reaches are rich in such agricultural productions as rice, cotton, edible oil, silk, linen, tea and tobacco, of which the rice production makes up 70 percent and the cotton about one-third of the country¨s total respectively.

wpe9F.jpg (21213 bytes) The 10,000-mile Yangtze River is also the cradle of the Chinese nation

The Yangtze River reaches were one of the cradles of the Chinese civilization. Places along both sides of the river are homes to hundreds and thousands of relics and ancient architectures such as mansions, terraces and platforms, pavilions, towers, temples, gardens, stone carvings and forests of steles, which all serve as proofs of the intelligence and wisdom of the ancient Chinese people. Dangerous floods kill people and livestock living near the river.

wpe4.jpg (13500 bytes) Bird's View of the Yangtze Gorges


Relating topics:

Message from the Chairman of the National Tourism Administration of China

Briefing on the Yangtze River

Briefing on the Yangtze Three Gorges

The Mosts and Leasts in the Yangtze Three Gorges

Briefing on the Yangtze River Cruise

Qutang Gorge

Wu Gorge

Xiling Gorge

How Did the Three Gorges Come into Existence

Distance between the Cities along the Yangtze River from Chongqing to Wuhan

Distance between Chongqing and Shanghai

Map of China with Yangtze River

Map of Yangtze River Three Gorges and Extended Area

Siren Signals - the Language of Ships on the Yangtze

Navigation Lights and Signal Stations along the Three Gorges


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